Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Twilight commentary
I have written a film review on the movie; Twilight. The reason for this was due to enjoying writing a piece that had this particular genre. This piece is aimed at mature young women from the age of 16, due to the language I have used, they would find this interesting. The primary purpose of my writing is to inform and the secondary purpose is to Entertain. Grammar in comparison for my model text to my film review is very significant. Word classes were frequent throughout. Abstract nouns were used such as ‘love'. Prepositions ‘the award winning' and determiners are also used, ‘her new life in forks'. The sentence structure mainly used complex sentences throughout; due to having a mature audience. The film review also affects lexis; the text is very high in formality and is in the third person. The semantic field of my film review is love and vampires. There are similarities in the model text and differences, due to the audience being more interested in my film review. I have changed the discourse by having a different genre, mine is a romantic fantasy and my model text is a horror-fantasy. I also spoke about the director, as well as going into detail about the two main characters instead of just about the movie. Things alike to my model text ‘Watchmen' were, starting the text with alliteration, ‘the time' the model text had ‘travelling towards'. Both talk about the genre of the movie. The atmosphere is described in both as well. Paragraphs are all fairly concise and both talk about the movie and novel adaptations. Graphology is very important. It was very alike to the model text. There was a main picture. This was very large; it gave readers information about the movie. Symbolism was used to show who owned the review. This was colourful and attractive. Typography was placed upon the picture to give the readers' information about the rating. Bold writing was included, making sure that the readers knew what the picture showed, it was also used for showing important information. A graph on the predictions expected for the audiences' reactions was used, as well as small adverts for other movies. There is a semantic field of romance within the review. Collocation is used, as is synonyms ‘from beneath' instead of under; this is to show the texts formality. Antonyms ‘popular, successful', figurative language aswell ‘almost as if time has stopped' and connotations ‘untouchable' (vampires) are all used. Pragmatics affects a few aspects, such as the sub-text, ‘introduces mythological creatures into our lives' which means there are more than one way a reader could take this and they will feel more intrigued. Shared understanding-I am using words that suggest that the reader would know what I am talking about. There is alliteration within my text. A serious tone with some humour is used; the text is reflective to my theme of romance. There is a great depth of the characters and of the film itself.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Compare/Contrast: Antigone and Creon
Compare / Contrast Antigone and Creon There is always going to be some kind of conflict in a family. It may happen often, and sometimes rarely. In the century-old story Antigone there is a huge conflict. Antigones brother, Polyneices, refuses to pass on the throne. Therefore, he and his brother Etheocles go to war, and they both end up killing each other. Therefore, it resulted in Polyneices death. When he died, Creon; the ruler of Thebes, refuses to let anyone bury him.So he will be left in public shame. Not regarding any of the laws Creon created, and ignoring what her family says, Antigone goes ahead and covers him with some dirt and â€Å"buries†him. To begin with, Antigone has gone through a hardship. She has lost her brother and her family is very mad with her, since they have also been brought into the conflict. Antigone is very strong; she does what she wants without thinking twice. She is also very sneaky. She buried her brother without anyone noticing.The blame was even put on her timid sister, Ismene. Who was later questioned by Creon, and also was held by him until she was found innocent. But Antigone already knows her consequences, so she is ready if she is caught. Antigone also follows the Gods law. She believes that manmade law must harmonize with the Gods law. She is lead by her emotions and what her heart tells her to do. Antigone strongly believes that both of her brothers deserve burial rights, therefore she fights for it.On the other hand, Creon differs somewhat. Creon inherited the throne after Oedipus was killed. He only honored Ethocles, and announced that no one would be allowed to bury Polyneices. As you can tell, Creon likes to go by the laws he created, not by the Gods. Creon doesn’t like to listen to others opinions about the situation. Haemon, his son, tries to convince Creon to not bury Antigone. Yet, he doesn’t even take a second to think about it. Haemon then mentions Creons ruling is tyranny, not government .
