Tuesday, December 24, 2019
SOLUTION MHR Brewster Seaview Case Study Essay - 2017 Words
The Brewster-Seaview Landscaping Co. Part 1 During the summer of my freshman year in college, I worked for a small private landscaping company planting shrubs, seeding new lawns, cutting grass, and tending flower gardens. The company was located in my hometown of Seaview, N.J., which is a rural community on the coast about 80 miles from Philadelphia. The company was owned and run by Joe Brewster, a 45-year-old man who had lived in Seaview all his life. He had started the company some years ago and not only handled the paperwork (payroll, bills, estimates, and so on), but also worked along with the crew six days a week. The crew consisted of five guys ranging in age from 17 to 20 years. We all lived in towns around Seaview and had gone†¦show more content†¦We were always willing to work overtime for Joe when he needed us to do so. Part II I returned the following summer to work for Joe because of the strong satisfaction I had with the job the summer before. So did the others. However, we were in for a surprise. Many things had changed. Joe had increased the number of workers to 10, bought another truck, and hired two young college graduates from Philadelphia as crew supervisors. His plan was to concentrate on the paperwork and on lining up new customers, leaving the direct guidance of the two work crews to the new supervisors. Joe had hired the two supervisors during the early spring after interviewing a number of applicants. Both were young (23 and 24), from the city, and had degrees in agricultural management from Penn State, but had not known each other previously. We â€Å"old timers†were assigned to one crew and five new workers were hired for the other crew. Because the job market was tighter this year, we were hired at the same base pay as the five new workers, but we were told that we would still be able to make bonus money based on referrals but the new people didn’t have this option. These new workers had little experience in landscaping. Except for the working hours, which were the same as during the previous summer, the two supervisors were told that they could run their crew in any manner they wished as
Monday, December 16, 2019
Public Health Core Functions Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays
In 1988, the Institute of Medicine made a study ( IOM, 1988 ) on â€Å" The Future of Public Health †which fundamentally changed the manner public wellness was planned in the USA. The commission that was set up recommended in that study that wellness bureaus for the province degrees should escalate their managerial capablenesss in three indispensable functional countries which are assessment, policy development and confidence. The rise in attending to managerial competency has gone with the rise in involvement in tracking, quantifying and bettering the appraisal of wellness impact of authorities bureaus in the USA, ( Wang, 2002 ) in other states that are developed ( Kemm, 2000 ) and all over the universe ( Sim, and Mackie, 2003 ) . We will write a custom essay sample on Public Health Core Functions Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now In the United States of America, the attempt got to a serious degree when the â€Å" Healthy people 2000 †was published and is turning continuously. Considerable advancement has been achieved in associating specific ends for the betterment of the wellness of the population like the rate of testing malignant neoplastic disease and immunisation to specific managerial activities like the development of human resources through plans like the Turning Point Performance Management Collaborative ( Public Health Foundation, 2002 ) . On the other manus, these plans do n’t cover with some holistic inquiries on public wellness ( Kemm, 2000 ) like is it obligatory to be competent in all three maps, or is being adept in one or two adequate to achieve betterment in wellness position that is above-average? The Institute of Medicine conducts two national plans for kids. This is geared towards the betterment of the edifice blocks of the kids. The plans are School Breakfast Program ( SBP ) and the National School Lunch Program ( NSLP ) . These plans play of import parts in helping the wellness and nutrition of school pupils in the United States by offering low-cost or free tiffins that are balanced nutritionally each school twenty-four hours. In 2008, the School Breakfast Program ( SBP ) gave breakfast to 10.5 million kids while over 30.5 million kids received tiffin from the National School Lunch Program ( NSLP ) . At present, to acquire compensation from federal, school repasts must run into the 1995 established ordinances for criterions of nutrition and demands for repast. In the old ages, developments have been made in dietetic counsel since those guidelines were set up. The manner in which demands for repast are monitored and implemented will determine whether pupils take portion in SBP and NSLP and eat the nutrient that is given to them. Critical schemes of execution to advance alteration and increase the engagement of pupil in the plan include affecting the school as an entity, affecting parents, pupils, and the populace ; educating the pupils on nutrition ; and supplying practical aid. The engagement of industry will be relevant to the procedure of execution which includes presenting attractive nutrients that are low in concentrated fat and Na and those that have a higher ratio of whole grain to refined grain. Additionally, current methods for monitoring will steer the attempts of execution. The support recommended from the services of nutrient and nutrition include ; Practical support for continuously developing and bettering bill of fares, puting orders for suited nutrients and commanding the cost of these nutrients while continuing their quality. New methods for oversing the quality of repasts in the school that lay accent on meeting of import ordinances for diet. Activities of public wellness have well improved the quality and length of life all over the universe ( Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, 1999 ) . In certain, the reduced incidence and happening of infective disease has been a major accomplishment of public wellness. On the other manus, the advancement of the hereafter will be more debatable to accomplish and measuring the public bureaus ‘ wellness impact will be more hard. As stated by Jocelyn Elders, the former sawbones General of the United States, ‘public wellness is ill understood-perhaps because when it is effectual, nil happens ‘ ( Elders, 1995 ) . As there are a fluctuation in the intercessions and wellness impacts, the ability to place the activities of a wellness bureau that is straight lending its quota to the advancement is difficult to determine and is ever dependent on argument ( Coyne and Hilsenrath, 2002 ) . A set of three of import maps as stated above has been developed by the Federal Gove rnment ‘s Institute of Medicine in the USA. Not many surveies have made effort to mensurate the status of public wellness pattern in the USA as it is linked to the recommendation of the Institute of Medicine ( IOM, 1988 ) sing all three of import maps. Out of eight surveies that were ab initio conducted, four laid accent on section of local wellness ( Handler and Turnock, 1996 ; Scutchfield et al. , 1997 ) and the other four took an attack on province degree ( Halverson et al. , 1996 ) . Scott et al. , 1990 were the first squad to transport out a complete nose count based on the of import maps of public wellness indicated by the Institute of Medicine. Seven old ages subsequently, Scutchfield et al. , ( 1997 ) repeated the study done by Scott et al. , ( 1990 ) and found that the figure of bureaus involved in confidence and appraisal activities was in general, unchanged. On the other manus, the per centum of wellness bureaus in the province degree that are enthusiastically involved in policy development dropped from 72 % to 49 % within the same period. For policy development as it relates to particular issues, such as genetic sciences and the bar of disease ( Piper et al. , 2001 ) , states displayed even reduced degrees of activity. This means that in merely about half of the provinces, the maps of a formal policy development were absent even on the footing of self-report. In the research on direction, approaches bases on constellation are used to look at the relationship between public presentation, construction of the organisation and determination devising, and the strategic planning capablenesss of organisations. Additionally, a positive connexion between fiscal public presentation and systems constellation of strategic planning has been confirmed to be objectively ( Veliyath and Shortell, 1993 ) . On the other manus, no researches to day of the month hold made effort to separate constellations on non-monetary steps of success such as the results of health care. The highly indispensable characteristic of any constellation is specifying the planned intent of the organisations that are analyzed. From the position of public wellness, it is indispensable to measure the effects of the of import maps on the steps of population wellness position. Consequently, analytically associating the planning theoretical accounts of bureau to the appraisal of public wellness impact is a natural add-on of the methodological analysis of constellation. The section of wellness and human services in the US has recognized 10 taking wellness arrows and suggested that they should be used as steps of result because they â€Å" assist everyone understand the importance of wellness publicity and disease preventionaˆÂ ¦ developing schemes and action programs to turn to one or more of these indexs can hold a profound consequence on increasing the quality of life and extinguishing wellness disparities †( US Department of Health and Human Services, 2000 ) . The chief wellness indexs are Physical activity Fleshiness Use of baccy Maltreatment of substance Sexual behaviour Mental wellness Violence and hurt Quality of the environment Immunization and Access to wellness attention Other research workers and organisations ( Sutocky et al. , 2000 ) have set up a directory of the wellness position of community utilizing similar steps for illustration, since 1989, the group called the UnitedHealth has formed annually studies that ranks the general province of wellness in all 50 provinces. The study gives a elaborate position of the wellness tendencies of the population across the US. The Markss are made to draw attending to critical steps that affects the wellness of the populace. Additionally, set uping the points into a individual variable permits an all inclusive comparing of general wellness advancement with the of import maps. Consequently, nailing relationships between the constellation of of import maps and the betterment of the wellness of the population is a relevant add-on to both research in public wellness and direction. Background In recent old ages the usage of Health Impact Assessment has been on the rise in the USA, energized by an increasing consciousness among professionals of transit, public wellness and planning that transit planning and land usage can hold a considerable impact on the wellness of the populace. Health Impact Assessment is an instrument to assist determination shapers and other contrivers better place the wellness result of the determinations they make. Health Impact Assessment is described as â€Å" a combination of processs, methods, and tools by which a policy, plan, or undertaking may be judged as to its possible effects on the wellness of a population, and the distribution of those effects within the population †( European Centre for Health Policy, 1999 ) . HIA have been loosely used in Europe and other topographic points ( Kemm, 2004 ) , and processs are the same in the United States and Europe. Furthermore, local illustrations are needed to increase the suitableness of pol itical relations, to increase consciousness of their usage round the state, to function as illustrations for farther Health Impact Assessment, to be used as theoretical accounts in United States based preparation class for Health Impact Assessment and to maintain record that Health Impact Assessment applies in the scenes of the U.S. Lesser resources may be needed to form new HIAs if research workers can draw the reappraisals of literature and methods from related Health Impact Assessments officially done in the United States, taking note of the fluctuations in domestic environment and specifications of undertaking and policy. For case, the analysis of wellness impact based on U.S. of extra income from a life salary order ( Bhatia and Katz, 2001 ; Cole et al. , 2005 ) may be of import as portion of the consequence of wellness analysis that is attributed to employment created by a new concern development in the United States ‘ informations on web between income and wellness from Europe will be non so applicable for such an analysis because of colliding economic, societal and political conditions. An adept squad in 2004 critically looked into the possibility for increased usage of HIAs in the United States and made suggestions on the following stairss that could better the usage of HIAs ( Dannenberg, 2006 ) . These stairss includes transporting out experimental HIA undertakings, making a database of Health Impact Assessment completed, griping up the capacity to develop people to transport out HIAs, developing motive to increase the demands for Health Impact Assessments by those who make determinations and developing practical methods for anticipations ( Dannenberg, 2006 ) How to cite Public Health Core Functions Health And Social Care Essay, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Marketing Management Only Selling Products