Monday, July 29, 2019
Academic degree Essay Example for Free (#3)
Academic degree Essay ? Healthcare Basics – What to Know Before Pursuing a Health Career Decide Which Health Career is Best for You Healthcare Employers – Where to Work in the Medical Industry Medical Education – Training and Education Required for Health Careers Paying for Education Costs – How to Pay for Your Healthcare Education Healthcare Compensation – How You’ll Get Paid, and How Much Getting the Job – How to Secure Your Dream Job in Healthcare Health Career Advancement – Manage Your Healthcare Career for Success Professional Health Career Resources and Reference Materials Trends, News, and Issues Impacting Your Career in Healthcare Glossary of Terms for Health Careers. Blog Updated Articles and Resources View More Free Email Newsletter Let About. com send you the latest from our Health Careers Expert. You can opt-out at any time. Please refer to our privacy policy for contact information. Medical student holding flask with blue – Cultura Science/Matt Lincoln/Riser/Getty Images Cultura Science/Matt Lincoln/Riser/Getty Images Question: Why Is Education So Important for Success? Is education important to a successful career in the healthcare industry? And if so, how important is it, and why is education so important? Many readers and job seekers often ask why education is important with respect to one’s career, particularly in the healthcare industry. Some people also want to know how education can impact overall quality of life, in addition to the impact education has on one’s career. Many job seekers, some who have years of experience, may not even be considered for a job, or they may be passed over for a candidate who has a degree, or more education, but has less experience. Why? Ads Medical Science Degree theacademy. edu. au/medical_science Designed for high-achievers. Be mentored by experienced researchers Bachelor Courses www. seeklearning. com. au/Bachelor Study Online When It Suits You FEE-HELP Available. Enrol Now. Career Personality Quiz carecareers. com. au/CareerQuiz Find Out Which Jobs Suit You Best. Get your Free Personal Profile Now. Professional Degree Theology Degree Jobs Jobs Health Science Jobs Leadership Degree Answer: Education is very important to both your personal and professional life, in a number of significant ways! Depending on the level of success you’re seeking to achieve, the level of education may be relative, but the bottom line is, an education of some sort is often paramount to future success. Completing increasingly advanced levels of education shows that you have a drive and commitment to learn and apply information, ideas, theories, and formulas to achieve a variety of tasks and goals. Subject Matters: Probably the most obvious reason education is important is to acquire the subject matter and basic knowledge needed to get by in everyday life. For example: English and language skills: English and language skills will help you to communicate your ideas more clearly. Communication skills are essential in any role – whether you’re dealing with co-workers, patients, customers, or supervisors, you will need to effectively convey your plans, ideas, goals, and such. Math and science skills: Although calculators and computers are readily accessible, you still need to learn how to do basic computations and calculations on paper or in your head. If you are calculating dosages, counting surgical supplies, or tallying sales, math skills are imperative for a career, and for life. Cooking, shopping, driving, and many other everyday activities require math skills as well, regardless of your career choice. Ads The future of Speech www. jcu. edu. au/5stargrads Study Speech Pathology @ JCU Apply now for 2015! Distance Education wi. edu. au/Education_Diploma_Courses Online Teacher Education Courses. Apply for 2014, 3rd Session Intake The more you LEARN, the more you EARN: Have you ever noticed that the word LEARN contains the word EARN? Perhaps that is because the higher level of education you achieve, the higher level of income you are likely to command as well. For example, consider the following health careers and the educational requirements as they relate to annual income: Medical jobs, no college degree: Pay $20,000-40,000 annually, on average Allied Health Careers, two years of college: Pay from $40,000-60,000 annually. Nursing Careers, Associate’s or Bachelor Degree: Pay $40,000-55,000 on average annually. Advanced Nursing Careers, Master’s Degree required: Pay $60,000-90,000+ annually. Pharmacist, Bachelor’s, + PharmD: Pay $90,000-115,000 annually. Physician, Medical Doctorate required: Pay $120,000-$500,000+ annually Are you seeing the trend here? Clearly, education is important for financial growth in the healthcare field, as with many other careers. Many Employers Now Require Education for Employment: Another primary reason education is important, is that it’s become a basic requirement for so many employers, to even get your foot in the door. Many employers require college level education, even for roles which previously did not require it, such as administrative assistant positions. The fewer years of education you’ve completed, the fewer doors are open to you. It’s that simple. Educational requirements are a quick and easy way to narrow down the field of applicants, especially in situations where there are more applicants than jobs. When hiring from a field of candidates, employers prefer those who have completed the higher level of