Question: Discuss about the Marketing Management for Only Selling Products. Answer: Introduction Most of the people consider marketing as the process of selling products or services. But in actual marketing is much more than only selling products. According to Kotler et al. (2015), marketing is the process of delivering the correct product to the right people at a correct price at a correct place. And Marketing Management refers to the process of developing and execution of the marketing strategies. Marketing strategies include the strategies regarding the product, price, place and promotion. To launch a new product in the market, the marketing managers need to develop proper marketing strategies which include the above four factors. La Trobe University is one of the largest universities in Australia. This is a multi-camp public research university. La Trobe was situated in the year of 1964. The original Campus of this university is situated in Melbourne. This university offers a various range of courses like arts communication, business commerce, teaching, health, IT engineering, law and science in graduate post-graduate level. La Trobe was ranked under fifty in the best hundred universities in the world. The main courses that La Trobe offers are in the area of arts and humanity (www.latrobe.edu.au 2016). This report is about the marketing management of La Trobe University. La Trobe is going to launch a new Master of Management online course. An effective marketing strategy is needed to be suggested for this purpose. This study has been done in different parts. A situational analysis has been done on the internal environment and the customers. After that, a SWOT Analysis and Porter's 5 Forces analysis have been done. Then the marketing strategies about the potential target market and the marketing mix have been suggested. At last, a conclusion has been drawn based on the whole study. Situation Analysis Internal Market Analysis La Trobe University is going to launch its new product i.e. online Master in Management course. It is quite clear that La Trobe University operates in the education sector of Australia. Their newly launched product is for those people who want to pursue their career in the area of management. As this is an online course, working people can also pursue this course while doing their jobs (www.latrobe.edu.au 2016). The educational sector in Australia has been growing at a very fast pace. About 60 years ago, the arrival of international students in Australia was 570, but today the number has become around 5,100. Right now, Australia is providing a huge number of scholarships to the students and as a result people from all over the world are coming to Australia for higher education. Most of them are from Asian countries (internationaleducation.gov.au. 2016). There are some macroeconomic forces which have a great impact on the education sector of Australia. People from all over the world come to Australia, so there is a linguistic problem exists. As it the product is an online course, there is a huge impact of technology on the internal environment of the industry. Customer Analysis: The potential customers of La Trobes Online Master of Management course are the management students and the people who are working but want to pursue study in the area of management. The course is built to cater to the needs of students irrespective of geographical, social, cultural factors. As it is an online course, the geographical factor is not an issue (latrobe.edu.au. 2016). The course has certain benefits which will attract the students to purse this course. Firstly, the fees structure is affordable for all class of students. Secondly, one can pursue the course while doing a job. Thirdly, probably the best feature is a student can stop the course for a certain period and after that he/she can again resume the course. Due to being an online course, a lot of people can pursue the course. People can set their timing to pursue the course as per their requirements (Hmlinen, Hilmola and Hetemki 2015). Besides the regular students, working people can also avail this course. So the two important target segments are the regular graduate management students and the working management employees who want to be future mangers (Wedel and Kamakura 2012). Market Analysis SWOT Analysis The SWOT Analysis of La Trobe Universitys online Master of Management course is discussed below: Strengths Weaknesses As Master of Management is an online course, the geographical factor is not an issue. The fees structure is affordable for all. Working people can avail the course easily. The drop-in-drop-out mode is very convenient as one can stop the study for reasons and again resume it. Various ranges of courses give the students option to choose the best for them. As the course is fully online based, the reliability is less. Other top ranks universities offer a better course to the students. This is not a conventional mode of study; it can be a drawback. Opportunities Threats In the era of internet, this online course can set the future of the university. There is an opportunity for the expansion of the university in near future. The entrance of new competitors can be a threat. Other universities may come up with more modified courses; it is a future threat. Table: SWOT Analysis Source: www.latrobe.edu.au Porters Five Forces Bargaining Power Of Suppliers According to Porter, the power of the suppliers is a threat to La Trobe University. There should be fewer suppliers in the process as the suppliers have the power to control the price of the product. If the number of suppliers is less, then the price of the product will be in control. Bargaining Power Of Buyers The bargaining power of the customers is a threat to La Trobe University. If there are many similar courses that La Trobe is offering, then the customers will bargain the price of the course. So the course should be unique (Heimeshoff and Klein 2013). Threat Of New Entrance New entered competitors are a threat to La Trobe University as the new companies can come up with the different attractive course. New entrances can have the power to steal the customers from La Trobe University (Angelaki et al. 2013). Threat Of Substitutes The threat of substitute is another threat to La Trobe University. Better-ranked universities offer the same type of courses with better variables. Students will go to those universities where they can find the better attractive course. Threat Of Rivalry The intensity of rivalries determines the success of an organization. La Trobe should design the course in such a way that it is different from others and also attractive. It will give La Trobe the competitive edge than its competitors (Rothaermel 2016). Market Strategies Target Market La Trobe University in addition to focusing on segmentation of the market also extensively understands the need for target and mass marketing. As stated by Armstrong et al. (2014), the management of the institution takes into consideration the purchasing pattern and the students reaction to cost and quality of the offered product. With a launch of online management course, the management greatly emphasizes on developing a beneficial student market not only in Sydney but also worldwide (David and David 2016). Despite an increasing popularity of the worldwide web, the 21st-century people prefer leisure and ease of access to anything else. Concerning product sales, La Trobe management primarily targets students and company employees who want to study further. With a strategy of differential and concentrated marketing mix the university aims to attract new and loyal customers. Further, emphasize on the full market and not specifically a single segment would prove to be fruitful. Marketing Mix Product Like any other educational institution, to influence the study market La Trobe University looks forward to the launch of a well developed online management course. In addition to the developer's idea of providing customers with an all-in-one product, professors greatly highlight the need for an online exam for the students. Moreover, purchasers would also be able to contact university professors direct over the website. Also, with an option of 24*7 accesses and an addition of choosing from 10 major subjects the managers of the institution strongly believes to enjoy competitive advantage over its competitors (www.latrobe.edu.au 2016). Price The topic of price evaluation for the extraordinary product turned out to be a debatable topic for the decision makers. Students of the University can start with the course anytime they want to pay a minimal amount. Furthermore, the total cost of the course was decided to be $53,250 without any discrimination of the student's location. Students pay a fee of $4,437.50 per subject for the nine months course (www.latrobe.edu.au 2016). Promotion Choosing social media as the primary promotion medium was one of the most beneficial decisions ever taken by university members. According to Harmon (2015), professors are in a continuous touch with the students to let them understand the need for post graduation studies. Word of mouth and posts made on social and university websites also contribute efficiently towards publication of the product (Tulloch et al. 2015). Promotional strategies also include organizing of programs and exhibition of ideas in the campus. Place La Trobe being geographically located in Sydney principally targets the rest of Australia, New Zealand, and international markets. For expected revenue generation, the university greatly focuses on the positioning of its product. The online MBA course provides registered users with a hardcopy of study material, documents and receipt of the paid fees. Setting up a productive distribution channel in Australia and New Zealand is equivalent important. Concerning international students managers promise a delivery of the goods within a period of 15 days paying a significant amount to courier services. Competitor Analysis Charles Sturt University (CSU) Located in NSW, Victory and Australia is a multi-campus institution providing the students with several arts, business and science courses. With a population of 39,093 students, CSU ranks over 700 worldwide. On the contrary, La Trobe with stands 386 with a student count of 36,278 (Network 2016). In addition to an option to innovative study process, CSU opens up options for overseas education. Moreover, being located in the same state both the institutions are in a continuous rivalry to each other. A recent development in faculty and placement by the CSU workforce has affected the performance of La Trobe. Despite possessing features of MBA programs, CSU lacks promotional and marketing strategies. Also, the university works for a more social good and environmental sustainability as compared to La Trobe that maintains a balance between business and communal welfare. The launching of the new online business administration course has effectively affected CSU revenues (https://www.csu.edu.au/ 2016). Australian Institution of Business Established in 1985, AIB is an educational institution of its kind. Specializing in business courses the university is best suited for students who want to study business. Ranging from a bachelors degree to Ph.D., AIB has successfully maintained its reputation not only in Adelaide but also the whole of Australia and parts of New Zealand. The private business continuously produces new and exclusive products as compared to the public university that diversifies in its course streams. Despite a difference in location of the two institutions, AIB and La Trobe face tough competition from each other. A similarity in offering scholarships consequently leads to benefiting students the most. Comparing the faculties of the two brands it is seen AIB employees DBA and Ph.D. holders only. Also with a large amount of investment, students of the university enjoy a well designed and advanced campus. Though there are similarities in the distance learning, online courses, fees pattern and teaching centers between the two concerned universities, the business institution of Australia immensely focuses on internships and work-oriented learning (aib.edu.au. 2016). University of Southern Queensland According to Goh (2012), USQ and La Trobe maintain a cold relation to each other in every aspect. In addition to offering the people of Queensland with courses as similar to that of La Trobe, the university also provides with the law and engineering courses. Owning three medium-sized campuses spread all over Australia, the University was awarded the Australia`s best university award in 2001. Diversifying in research institutes the board of members focuses on several important issues. In comparison to La Trobe, the University overpowers in distance education. Further, with a group of experts and developmental schemes prove to be a factor for competitive advantage. Students of Australia regard AIB`s education process to be more intense than La Trobe. Also with an advantage of leveraging technology, University of Southern Queensland reaches out to the students and people of the world more effectively than any other institution. On the other hand, to ensure a sustainable career of the students La Trobe maintains a firm relation with high turnover business companies (Usq.edu.au. 2016). Recommendation Conclusion Analyzing the current situation of the La Trobe University and looking at the increasing student market in Australia, managers of the institution understand the need for a development of products and segmentation of the market. With a launch in online business management course, the educational institution further needs to scrutinize and bring in changes for a success of the newly developed course. Further depending upon the SWOT analysis of the university, alterations are highly recommended. The following are the recommendation based on the study done above. In terms of recommendations to the university regarding business sustainability, the workforce needs to work effectively to eliminate weaknesses and threats. Also, managers need to work towards developing promotional strategies and channelizing of the product. To maintain dominance on the market and also protect its reputation La Trobe it is recommended that the institution emphasize on the safety of its students. According to the Australia`s market report, education proves to be one of the most influential business. In response to the growing competition, it is recommended that La Trobe University needs to reconsider its marketing mix. Students complain about the high price of the course and also about the slow processing website. Regarding, the website of the university it is recommended that developers control traffic, lower cache files and also increase fluency in its functioning. In addition to the great response by the people of Australia, the institution needs to set up a separate group of individuals who would cater to after-sales issues. Being one of the most renowned universities in Australia, management bodies need to undertake necessary changes not only to increase revenue but also to benefit the society. Concerning discipline in activities of the institution an approval to a set up rules and regulations are relatively essential. From the above discussions, it can be concluded that to launch a new product in the market; marketing managers should employ an effective marketing mix strategy. The reason is that every step in launching a new product requires a proper marketing strategy. There are four types of marketing strategy i.e. marketing strategy about price, product, place and promotion. Another aspect is one need to analyze the market before launching a product. Analyzing the market refers to the analysis of internal factors and analyzes the customers. A proper marketing strategy leads to a successful product which satisfies the needs of the customers. References aib.edu.au. (2016).MBA Australia | Distance MBA Degree | Australian Institute of Business. [online] Available at: https://www.aib.edu.au/ [Accessed 10 Sep. 2016]. Angelaki, E., Baltas, G., Baourakis, G. and Zopounidis, C., 2013. The Entrance of New Products in the Cretan Market.EDITORIAL,22, pp.74-85. Armstrong, G., Adam, S., Denize, S. and Kotler, P., 2014.Principles of marketing. Pearson Australia. David, F. and David, F.R., 2016. Strategic Management: A Competitive Advantage Approach, Concepts and Cases. Goh, S.C., 2012.A qualitative study into the innovation and technology transfer process of a micro-manufacturer within a university-industry collaboration context in regional South-East Queensland (D. Eng.)(Doctoral dissertation, University of Southern Queensland). Hmlinen, E., Hilmola, O.P. and Hetemki, L., 2015. Fluctuating demand and its impacts to a paper producer: customer analysis.Expert Systems with Applications,42(13), pp.5779-5788. Harmon, G., 2015. Australia as an higher education exporter.International Higher Education, (42). Heimeshoff, U. and Klein, G.J., 2013.Bargaining Power and Local Heroes. Dsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics (DICE). internationaleducation.gov.au. (2016).International-network/Australia/InternationalStrategy/theCouncilsReport/Documents/Australia%20%20Educating%20Globally%20FINAL%20REPORT.pdf. [online] Available at: https://internationaleducation.gov.au/International-network/Australia/InternationalStrategy/theCouncilsReport/Documents/Australia%20%E2%80%93%20Educating%20Globally%20FINAL%20REPORT.pdf [Accessed 10 Sep. 2016]. Kotler, P., Keller, K.L., Manceau, D. and Hmonnet-Goujot, A., 2015.Marketing management(Vol. 14). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. latrobe.edu.au. (2016).about/downloads/La-Trobe-Strategic-Plan-November-2015.pdf. [online] Available at: https://www.latrobe.edu.au/about/downloads/La-Trobe-Strategic-Plan-November-2015.pdf [Accessed 10 Sep. 2016]. Network, A. (2016). [online] Australianuniversities.com.au. Available at: https://www.australianuniversities.com.au/rankings/ [Accessed 10 Sep. 2016]. Rothaermel, F.T., 2016. Competitive Advantage in Technology Intensive Industries.Technological Innovation: Generating Economic Results (2nd Edition)(Advances in the Study of Entrepreneurship, Innovation amp,26, pp.233-256. Tulloch, M., Judd, M., Naidu, V., Kinash, S., Fleming, J., Nair, S., Santhanam, E. and Tucker, B., 2015. Case studies to enhance online student evaluation: Charles Sturt UniversityEvaluation, analytics and systems integration. University, C. (2016).Home - Charles Sturt University. [online] Csu.edu.au. Available at: https://www.csu.edu.au/ [Accessed 10 Sep. 2016]. University, L. (2016).Courses and degrees. [online] Latrobe.edu.au. Available at: https://www.latrobe.edu.au/courses [Accessed 10 Sep. 2016]. University, L. (2016).Master of Management Online. [online] Latrobe.edu.au. Available at: https://www.latrobe.edu.au/online/master-management [Accessed 10 Sep. 2016]. University, L. (2016).MBA Online. [online] Latrobe.edu.au. Available at: https://www.latrobe.edu.au/online/master-business-administration [Accessed 10 Sep. 2016]. Usq.edu.au. (2016).University of Southern Queensland - University of Southern Queensland. [online] Available at: https://www.usq.edu.au/ [Accessed 10 Sep. 2016]. Wedel, M. and Kamakura, W.A., 2012.Market segmentation: Conceptual and methodological foundations(Vol. 8). Springer Science Business Media.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Simple magic things Review Essay Example
Simple magic things Review Paper Essay on Simple magic things Since flatmate hoisted Fry me to the monthly trek to a favorite bookstore is transformed into a little holiday. I feel a gentle thrill to the little orange paperback book, the reading of which allows to stretch the pleasure. In contrast, for example, the electrons that literally swallowed in one night. So what happened to the simply magical things, a paper version of which, as it turned out, it was all sold out. I had to download and eagerly grasp the meaning of the laptop screen, which, of course, a few spoil the overall impression Simple magic things. another story about how spends his weekdays Sir Max. Despite the fact that this time the action takes place without unplanned Humgat walks in, he was not allowed to miss devoted people Henha in trying to please Freshly ruler bestowed Max once outlandish little animals and a full complement of at least strange ladies in the best traditions of the Arabian Nights. Nevertheless, at the background of this outrage, more like a day of open doors in the Sanctuary of Mad, there is room for philosophical discussions of Max with the Grand Master of the Order of Water Crow, which to some extent are scheduled the way for its further development and determine the direction for the other characters, to whose fates puts his hand Max. Back impossible instead of us always comes back somebody else reflects Ande Pu, who dreams of escape from Echo, and finally received the long-awaited opportunity. Doubt and fear changes in routines pursues not only Ande but Melamori that can n ot We will write a custom essay sample on Simple magic things Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Simple magic things Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Simple magic things Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer to decide on what to give up everything and go to Arvaroh beloved. All their questions Max has a simple answer. There is no reason for worrying, because, first of all, when fate has any plans, she finds the means to make us act according to its script, and secondly, that would be with us did not happen, thats right . The archetype of the Explorer, that somehow can be traced in all the novels Fry appears in this book. Lois Pondohva puts it bluntly: Do you, you know, a real mania set free all those who turned up under the arm, so much you were born, nothing has changed In this regard, Max the conductor, which is capable of not only travel between worlds, but also a certain way influence the fate of the people around him, escorting them in critical moments of life and helping to resolve the internal contradictions.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Mike Pence Bio - Vice President Under Donald Trump
Mike Pence Bio - Vice President Under Donald Trump Mike Pence is a former congressman and governor of Indiana who was chosen by Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump to be his running mate in the 2016 election. Both Trump and Pence were elected. Pence is described as a conservatives conservative and was seen as a safe pick for the often erratic and mercurial reality-television star. Trump announced his choice of a running mate in typical Trump fashion, by posting the news on Twitter. He tweeted: I am pleased to announce that I have chosen Governor Mike Pence as my Vice Presidential running mate. Pence later tweeted: Honored to join realDonaldTrump and work to make America great again. In announcing Pence as his running make, Trump sought to cast the Republican ticket as the law and order candidates. Trump and Pence sought to contrast themselves with Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, whose use of a personal email server drew fire from the FBI and involvement in numerous other scandals earned her the nickname crooked Hillary. Trump made the announcement on July 15, 2016, just three days before the start of that years Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio. Trumps timing was typical in modern presidential politics. The party nominees often announce their choice of running mates in the days and weeks leading up to the nominating conventions. Only twice have they waited until the conventions. What a difference between crooked Hillary Clinton and Mike Pence ... Hes a solid, solid person, Trump said in introducing Pence. Trump described Pence as my partner in this campaign. Reaction to Trumps Choice of Running Mate Trumps selection of Pence as a running mate was seen as both a safe pick and one that could come with potential pitfalls. Trump will benefit from Pences solid conservative credentials, particularly when it comes to social issues such as abortion and gay rights. Pence is an outspoken opponent of abortion rights and fierce defender of religious freedom. He came under fire in 2015 for signing a law that many believed would have allowed Indiana business owners to deny service to gays and lesbians on religious grounds. Having Pence on the Republican ticket could win votes from religious conservatives who are not convinced Trump has the same convictions. Trump, who was registered as a Democrat for more than eight years in the 2000s, has remained relatively silent on social issues such as abortion and gay rights. Pences aversion to the in-your-face style politicking could also complement Trumps more abrasive style of campaigning. Trump is unpredictable, forceful and, at times, impolite. Pence is predictable, some might say to a fault. Pence does not shy from a fight, but forceful is not a word that is used often to describe him. Pence is Midwestern polite, Andrew Downs, director of the Mike Downs Center for Indiana Politics at Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne, wrote in The Washington Post. On the downside: Pence is seen as somewhat ... bland. Boring. Too conventional. Hes also - again - socially conservative. Very socially conservative. And that, some pundits believe, could turn off moderate Republicans and independent voters. â€Å"Mike sees himself as a champion of a very culturally conservative set of values that represent small-town Middle America,† Leslie Lenkowsky, a former professor at Indiana University, told The New York Times. â€Å"He sees his role as protecting them.†Other Potential Running Mates Pence was among three people Trump was seriously considering for the vice presidency. The other two were New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. Pence, Christie and Gingrich were on Trumps final short list of potential running mates. Trump claimed Pence was his first choice all during the vetting process. At least one published report indicated, however, indicated that Trump had sought to reverse course after the news media began reporting he had chosen the Indiana governor. Trump denied those reports. Indiana Gov. Mike Pence was my first choice, Trump said. The Clinton campaign, however, seized on claims Trump was waffling over his running mate. It released an ad with the line: Donald Trump. Always divisive. Not so decisive. Pences Political Career Pence served 12 years in the House of Representatives as the congressman from Indianas 2nd and 6th Congressional Districts. He was later elected governor of Indiana and was serving his first four-year term when Trump asked him to join the 2016 presidential ticket. Heres a summary of Pences political career: 1986: Ran unsuccessfully for the House of Representatives.1988: Ran unsuccessfully for the House of Representatives.2000: Won election to Indianas 2nd Congressional District seat.2002: Won re-election to the seat, which was renumbered the 6th Congressional District. He also won re-election to two-year terms in 2004, 2006, 2008 and 2010. 