education. Why has education become so important to employers? In working with hiring managers to conduct candidate searches, it seems that the education requirement has become a barrier for entry into many careers, because education allows you to: Learn how to learn. School teaches you how to gather, learn, and apply knowledge. No matter what career you choose, you will need to learn procedures, information, and skills related to your job, and execute tasks based on that information and training. Develop interpersonal skills. School allows you to interact with other people and refine your communication skills, including those of persuasion, conflict resolution, and teamwork. Learn time and task management. Learn how to manage projects, deadlines, and complete assignments efficiently and effectively. Learn from experience of others. By attending school, you are able to learn from the experience and intellect of thousands of people who have gone before you. In just a few years, through your textbooks, research, and class lessons, school gives you a consolidated overview of theories, formulas, ideologies, and experiments conducted by generations of scientists, philosophers, mathematicians, historians, and other experts. While gaining your own personal work experience is helpful too, a formal education is a way to learn from centuries of others’ life and work and academic experience before you. As you can see, education is important to everyone, but education is even more important in the healthcare industry. Why? Technology, math and science are key components of many healthcare roles: Healthcare careers often require knowledge and understanding of the sciences, and technology. These fields are always changing and growing with new developments and discoveries. Therefore it’s imperative to have a basic understanding you can build on with continuing education throughout your career, to keep up with the latest changes and new information. Health professionals have a huge responsibility for the health, well-being, and survival of others. Therefore, health professionals must be particularly adept and relating to other people, learning and gathering information about a patient, and applying it to the treatment and care of that patient based on medical knowledge. For many healthcare roles, degrees and certifications are required for licensure to practice in a certain capacity. Many allied healthcare jobs require at least an associate’s degree, most nurses need bachelor’s degrees, and physicians and advanced practice nurses must have many years of post-graduate training to include master’s and doctorate degrees. Related Articles Healthcare Career Questions and Answers Education Levels and Employment Why You Should Get your Doctoral Degree How Much Education Do You Need for Criminal Justice and Criminology Careers? 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Our Story Advertise News Site Map All Topics Reprints Help Write for About Careers at About User Agreement Ethics Policy Patent Info Bizarre Entertainment Health How to Lifestyle Most Expensive Tech Travel Internet More List Crux Home > Education > Why Education is extremely Important? 10 Reasons Education How to Lifestyle Why Education is extremely Important? 10 Reasons By ankita Shrivastava | July 8, 20141 Comment 1 Education for all means has been the most important debate in all stages of society, progress and development. This might build in you the question as to why everyone is running behind education? What is it that makes us bind to education and makes it the center of attraction to all the aristocrats, law makers, parents and elders? Education isn’t about my marks or your standard its about knowledge and how well you are aware of the happenings around you. A person who is awakened knows what’s best for him/her, knows the difference between right and wrong and that’s when he is known as educated. 10. SOCIETY society We live in an ever progressing and developing society. Education in this society is not only a demarcation of the wealthy and poor but also of the uneducated and educated. Your reputation and social image is dependent on your educational qualifications. More than your salary, caste, creed or religion, people care about your degree for it demarks you from the rest. Society is also a cluster of different people, to deal with each we need knowledge of the system as well as our rights and duties which is only taught to us through different mediums of education. This helps us become a member of the society we live in and participate actively in the changes and development required in the society. 9. THE DIFFERENCE the difference. For education also makes us gain the knowledge of differentiating between different aspects of work, life and curriculum. For a person who isn’t educated he/she cannot discriminate as to when he is being fooled or when the stats are true. Country works on a certain curriculum, to follow those routes like in banks, government offices and day to day needs we need to be educated so that no one can hoax us with their knowledge. Your way of talking, perception and interaction in a social gathering shall always stand out compared to the one who is illiterate. 