2012: Won the Indiana governor election and took office in January 2013.2016: Chosen as Trumps vice presidential nominee. Pence held two prominent leadership posts in the House: chairman of the Republican Study Committee and chairman of the House Republican Conference. 3 Major Pence Controversies One of the most high-profile controversies surrounding Pence came during his tenure as governor of Indiana. The Periods for Pence movement was launched after Pence signed a strict anti-abortion law that banned women from getting the procedure if their motivation was to prevent the birth of a disabled child. â€Å"I believe that a society can be judged by how it deals with its most vulnerable- the aged, the infirm, the disabled and the unborn, Pence said after signing the law in March 2016. The law, he said, will ensure the dignified final treatment of the unborn and prohibits abortions that are based only on the unborn childs sex, race, color, national origin, ancestry, or disability, including Down syndrome. The Periods for Pence movement protest the law, saying it treats women like children and is too intrusive. One provision of the law requires any miscarried fetus to be interred or cremated by a facility having possession of the remains. On Facebook, the Periods for Pence movement mocked the provision and urged women to flood the governors office with calls. Fertilized eggs can be expelled during a womans period without a woman even knowing that she might have had the potential blastocyst in her. Therefore, any period could potentially be a miscarriage without knowledge. I would certainly hate for any of my fellow Hoosier women to be at risk of penalty if they do not properly dispose of this or report it. Just to cover our bases, perhaps we should make sure to contact Governor Pences office to report our periods. We wouldnt want him thinking that THOUSANDS OF HOOSIER WOMEN A DAY are trying to hide anything, would we?Lets make our bodies Mikes business for real, if this is how he wants it. Another major controversy was Pences signing of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act in 2015, which came under fire across the United States from critics who contended it allowed business owners to refuse service to gays and lesbians based on their religious beliefs. Pence later signed a revised version of the law that stripped out the controversial provisions and said there had been misunderstanding about the original versions. This law has become a subject of great misunderstanding and controversy across our state and nation. However we got here, we are where we are, and it is important that our state take action to address the concerns that have been raised and move forward.† Early in Pences political career, he was embarrassed when it was discovered he used nearly $13,000 in donations to his 1990 congressional campaign to pay the mortgage on his house, as well as cover other personal expenses including his credit card bill, car payments and groceries. While not illegal at the time, Pences personal use of political donations cost him the election that year. He apologized to voters and described his behavior as â€Å"an exercise in naivete.†Professional Career Pence, like many members of Congress and governors, is an attorney by trade. He also hosted a conservative talk radio show in the 1990s called the The Mike Pence Show, once describing himself as Rush Limbaugh on decaf. Faith Pence once considered entering the priesthood, according to The New York Times. He has described himself as an evangelical Catholic. He has also said he is â€Å"a Christian, a conservative and a Republican, in that order.†Education Pence graduated with a bachelors degree in history from Hanover College in Hanover, Indiana, in 1981. A college profile of Pence says he served as president of United Campus Ministries Board and on the staff of the student newspaper, The Triangle. He would be the second Hanover College graduate to be vice president. The first was 1841 graduate Thomas Hendricks, who was vice president under Grover Cleveland. Pence earned a law degree from Indiana Universitys Robert H. McKinney School of Law in Indianapolis in 1986. He graduated from Columbus North High School in Columbus, Indiana. Personal Life Pence was born in Columbus, Bartholomew County, Indiana, on June 7, 1959. His father was the manager of a gas station in town. He is married to Karen Pence. The couple got married in 1985 and have three children: Michael, Charlotte and Audrey.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Evangelista Torricelli and the History of the Barometer
Evangelista Torricelli and the History of the Barometer Barometer - Pronunciation: [b u rom ´ u t u r] - a barometer is an instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure. Two common types are the aneroid barometer and the mercurial barometer (invented first). Evangelista Torricelli invented the first barometer, known as the Torricellis tube. Biography - Evangelista Torricelli Evangelista Torricelli was born October 15, 1608, in Faenza, Italy and died October 22, 1647, in Florence, Italy. He was a physicist and mathematician. In 1641, Evangelista Torricelli moved to Florence to assist the astronomer Galileo. The Barometer It was Galileo that suggested Evangelista Torricelli use mercury in his vacuum experiments. Torricelli filled a four-foot long glass tube with mercury and inverted the tube into a dish. Some of the mercury did not escape from the tube and Torricelli observed the vacuum that was created. Evangelista Torricelli became the first scientist to create a sustained vacuum and to discover the principle of a barometer. Torricelli realized that the variation of the height of the mercury from day to day was caused by changes in the atmospheric pressure. Torricelli built the first mercury barometer around 1644. Evangelista Torricelli - Other Research Evangelista Torricelli also wrote on the quadrature of the cycloid and conics, the rectifications of the logarithmic spiral, the theory of the barometer, the value of gravity found by observing the motion of two weights connected by a string passing over a fixed pulley, the theory of projectiles and the motion of fluids. Lucien Vidie - Aneroid Barometer In 1843, the French scientist Lucien Vidie invented the aneroid barometer. An aneroid barometer registers the change in the shape of an evacuated metal cell to measure variations in the atmospheric pressure. Aneriod means fluidless, no liquids are used, the metal cell is usually made of phosphor bronze or beryllium copper.​ Related Instruments An altimeter is an aneroid barometer that measures altitude. Meteorologists use an altimeter that measures the altitude with respect to sea level pressure. A barograph is an aneroid barometer that gives a continuous reading of atmospheric pressures on graph paper.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Personal statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 39
Personal Statement Example I had a chance to learn ethics and professional requirements for practice. The course mainly provided an opportunity to gain experience out of numerous chances of exercising that I had. I graduated in fall 2014 with a Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Therapy degree. I also undertook a community health program in the past, which gave me an advantage of experience in medical practice. The latter program gave me an insight of what it means to sacrifice for the patients and prepared my leadership skills. I appreciate the role that these courses play in shaping my professionalism in medical practice. Such a field requires the highest levels of professional competence because it involves handling life. The course is also a preparation for aspiring medical personnel to learn how to tackle challenging situations. My goal is to improve my knowledge in respiratory therapy and training to a Ph.D. level and become an Academic Professor. My education background combines with my experience to shape my career. For instance, I worked as a surgical assistant for two years. I volunteered with to organizations called Us to US and Hand by Hand to help seniors in cleaning their houses. At times, the work involved mowing grass and arranging activities in Hartford such as Hartford Marathon, which takes place every year. I also worked as a treasure for the Saudi club at the University of Hartford from 2013 - 2014. I also founded a soccer team called Victory FC and won soccer tournaments in 2012, 2013, and 2014. These experiences shaped my perception of community values, always giving to the needy. I believe that the work of a medical practitioner is more than treating; it is about caring. Studying at Rush University will give a chance to further my experience and shape my professionalism. I hope to spend much of my time at the school dealing with practical approaches to all the courses, which I shall undertake. My time at the University will
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
International Aspects Of Business Law Coursework - 1
International Aspects Of Business Law - Coursework Example One of the event was several boxes were dropped by the crane during loading of the consignment. It occurred due to overloading of the net through which the boxes were lifted. Secondly, the carrier during the course of voyage also encountered rough weather conditions. Now the matter of concern for the buyer namely, Nee Soon Wat was the extent of damage of materials in the dropped boxes. But after inspection of the dropped boxes he found that the objects were intact. So he formally accepted the goods and paid Sefton Toys for the consignment. But at the time of unloading of the consignment it was discovered that rest of the uninspected shipment got affected largely due to shifting during the rough weather of the voyage. The improperly stowed cargo was the reason for shifting of the boxes. Furthermore, some serious mistake in the date of the paper works related to bill of lading is also present. Some information regarding the shipping terms are also provided in this case study to resolve this problem. Those are: firstly, during this transaction shipping terms were under Incoterms 2000. Secondly, the contract made by them expressed to be subject to the UN Convention on Sales 1980 (Vienna Convention). Findings from the statements of law The contract between Sefton Toy’s and Nee Soon Wat was based on two contractual laws; Incoterms 2000 and UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. According to, UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods the obligations of buyers and sellers are given below which will help to resolve this case. Obligations of the seller According to this Convention generally the obligations from seller’s end is the delivery of goods along with documents in conformity with the contract. This Convention also made supplementary rules which can be used in absence of agreement of contract. These rules states how, when and where the obligations should be performed by the sellers. It also provides numer ous rules about the seller’s obligations regarding quality of the commodities being sold. It suggests the seller must convey the commodities matching to the quality, quantity and description which are requisites of the buyer defined in the contract. The goods to be also packaged and marked according to the requisites of the buyer described in the contract. One significant rule which involve seller’s obligation is that the delivered merchandise should be free from third party rights or claims. There is another rule which is connected with the buyer’s obligation that is to inspect the goods. If any lack of conformity is discovered by the buyer in accord to the contract he must serve a notice within a rational period. It must be within 2 years from the delivery date of the consignment. (United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International, p.38) Obligations of the buyer According to this convention the obligations from the buyer’s end are making the payment for the goods and accepting the delivery in accordance to the contract. During making payment it also includes performance of duties
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Adolescent Sexuality and Risk Factors Essay Example for Free
Adolescent Sexuality and Risk Factors Essay Adolescence is that period between childhood and adulthood, when the adolescent is discovering his or her own identity and dealing with the transition. It is also a time of becoming more aware of sexuality and establishing patterns for future relationships. Those identifying as nonheterosexual i.e. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender (LGBT), face even more challenges than their heterosexual counterparts. One challenge is their health. Russell and Consolacion (2003) conducted a study on the topic of romance and emotional health of adolescents. The authors concluded that youth who had same-sex attractions and who were not in relationships showed increased measures of anxiety and depression. They also had more suicidal ideation than heterosexual youth. The dangers of smoking are well researched and documented. Easton, Jackson, Mowery, Comeau and Sell (2008) in their study concluded that same-sex and bisexual youth are at greater risk for tobacco use. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) notes that increased stress level, mental health and other physical health problems are common among LGBT youth (CDC, 2011). Ray (2006) in a study of homelessness among LGBT youth notes that they face a number of problems in additional to being homeless. They are at increased risk of mental health issues, high risk sexual behaviour to support themselves, substance abuse and victimisation. Education is important and LGBT adolescents face challenges in this area. Many of them are likely to be runaways so their education suffers as they are absent from school for long periods. Himmelstein Brà ¼ckner (2011) noted that these young people were also at risk for being more severely punished at school and in the justice system. They are also victims of violence and discrimination at school, often being bullied, teased and harassed (â€Å"LGBT bullying†n.d.). Counsellors working with adolescents who are LBGT must be sensitive to the feelings of uncertainty, rejection and fear that these young people are experiencing.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Ascent To Fame of Nathaniel Hawthorne :: Biography Biographies Essays
The Ascent To Fame of Nathaniel Hawthorne        The advent of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s recognition by the public as a literary master was long in coming and was not based mainly on the merits of his tales like â€Å"The Minister’s Black Veil.†Henry James in his biography Hawthorne from 1879 testifies in eloquent fashion to the state of Hawthorne’s reputation in the 1830’s as a writer: I have said that in the United States at present authorship is a pedestal, and literature is the fashion; but Hawthorne's history is a proof that it was possible, fifty years ago, to write a great many little masterpieces without becoming known. He begins the preface to the Twice-Told Tales [includes â€Å"The Minister’s Black Veil†] by remarking that he was "for many years the obscurest man of letters in America." (chap. 2) Later James records the difficulty which Hawthorne had to face at times in getting his works published: Mr. Lathrop learned from his surviving sister that after publishing Fanshawe he produced a group of short stories entitled Seven Tales of my Native Land, and that this lady retained a very favourable recollection of the work, which her brother had given her to read. But it never saw the light; his attempts to get it published were unsuccessful, and at last, in a fit of and despair, the young author burned the manuscript. There is probably something autobiographic in the striking little tale of â€Å"The Devil in Manuscript.†"They have been offered to seventeen publishers," says the hero of that sketch in regard to a pile of his own lucubrations (chap. 2) The Norton Anthology: American Literature states that â€Å"he was agonizingly slow in winning acclaim†(547). Edgar Allen Poe, in a review of Hawthorne’s work, said in Godey's Lady's Book, November, 1847, no. 35, pp. 252-6: It was never the fashion (until lately) to speak of him in any summary of our best authors. . . . The "peculiarity" or sameness, or monotone of Hawthorne, would, in its mere character of "peculiarity," and without reference to what is the peculiarity, suffice to deprive him of all chance of popular appreciation. But at his failure to be appreciated, we can, of course, no longer wonder, when we find him monotonous at decidedly the worst of all possible points--at that point which, having the least concern with Nature, is the farthest removed from the popular intellect, from the popular sentiment and from the popular taste.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Influential People Essay
In my life, I have had many various influential people, but I would have to say that my Mother has made the biggest impact of all. Most everything that I am today is a outcome of inspirations and instances I have established from my Mother. She has made so many different opportunities presented to me, without which I do not know where I would be. I find my Mother to be a very inspiring person; the reasons for this are infinite. My Mom has been through multiple hardships over the course of her life and throughout it all she has become an exceptionally strong, loving, and wise person. This fact alone amazes me and when compounded with the fact that my Mother, among it all, still manages to have a quick, clever, and upbeat sense of humor I am left fascinated. The things I have learned and continue to learn from my Mother are endless; she has taught me all of the founding principles of my life and for that I am eternally thankful. Though my Mother and I have many discussions on various subjects, within whom I learn many different things, I believe that many of the things I learn from her are discovered and observed from example. This summer would be an instance. Together, we faced many hardships that really pulled and tugged on our relationship. We worked through possibly one of the hardest things a mother could ever go through. It not only brought us closer together, but it made me realize how much she loves me, and how she is always going to be there for me. It is common knowledge that not everyone is perfect, even heroes, and in realizing this I know that I although I wish to be like my Mother in most ways I do not in all. This realization may be one of the most important things I have learned, my Mother has taught me to base my decisions in life not solely on the examples and actions of others but simply on what I gather and learn from the examples and actions of others. In other words, she has taught me not to follow blindly but to make my own decisions based on what I think is important. My relationship with my Mother is something that I treasure above everything else in my life. We are able to play and joke like young children and have serious in depth conversations on some of life hardest subject like mature adults. The various levels that my Mother can reach me on astound me and I think that it is what makes our relationship truly special and what makes her such a wonderful influence.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Amended Budget Paper And Excel File
Riordan Manufacturing Inc is an international company specialized in the manufacturing of plastic products. Based in USA, Riordan Manufacturing has manufacturing plants in Georgia, Michigan, Albany and Pontiac. To achieve international status, and produce high quality products, Riordan Manufacturing has opened another plant in Hang Zhou in China. One of the aims of the Riordan manufacturing is to remain competitive in order to achieve market advantages. To achieve this aim, the management of Riordan manufacturing has initiated a policy to constantly change the business environment, and employ latest technology.To achieve global expansion, Riordan manufacturing has decided to initiate global market expansion through the introduction of virtual organization. The Riordan’s virtual organization involves the introduction of electronic commerce in order to sell the company products worldwide through the application of internet. In the present global competitive environment, e-busine ss has become one of the potent tools by which organization achieve competitive market advantages. Thus, Riordan manufacturing has decided to employ e-business to increase efficiency in sales and marketing through the implementation of virtual organization.For the successful implementation of virtual business organization, Riordan manufacturing needs to employ Information Technology (IT) supports in order to install both hardware and software, and efficient implementation of operation costs is very essential. The objective of this paper is to amend the overall budget of FY2004. The amendment will reveal the increase on expenditures on items such as hardware, software and outside IT support by 4%. The paper also amends the budget by decreasing the overall budget by 2%.Finally, the paper provides the rational behind the changes in the budget of Riordan manufacturing FY2004. To achieve the business growth, Riordan intends to implement virtual organization. To achieve efficient virtual organisation for Riordan manufacturing, it is essential to adjust the consolidating operating budget of FY2004. Essentially, paper amends consolidating Operating Budget Cost IT center for Riordan manufacturing FY2004 and in the amendment, the following requirements are reflected.First, there is increase on expenditures on items related to hardware, software, and outside IT support services by 4 percent. Moreover, there is decrease in the overall budget by 2 percents. The paper provides the rational behind the changes on the budget amount in the next section. 1. 2: Rational behind the changes on the budget. First, integration of IT has become of the major objectives of many organisations. In the present contemporary competitive environment, organizations now realise that integration of IT tools has become potent tools by which organizations gain market advantages.With the realization of potential benefits that IT has provided for the success of organization, Riordan manufacturing has also decided to integrate IT tools in its business operation. This has vividly revealed from the company memorandum written by Hugh McCauley, and sent to Michael Riordan, Maria Trinh, and Dale Edgel on September 10, 2003. From this memorandum, the Riordan manufacturing has dedicated to employ the latest technology to support the continuing business operations.Proper integration of latest Information Technology in the business model necessitates the integration of latest hardware and software so that Riordan manufacturing could achieve high competitive advantages for its virtual business organisation. To achieve these aims, there is need to make changes in the budget by increasing the spending on the items related to hardware, software, and items outside IT service by 4% . The increase in the spending on these items is very critical for the successful implementation of virtual organisation that Riordan manufacturing intends to implement.The increase in the spending on the outside IT service is also very critical because there is need to implement employee training for the continuous implementation of web based business of Riordan manufacturing. Employee training is very critical for the smooth running of virtual organization. Employee will be in charge of processing of orders sent by customers online. Moreover, employee will ensure that orders received online are dispatched to clients. Thus, employee training is very critical to ensure that Riordan’s employees are capable to handle these tasks.Thus, increase in spending to achieve this aim is one of the reasons to amend the overall budget. Apart from employee training, maintenance and contract will also be critical for the smooth running of virtual organization, the increase in spending on this item will ensure the smooth continuity of virtual organization. The contact for the virtual organization will consist of Web hosting, off site data storage, and hardware maintenance. The items revealed in the con tract are very critical for the virtual organisation. Web hosting is indispensable for web based business.Hardware maintenance is very critical in order to avoid web failure. Offsite data storage is also very critical for web based business, off site data storage is very essential for data security because there may be data loss through theft, fire disaster, and other unforeseen circumstances. Thus, the increase in spending on these items will enhance viability of Riordan virtual organization. Moreover, the changes in overall budget are critical in order to reduce the overall budget by 2%. The reduction in the overall budget by 2% is essential to reduce overall operating costs of Riordan manufacturing.According to Kuzic, Fisher, and Scollary (2002) the advantages of virtual organisation is to achieve the reduction in operating costs. One of the advantages of decrease in the operating costs is to increase the company’s revenue, and this will lead to the increase in the yearly net profit of Riordan manufacturing. 2: Conclusion The paper provides the amendment of budget for the Riordan manufacturing consolidated operating budget cost IT center for the FY2004. In the amendment, there are changes that reveal the increase in the spending on items related to hardware, software and outside IT items by 4%.Moreover, there is decrease of overall budget by 2%. The paper presents the rational behind the overall changes in budget. The rational provided are to meet the aims of Riordan manufacturing in order to implement the latest technology to achieve competitive market advantages. The overall decrease in budget by 2% is also essential. This is to decrease the operating costs of Riordan manufacturing in order to increase the company’s net profits. Reference Kuzic, J. Fisher,J. & Scollary, A. (2002). Electronic Commerce Benefits, Challenges And Success Factors in the Australian Banking and Fina
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Develop some hypotheses explaining why only eukaryotic cells have evolved into multi-cellular organisms.