8. NOBODY CAN FOOL YOU nobody can fool you. The lower class of the society is often faced with the issue of not being literate like those who are more privileged, living in urban dynasties. Hence often the selfish urban tend to use the innocence and illiteracy of the uneducated in their favor. Often we come across cases where the farmers sign across wrong papers and have to face long life penalty for giving their land to someone else. This is only because the farmer is illiterate and hence can be easily fooled by words. Whereas an educated person is smart enough to demarcate the cunningness of those around and is less probable to be shot by such cases. 7. INDEPENDENT independent Education makes your growth optimum and helps you become independent to start your own life. It makes you reliable on your instincts and knowledge to take the right decision that does not harm your image and respect. An independent thought process is developed when your brain is open to all the forms of life and knowledge about how advanced the world has become and you witness the improvement in lifestyle. This makes you create your own mentality rather than being a herd follower of your ancestors it also gives you a broader outlook towards life and your career. 6. KNOWLEDGEABLE knowledgable. Education makes you knowledgeable, it makes you stand tall in a discussion and participate enthusiastically with no shame of going dumb. Knowledge makes you aware, potentially updated and also open minded. A person who lacks knowledge is considered to be foolish and regarded as either a learner or an illiterate. Though knowledge might turn to against you if not used in the best of intentions and calibre. 5. STABILITY stability When you are educated, you shall get a job easily. A career can be established by your credits and achievements in the educational field. This not only makes you independent but also helps you create a living. Stability comes when you are on your own, this cannot be achieved until you can excel in all forms and fields with a rigorous effort on scrubbing your caliber. We are all blank frames until and unless a drawing is not drawn, the frame shall remain un noticed and blank. If it is a good image, carefully drawn, specialized by critics the final result shall be explicit compared to rough drawings done by an un- experienced artist hence to be stable and be valued by the world we need education. Education shall support our endeavor and also speak on our behalf of our credits. 4. LIVING living. For a living, it has become mandatory for a citizen to be educated. Not only they are termed as barriers or qualifications to cross before coming in for an interview, but education also decides your performance in an interview. An educated person is aware of his surroundings and therefore can give explicit answers to questions asked whereas an illiterate might not be able to comprehend the questions that shall be bombarded on him. Moreover to apply for a job, the educational qualifications of a student act as the eligibility criteria which is must before the student is able to fill an application. Education opens to the world of our own where we can earn and form a living for ourselves. 3. SENSE OF RIGHT AND WRONG right and wrong To know if you are right, you should might as well know, WHAT IS RIGHT? If we go by terms of what people say there will be a huge confusion in our understanding, leading us to unwanted and fraud situations. This can only be corrected or check if we are educated enough to not be waved away. When a small child is given a toffee, he/she accepts it without understanding its ingredients, taste or what it might do to their health. Though if the same toffee is given to an educated person, he/she can sense the difference by checking their ingredients, taste or smell. This is because experience can education has made them aware of the difference between right and wrong. 2. WISDOM wisdom Education is often compared with wisdom. A person who is educated has wisdom and knowledge. Wisdom to know the correct and knowledge to reason it. Wisdom acts as the stepping stone during a person’s growth. A matured person is often considered to have more wisdom than a teenager because he/she has faced the cons of life and come out with experience that make them smart, careful and aware. These things can be taught to you in school/ colleges or by your parents or by personal experience but when we lack the urge to learn it is then that are downfall starts. 1. CAREER career A career makes our identity, it also decides our work frame, area of interest, caliber and future. This career holds true only when a person is educated. Education gives him/her the knowledge of their field so that they can pursue the career of their interest full fledged. On the contrary those who are illiterate are considered for labor jobs which do not require understanding, knowledge or development. They act as a source to the needs of the educated. Hence to have a secure and balanced career we need to work hard, learn new things, gain knowledge, spread our experience, help the society and become educated. Related posts: Top 10 Ways to Know That a Person is Lying Top 10 Ways to get Romantic when you Get Old Top 10 Reasons to have Trekking as a Hobby 10 Personality Traits of Person with Capricorn Astrological Sun Sign Top 10 Important things Money Can’t Buy Top 10 Characteristics of Hazel Eyed People Related Itemscareereducationimportance of basic educationlifewisdom of crowds ankita Shrivastava. < Previous Story Top 10 Ways to get to Know your Sibling Better Next Story > 10 Things Girls should Avoid on the First Date You may also like†¦ Skip a class Top 10 things to do Before You are 21 sweden Top 10 Best Countries for Higher Education 5. Remember It Happens to Everyone Top 10 Ways