Develop some hypotheses explaining why only eukaryotic cells have evolved into multi-cellular organisms. Prokaryotic cells are structurally simple. They are found only in single-celled and colonial organisms. Eukaryotic cells have organelles with their own membranes. Single-celled eukaryotic organisms are very diverse, but many colonial and multicellular forms also exist. The first of eukaryotic cells probably evolved or split off from Archeans, which have attributes of both prokaryotes (oxygen haters, e.g. bacteria), but also contain genes that are more like what you'd find in eukaryotes (oxygen lovers e.g. plants and animals). The first eukaryote cells probably lived near oxygen producing stromatolites. Indicators suggest that precursors evolved a 2.6 billion years agoa billion years before the oldest fossil cells. Early single celled eukaryotes probably include amoeba, dinoflagellates, and ciliates (pictured top down to the right). They get food by surrounding and absorbing it, or through mouth-like openings, or other means. Some have internal skeletons cysts. The cysts are found fos silized, but of course you need a microscope to see them.Prokaryotes are primitive cells, without a nucleus...Eukaryotes are larger than prokaryotes and were bigger right from the beginning. They needed to be larger to hold new parts: a nucleus, gene DNA package, and organelles. Life evolved in the sea. It stayed there for the majority of the history of earth. The first fossilized evidence of multi-cellular cells goes back to about 1.5 billion years ago. There was a price to pay for the advantages gained from specializationdeath. Prokaryotes cells didn't diethey continued to live by splitting and forming two clones. Only environmental hazards like being eaten or physically destroyed killed them. However, when eukaryotic cells grouped together and specialized, the cells gave up the ability to reproduce by division and began dying. The first replicating molecules were most likely RNA. RNA is a nucleic acid similar to DNA. In laboratory studies it has been shown that some RNA sequences have catalytic...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Rise and Fall of the Ottoman Empire
The Rise and Fall of the Ottoman Empire The Ottoman Empire was an imperial state that was founded in 1299 after growing out of the breakdown of several Turkish tribes. The empire then grew to include many areas in what is now present-day Europe. It eventually became one of the largest, most powerful and longest-lasting empires in the history of the world. At its peak, the Ottoman Empire included the areas of Turkey, Egypt, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Macedonia, Hungary, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and parts of the Arabian Peninsula and North Africa. It had a maximum area of 7.6 million square miles (19.9 million square kilometers) in 1595. The Ottoman Empire began to decline in the 18th century, but a portion of its land became what is now Turkey. Origin and Growth The Ottoman Empire began in the late 1200s during the breakup of the Seljuk Turk Empire. After that empire broke up, the Ottoman Turks began to take control of the other states belonging to the former empire and by the late 1400s, all other Turkish dynasties were controlled by the Ottoman Turks. In the early days of the Ottoman Empire, the main goal of its leaders was expansion. The earliest phases of Ottoman expansion occurred under Osman I, Orkhan, and Murad I. Bursa, one of the Ottoman Empires earliest capitals, fell in 1326. In the late 1300s, several important victories gained more land for the Ottomans and Europe began to prepare for Ottoman expansion. After some military defeats in the early 1400s, the Ottomans regained their power under Muhammad I. In 1453, they captured Constantinople. The Ottoman Empire then entered its height and what is known as the Period of Great Expansion, during which time the empire came to include the lands of over ten different European and Middle Eastern states. It is believed that the Ottoman Empire was able to grow so rapidly because other countries were weak and unorganized, and also because the Ottomans had advanced military organization and tactics for the time. In the 1500s, the Ottoman Empires expansion continued with the defeat of the Mamluks in Egypt and Syria in 1517, Algiers in 1518, and Hungary in 1526 and 1541. In addition, parts of Greece also fell under Ottoman control in the 1500s. In 1535, the reign of Sulayman I began and Turkey gained more power than it had under previous leaders. During the reign of Sulayman I, the Turkish judicial system was reorganized and Turkish culture began to grow significantly. Following Sulayman Is death, the empire began to lose power when its military was defeated during the Battle of Lepanto in 1571. Decline and Collapse Throughout the rest of the 1500s and into the 1600s and 1700s, the Ottoman Empire began a considerable decline in power after several military defeats. In the mid-1600s, the empire was restored for a short time after military victories in Persia and Venice. In 1699, the empire again began to lose territory and power subsequently. In the 1700s, the Ottoman Empire began to rapidly deteriorate following the Russo-Turkish Wars. A series of treaties created during that time caused the empire to lose some of its economic independence. The Crimean War, which lasted from 1853 to 1856, further exhausted the struggling empire. In 1856, the independence of the Ottoman Empire was recognized by the Congress of Paris but it was still losing its strength as a European power. In the late 1800s, there were several rebellions and the Ottoman Empire continued to lose territory. Political and social instability in the 1890s created international negativity toward the empire. The Balkan Wars of 1912 and 1913 and uprisings by Turkish nationalists further reduced the empires territory and increased instability. Following the end of World War I, the Ottoman Empire officially came to an end with the Treaty of Sevres. Importance of the Ottoman Empire Despite its collapse, the Ottoman Empire was one of the largest, longest-lasting, and most successful empires in the worlds history. There are many reasons as to why the empire was as successful as it was, but some of them include its very strong and organized military and its centralized political structure. These early, successful governments make the Ottoman Empire one of the most important in history.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Consequences of Immoral Behaviors Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Consequences of Immoral Behaviors - Assignment Example According to Donner (2007), American Psychological Association ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct requires all information given to a psychologist in the cause of his or her professional work be kept in private. As a professional, a forensic psychologist should be able to protect information provided in a professional relationship. It is wrong for a psychologist to allow private information relayed to them to be disclosed to a legal system. A forensic psychologist would have to weigh their decision and consider whether this would harm the prisoner. The inmate gives much trust to the psychologist by admitting to him that he took the blame for his son’s assault to a 17 year old friend. Under no circumstances should the psychologist give this information to a third party. The plaintiff did not protest against the father’s decision to own up his son’s mistake. The process of decision-making is to a large extent based on ethics. A psychologist sho uld be aware of ethics related concerns in a given situation. An informed decision can be arrived at only if there is a clear understanding of these concerns. The psychologist should be able to determine ethics based priorities. Self-honesty is fundamental for the purposes of decision-making. Priorities should be determined on the best interest of the inmate, professional code of ethics and the benefit to society. For example, in a case Tarasoff v. Regents of the University of California, the court held that the protection privileges ends where public peril begins (Buckner & Firestone, 2000). Period of deliberation also comes in hand when dealing with the question on ethics and confidentiality since they are not easily answered. A forensic psychologist should be able to make any ethical decision and take responsibility for that choice. There may be consequences likely to occur as a result of the verdict taken. In this case, the person who committed
Thursday, October 31, 2019
4 Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
4 Discussion - Essay Example moral grounds wherein the involvement and formation of a consistent value system is administered to and this forms the base on which decisions concerning behavior is based upon. Conscience is the â€Å"the little voice,†perhaps at times may nag, complain or make us feel harassed when actions are considered not in the right perspective. Sigmund Freud described conscience as the voice within the superego, the set of rigid moral precepts that helped to control the want and take aspects of the id. Superego can be characterized as the sum of things learned in early life about right and wrong, wherein the self or ego functions within the bounds of a particular society. A person with poor superego control is considered id-driven.(Bonnie,1995) Others believe that the conscience is the other voice of reason as viewed by Thomas Aqinas. Since reason is God-given to Aquinas therefore consciences is also God-given. But human beings have the capacity to develop reason, and so reason remains a facility that must be exercised and developed. To act conscientiously is to act on reason-based decisions. (Bonnie,1995) Aquinas discusses people who have erring consciences and make wrong decisions based on faulty reasoning. He states that this may not be the person’s fault if he has not learned enough to know what is right or wrong. We have been stating that conscience is merely a feeling but I feel it is more of knowledge that is required to understand the difference between right and wrong. This extent of conscience is based on knowledge and is not merely a feeling. This should be a knowledge rather than rational or analytical knowledge wherein this knowledge of mine is an absolute obligation to goodness, justice and charity and virtue and holiness. Secondly this knowledge is of moral facts. Thus knowledge forms the bases for conscience. Now this conscience for me can lead to authority. The age we live in is filled turmoil and terrorism. And I feel that from young this
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Masi Tupangato project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Masi Tupangato project - Essay Example In relation to the increasing pace of the global business environment, it is highly essential for an organisation to develop a well-built structure to effectively operate its various practices. An appropriate structure of an organisation is one of the vital factors to attain substantial benefits as the aspect provides effective coordination between the organisational processes and enables it to accomplish the determined goals (Massa & Zhang, 2010). With relation to the management process concerning the Masi Tupungato project, building effective project team can be identified as one of the major and initial decisions which can facilitate the accomplishment of each phase of the project implementation plan in a more efficient way in terms of cost efficiency, time effectiveness and quality assurance. Notably, as the company intends to manufacture wine following the native procedure in the Venetian regions, its organisational structure and project team should involve professionals who are highly skilled and aware of the rudiments of such winemaking culture. With this concern, the organisational structure of the project shall involve authoritative bodies from Masi who would be responsible to direct the entire process of wine manufacturing and warehousing for the export functions. This particular group of professionals will also be responsible to direct the skilled and trained personnel in the Tupungato region. Additionally, the required numbers of staff and labourers will be hired from the Tupungato valley. and the surrounding
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Bentley Motors Limited Maintain a constant effective communication
Bentley Motors Limited Maintain a constant effective communication Project Responsibilities: To work in tandem with the Bill of Materials (BoM) department in successfully generating and structuring the part numbers for BY831 (Bentley Mulsanne) and BY624 vehicle configuration with the help of SAP based environment called TIsyncro. Maintain a constant effective communication between designers of different department to meet up with the deadlines. Organise training to the relative departments employees to inform and trained on the changing policies and methodologies of the department and project respectively. To provide an interface between functional managers, BoM, Digital Mock-Up (DMU) department and the CAD (Computer-Aided Design) Department to ascertain that the flow of information if unambiguous and accurate. Organise a product review meetings with the customers and the managers of relative departments. To mitigate the issues escalated from the BoM and different functional departments. To provide support in creating Clients requirement based reports. 5. Competencies demonstrated: (please refer to the APM Body of Knowledge, Competence Framework) The purpose of this assessment is to identify where my competence lies just now in relation to skills and professional studies. This assessment will reflect on previous/current work and courses and should help to identify my current level of skill. It is a detailed analysis of how I feel about my skills and competencies in relation to project management. Technical competence: The technical competence involved learning of 3D modelling software CATIA, LCA (Life Cycle Application) tool to structure the parts of BY831 (Mulsanne) and BY624 vehicle configuration. Context of Project Management (PM): In the context of Project Management, the technical competence involved developing skills on PM tools like MS Project and MS Visio. This has enhanced my skills on resource planning and appropriate scheduling of Projects. Behavioural competence: Behavioural competence involved developing robust behavioural skills by working for two managers with two leadership styles, strong communication skills ensuring details and expectations of the project are met to the highest standard, and constant interaction with functional managers of different departments catered to the enhancement of behavioural and interpersonal skills. Context of Project Management: Behavioural competence in the context of Project Management involved developing team building and leadership skills, time management skills by working on team placement project that involved working in a synergistic manner in order to avoid antagonistic behaviour as an individual. Section 3: CPD Self- Assessment Form This assessment addresses the experiences and knowledge gained/ shared by studying MSc Project Management at The Robert Gordon University (RGU). K= knowledge; E = experience ONLY TICK ONE K AND ONE E FOR EACH COMPETENCE Competencies Happy with my current level of For my current role in the Team Project I need to increase my For my future career I need to increase my K E K E K E Project management à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Programme management à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Portfolio management à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Project control à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Project sponsorship à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Project office à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Project success and benefits management à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Stakeholder management à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Value management à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Project management plan à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Competencies Happy with my current level of For my current role in the Team Project I need to increase my For my future career I need to increase my K E K E K E Project risk management à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Project quality management à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Health, safety and environmental management à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Scope management à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Scheduling à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Resource management à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Legal awareness à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Project life cycles à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Concept à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Definition à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Implementation à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Handover and closeout à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Project reviews à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Organisation structure à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Organisational roles à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Methods and procedures à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Competencies Happy with my current level of For my current role in the Team Project I need to increase my For my future career I need to increase my K E K E K E Governance of project management à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Communication à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Teamwork à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Leadership à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Conflict management à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Negotiation à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Human resource management à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Areas of strengths identified Gaps identified Scope Management Project lifecycle Teamwork Project Management Plan Leadership and Communication Organisational Roles Conflict Management and Resolution Project Management Office Health and Safety and Environmental Management Programme and Portfolio Management Project Management Negotiation Project Risk Management Organisational Structure Analysis of Project Success and Benefit analysis Methods and Procedures Value management Project Risk Management Human Resource Management Technical Competence on Project Portfolio Management (PPM) software i.e. Primavera Professional Certifications like APMP, CAPM, PRINCE 2 and so on. Section 4: Development Plan DEVELOPMENT PLAN Based on the contents of your current CV and your responses to the CPD Self Assessment Form (Review) in which you have identified the areas in which you need development, please complete your Development Plan. Where do I want to be in 5 years? The Postgraduate degree in Project Management has provided me with enough of robust information on managing complex projects within the Project Management constraints of scope, time, cost and quality. I would like to carry on with these skills and be an effective, efficient and smart Project Manager with team building and leadership skills to manoeuvre complex environment of managing range of complex projects. How will I achieve my aim? I would like to achieve this aim through Continuing Professional Development in terms of having professional certifications indicating enhancement of technical and behavioural competence. I would also believe that development of interpersonal skills, living in a pleasant ambience would substantially add some benefits in realising my aim successfully. What current skills and knowledge gaps prevent me from achieving my aim? Value management Project Risk Management Human Resource Management Technical Competence on Project Portfolio Management (PPM) software i.e. Primavera Professional Certifications like APMP, CAPM, PRINCE 2 and so on. Out of aforementioned knowledge gaps, Professional Certification is one of the most important knowledge gaps that need to be fulfilled and would substantially provide an opportunity to stand ahead in the competition from other Project Management practitioners. 5.0 LEARNING AND REFLECTION RECORDS- FORMAL EDUCATION 5.1 Learning and Induction from the Induction Programme Induction Programme Learning In the induction programme, a basic overview about the university was addressed i.e. infrastructural facilities, introduction of staff members pertaining to the course, the cultural values that would be gained through interaction between students of diverse cultural background. Also, I was able to learn the basic rules and regulations to be followed in the city/ country and one of the members from the Grampian police had addressed about the social laws and regulations and the Grampian fire service had addressed about the health and safety measures, fire incidents and so on. There were general and academic induction programmes and I was able to learn in both academic and professional way. Also this programme consisted of providing valuable guidance to students to make use of library and other RGU facilities. Infozone provided ample guidance in getting the opening of bank account, health guidance and also about NHS service. International Student Advisors provided/ provides continual su pport on immigration and visa information. Reflection Through this induction programme, I have had an opportunity to reflect this learning by adhering to the rules and regulations of the city/ country and the lessons learned through working in teams on different academic coursework including project technical implementation can be implemented in future endeavours as well ranging from different complex projects and improve behavioural skills including ethics. 5.2 Learning and Reflection for Academic Activities for First and Second Semester of MSc Project Management Module 1: Project Fundamentals Learning In this module, an overview of the basic nature of managing general projects was addressed, not specifically focussed on one type of project. I was able to get a basic insight into the concept of projects and Project Management and learnt the basic difference between projects and Business As Usual (BAU). The module used the concept of project life cycle as the organisational guideline, and provided a brief understanding on the contents of different phases of a project like project initiation, project planning, project execution, project control and project closure that covered the whole process of project management activities like, Project Management Plan, change management, project quality, Stakeholder Management, risk management and many others. From these activities, I basically learnt the concept of business case and its development and its importance as the primary deliverable of initiation phase of project life cycle. In a nutshell, I conclude from my learning that the princip les of project management are applicable at all levels of the project hierarchy, ranging from individual work packages through to the provision of responsibility. Reflection This module provided me a lot of insights into different elements of Project Management and I was able to put all these theoretical elements into practice by doing a team project on the construction of Heathrow Terminal 5. Firstly, this project provided me a robust experience of working as a team of varied culture and secondly, it provided an opportunity to understand the application of different project management activities in the practical environment (construction of Heathrow Terminal 5). This project also provided me an opportunity to implement all the learning on the fundamentals of projects and project management into practice and share knowledge between the team members by providing a detailed business case and the project management plan for the project. Having known with the basic principles of project fundamentals module, this learning can be reflected on future endeavours involving all the areas of Project Management. Module 2: Project Planning and Control Learning This module provided a basic overview of core activities of the planning phase of the project. I learnt about the fundamentals of project planning like scope management, how to create Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for the allocation of resources to projects, and an overview to create cost estimation and budgeting and apply IT led resource scheduling and allocation techniques with the help of Gantt chart and Critical Path Method (CPM). Alongside these things, I was able to get a basic insight into critical evaluation of key project monitoring and control techniques and their impact on the successful completion of projects. Finally, I learnt different quality systems and requirements of the project in order to add value to the client and the business as a whole. Reflection This module provided me a basic insight into different elements of Project planning and control and I was able to put all these theoretical elements into practice by doing a team project on the relocation of oil and gas company office. The project involved relocating the employees of different departments and their possessions to a bigger office space. We, as a team, got involved in preparing a project plan to ensure that this project is completed on time, within budget and would not affect the smooth flow of work and interrupt the operations at the existing building. More emphasis was given on project scheduling and provided a detailed Gantt chart indicating deliverables and milestones with a detailed resource histogram depicting the resources. Also, the allocation of resources for different tasks was depicted with the help of Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). This project provided me a robust experience of working as a team of varied culture and secondly, it provided an opportunity t o understand the application of different project planning tools and techniques in this project and having known with these basic tools and techniques, this learning can be reflected on future endeavours as well. Module 3: Project Organisation and Behaviour Learning In this module, basically an overview of organisational learning with roles and responsibilities was addressed and three types of organisation structures were dealt in detail i.e. Functional based, Matrix based and Project based Organisational structures and I learnt that more emphasis would emphasis would be given to project-based and matrix-based organisation structure for the effective implement of Project Management for the successful completion of projects. I also learnt behavioural issues in projects and how these issues would impact in maintaining robust relationship with the client and the constant interaction between conflict management and negotiation in projects and project management environment. During the discussion on behavioural issues in the project environment, emphasis was laid upon the socio-cultural aspect of Project Management and I learnt that the constant development of antagonistic behaviour of the individuals and lack of synergistic behaviour within the team s or in general the organisation structure would affect the project/ programme managers and including the team leader to manage the teams and would result in ambiguities within the team members with lack of knowledge sharing and result in the unsuccessful completion of projects. Hence I learnt that the role of effective leadership right from the strategic level down to the operational level is essential in problem solving and decision making process and develop efficient communication on the technical and socio-cultural aspects of project management within the team members leading to effective organisational learning. Reflection I was able to reflect on the learning that I got from the project organisation and behaviour module in the form of team project on International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER). The basic reason for choosing this project to put all the theoretical elements into practice is due to its sensitive nature because this project, in the real environment, involved international stakeholders from seven different nations intend to develop fusion energy for peaceful purposes. The purpose was to provide a transformational organisational structure in order to mitigate behavioural issues and manage conflicts within the Organisation. Module 4: Commercial Realties for Project Management Learning This module provided a descriptive learning on the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the project at the initiation phase of the project life cycle. The qualitative analysis included environmental analysis that in turn included three types viz., SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats), PESTEL (Political, Economical, Social, Technological, Environmental, Legal) and Porters Five Forces Model. Quantitative analysis included investment/ financial appraisal and consisted of four types i.e. Payback Period (PBP), Accounting Rate of Return (ARR), Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR). The qualitative analysis provides a detailed overview of merits and de-merits of undertaking a project taking micro, meso and macro factors into consideration. However, quantitative analysis provides a detailed overview on the financial aspects of the project i.e. Return on Investment (ROI). I was able to get a basic insight into procurement and supply chain issues and legal issues in the context of projects and project management. This module provided a basic overview of different types of dispute resolution techniques used in the project environment between the stakeholders. Reflection Based on the learning, I have had an opportunity to work on a hypothetical project. This project is aimed at building a multi-speciality veterinary hospital in Aberdeen and providing all the modern sophisticated medical facilities to the domesticated animals in order to eradicate all sorts of endemic and fatal diseases and provide a healthy environment. The project involved in providing a detailed qualitative and quantitative analysis, contracting strategy, procurement plan and dispute resolution techniques in the context of projects and project management. Learning through this module can be implemented in future real time endeavours that range of complex projects. Module 5: Project Strategy and Leadership Learning In this module, the meaning of strategy was dealt and an overview of the link between strategy and projects was addressed. I learnt that how strategic decisions at the top management level/ strategic level would impact the projects and project management and learnt the concept of Strategic Project Management (SPM). I learnt the concept of Project Portfolio Management that was viewed as a tool/ method of prioritising and selecting portfolio of projects for their successful completion by linking the projects with the Organisations overall business strategies. I learnt the difference between Project Management, Programme management and the Project Portfolio Management and the interdependency between them and the overall business strategy. In order to ascertain successful completion of portfolio of projects through decisions taken at the strategic level, the concept of strategic leadership, Project Management Office and project governance were dealt with prime importance. I learnt that t he gap of governance between the corporate governance/ corporate level (strategic level) and the Project Management can be avoided by introducing the concept of Governance of Project Management (GoPM) framework that links the strategic and the tactical/ operational level. However to ascertain successful GoPM, I learnt that the three important elements i.e. Organisation structure, people and the flow of information within the framework should be organised well. I also viewed Project Management Office (PMO) as the core department within the business function that maintains the tools, techniques and methodologies of Project Management and also responsible in upgrading the tools and methodologies of PM. I learnt the concept of maturity model and its impact on all the areas of Project Management (PM) and viewed maturity in the context of PM as part of organisations diverse culture and not just a tool/ methodology for managing projects and learnt the concept of Organisational Project management Maturity Model (OPM3) developed by PMI and got an insight into how this model correlates Project, Programme and Portfolio Management. I got a basic insight into the Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) and how it is going to impact the success of portfolio of projects and the project strategy including the overall business strategy. I also learnt the concept of global teams and their impact on the performance of projects due to varied culture and how this socio-cultural aspect of Project Management should be managed in order to arrive at the desired project outcome. Finally I learnt the concept of Project Performance Management and their impact on meeting project/ organisation goals and o bjectives in an effective and efficient manner and I also got an insight into how stakeholder commitment is directly linked with project performance management and their alignment with the business strategies. Reflection Based on the learning, I have had an opportunity to work on a real team project. The aim of the project was to analyse, plan and develop the overall strategy for the management of the companys project in order to meet the companys budget, schedule and quality parameters set out at project approval but also deliver optimum value to the company. In the project, we assumed the role of engineering directors that had been tasked with proposing a new strategy for the efficient management of the companys business operations. Though the project was carried out from the university without being there at the client organisation, this project gave us a good exposure in implementing all the elements of project strategy and leadership module into practice and can also be implemented in future professional endeavours. Module 6: Risk and Safety Management Learning In this module, I learnt the concept of risk and risk management in the context of Projects and Project management. I learnt to identify, analyse and critically assess risks throughout the phases of the project life cycle. Risks in terms of organisational structure, culture, stakeholders and so on were addressed in the context of projects and project management and learnt on how strategic decisions of the management would be risk-driven in terms of delivering the projects successfully. I learnt more about sensitive projects. It was dealt that projects tend to become sensitive depending on the level/ intensity of risk involved in the project and based on this, I learnt that quantitative and qualitative risk assessment tools and techniques can be used depending on the type of projects and the level of risk involved. I also learnt that how organisation would look at individuals attitude towards technical and socio-cultural risks involved in projects in the context of project management. I also learnt the concept of Health Safety Security Environment (HSSE) and the awareness of legislative and statutory requirements and integrate health, safety and environmental policies into Project Management Plan (PMP). I did learn about how performance of HSSE can be effectively and efficiently monitored for successful management of risks and how organisational structure and their responsibilities can affect the successful implementation of effective risk and safety measures within the organisation. Reflection This module gave me the exposure in implementing all the elements into practice. I completed individual coursework on risk and safety management in the transportation of spent fuel in the United Kingdom. This project focussed on the key risks involved in the transportation activity at the back end operations of the nuclear power plants, key legislative requirements and health safety measures for the transportation of spent nuclear fuel, decisions concerning top management on the transportation issues and proposal of new strategy for the ongoing monitoring of risk and safety management. In a nutshell, the learning through this module gave a basic insight into different elements of risk and safety management and can be reflected on future endeavours as well i.e. in the real work environment Module 7: Supply Chain Management Learning This module provided a basic overview on different supply chain frameworks, supply chain tools and techniques used in the area of supply chain management, design of supply chain strategies and modelling and simulation techniques in the SC. Devising of supply chain structure or supply chain network diagram provided a basic overview of understanding the flow of information (material and financial flow) among stakeholders along the upstream and downstream of the SC. Reflection This module provided me a robust exposure in implementing all the theoretical elements into good practice by doing two courseworks on the module. In the first coursework, the aim was to regulate the variation of demand and supply of electricity with the optimisation of Supply Chain strategies and to bring in coordination and integration among the trading partners within the Supply Chain. This involved analysing the current SC model of the chosen organisation on node by node basis with regards to their existing SC strategies, tools techniques, SC issues and the SC response on these issues. A new SC model was proposed for the chosen organisation with optimised SC strategies, tools techniques and improvement in the response of SC. In the second coursework, the aim was to identify and analyse humanitarian supply chain issues at the micro, meso and macro level, identify the current technology application in the humanitarian supply chain of the chosen case study and identify the typical stakeholders that impact the SC response. As time is the main constraint of any humanitarian SC, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) plays a major role in eliminating unethical practices and improves the SC response. Hence the learning from this module can be reflected on future endeavours i.e. real time projects in the diversified area (from retail, engineering and so on to rehabilitation projects/ humanitarian based SC projects). Module 8: Professional Body of Knowledge in Project Management Learning This module gave an opportunity in learning all the knowledge areas of Project Management, specifically Association for Project Management (APM). This gave me a good exposure to attempt the exam conducted by the university that is tantamount to APMs APMP exam. The module addressed on all the knowledge areas that covered all the previous modules (seven) on Project Management. This module also provided me the guideline in preparing for the APMP exam to get the professional certification. This module also provided a good exposure in knowing different PM standards and bodies. Reflection The examination conducted by the university on this module would be the stepping stone to many future professional certification exams to boost the CV and ensure continuous professional development through lifelong learning and stand ahead in the competition among other project management practitioners to get hands-on experience on future endeavours on a range of complex projects. 6.0 LEARNING AND REFLECTION RECORDS- PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY Activity 1: Student Membership for APM and PMI Learning Holding the student membership for Association for Project Management (APM) and Project Management Institute (PMI) has provided me a basic insight into the happening of events/ seminars/ workshops on different genres of Project Management and I could keep myself updated on the current tools and techniques used in the management of range of complex projects. Reflection By holding the membership for APM and PMI, I have had an opportunity to learn many areas of Project Management through their website, journal articles and e-letter (The membership is still very much valid). As a matter of fact, these learning could be reflected on future career development in the field of Projects and Project Management and provides ample opportunity in doing the certification exams like APMP, CAPM and so on and avail for full-time membership. This also provides an opportunity in networking with other Project Management practitioners and share knowledge on different areas of Project Management. Activity 2: Participation in CPD Activities Learning In this session, I learnt about the step by step process of developing the portfolio of Continuing Professional Development (CPD). This session was conducted by one of my Project Management module coordinators in the academic environment and was part of the Project Technical Implementation (Team Placement Project) module. The module coordinator addressed all the sections and elements of CPD and explained the importance of CPD in the development of ones career. Reflection The basic understanding of the process of CPD could be reflected on the career development and be considered as the stepping stone to boost the Curriculum Vitae (CV) and provide a platform in achieving the professional certification and mark it as the evidence of enhanced professional competency and can stand ahead in todays global competition with respect to other Project Management practitioners. Activity 3: Leadership Style of Workplace Supervisors Learning In my previous employment, I was happened to work with two managers at Bentley Motors Limited, Crewe, UK. I have had an opportunity to perceive different leadership style of these managers. Manager A: I worked under Manager A for about 6 months and got to learn about the Autocratic style of leadership wherein leaders have more powers over their team members. Also the contribution to the process of decision making was limited. Manager B: I worked under Manager B for 9 months and learnt about the Democratic style of leadership and had an opportunity to contribute to the process of decision making as a team and the level of enthusiasm was optimal. Reflection Based on the real-time professional experience with the managers of my previous organisation, and having had a great opportunity in perceiving two different styles of leadership, I would like to reflect these professional learnin
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