to Overcome an Embarrassing Moment Search Recent Posts 10 Reasons why Family Traditions are Important 10 Fun Things to do While Camping Top 10 Popular Video Games Played by Adults Top 10 Movies to Watch this Christmas Top 10 Ways to Double up the Adventure on a Trip Categories Bizarre Education Entertainment Food Health History How to Internet. Lifestyle More Most Expensive Relationships Tech Travel Follow us on Twitter About Advertise Contact Disclaimer Privacy Policy Write for Us List Crux All kinds of facts on diverse topics are condensed into interesting top 10 lists by our curious, intelligent and well informed authors. From movies to music, from food to clothes, from gadgets to natural beauty, you will find a huge variety of heterogeneous information in the form of captivating lists here. Copyright  © 2013 ListCrux. com Calender August 2014 M T W T F S S  « Jul 123 45678910 11121314151617 18192021222324 25262728293031 Search Archives August 2014 July 2014 June 2014 May 2014. April 2014 January 2014 December 2013 November 2013 It Gives Knowledge â€Å"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. †– Benjamin Franklin A direct effect of education is knowledge gain. Education gives us knowledge of the world around. It develops in us a perspective of looking at life. It helps us form opinions and develop a point of view. The information we are constantly bombarded with, cannot be converted into knowledge without the catalyst called education. Education makes us capable of interpreting things rightly and applying the gathered information in real life scenarios. Education is not limited to lessons from textbooks. Real education is obtained from the lessons taught by life. It Leads to Career Progression â€Å"An expert is one who knows more and more about less and less. †– Nicholas M. Butler Education is important because it equips us with the expertise that is needed in helping us realize our career goals. Expertise is an in-depth knowledge about a specific field and it’s ought to open doors to brilliant career opportunities. Education fetches better prospects of career growth. Good education is an eligibility criterion for employment in any sector of the industry. Be it any field, education always proves to be rewarding. We are weighed in the market on the basis of our educational skills and on how well we can apply them. It Builds Character â€Å"A man’s own manner and character is what most becomes him. †– Marcus Tullius Cicero The words ‘cultivate’ and ‘civilize’ are synonymous with ‘educate’. That says it all. Education is important as it teaches us the right behavior and good manners, thus making us civilized. It is the basis of culture and civilization. It is instrumental in the development of our values and virtues. Education cultivates us into mature individuals; individuals capable of planning for the future, and taking the right decisions in life. It gives us an insight into living, and teaches us to learn from experience. It makes us self-confident, and develops our†¦ Continues for 2 more pages  » Read full document Full access is free for premium users. Add to Library (0) Download Print Report this Essay Facebook Twitter Google+ Send Rate This Document 4. 5 1 2 3 4 5 Read full document Full access is free for premium users. Document Details Words: 790 Related Essays why is education so impo †¦ isn’t cool it puts stress in many people’s life. So think before you act or speak†¦ 1 Pages Why Is Childhood so Impo †¦ Why Is Childhood Important? Written by Evan Bailyn on 06/20 at†¦ 3 Pages Why Poetry Is so Importa †¦ on the writer’s feelings, history and perceptions, so every person has the†¦ 2 Pages Why English so important †¦ article was downloaded by: [Hong Kong Institute of Education] On: 19 November†¦ 41 Pages Why Is History so Import †¦ Why is History so important? My mom always told me†¦ 1 Pages Cite This Essay APA (2013, 12). Why is Education so Important? Academic degree. (2016, Sep 22).
Liverpool Football Club Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Liverpool Football Club - Essay Example One of the best ways to evaluate a team is to look at their accomplishments. Furthermore, gazing at this timeline can help to predict how the team will perform in the future. Next, we will take a look at the timeline. Elliot (2005) says that the club set a record at earning eighteen First Division Titles. Additionally, Rose (2000) says that the club also holds seventeen League Cups. Access World News (2002) claims that the club also set an English record by winning five European Cups. Finally, Charleston (2002) says that they earned the FA Cup seven times. According to Taylor (1987), the club was formed in 1892. According to the Daily Post (2002), also in that year, a great victory was achieved by the Reds, the time they played their first game. The Liverpool Football Club (2009) claims that the first game in the Football League took place in 1893. They also say that, at the time a promotion was attempted in 1894, it was achieved. Furthermore, in 1896, Tom Watson was appointed as manager of the club. Also in that year, the Reds made it to the first FA Cup final game. The Reds were crowned as champions for the first time in 1901, and the title was given back to Anfield in 1906. In 1922, they won their third title, according to the Liverpool Football League (2009). In 1923, there were two consecutive title wins for the Reds. In 1928, a roof was put on the Spion Kop. In 1938, the quickest goal was recorded by Balmer. 1946 saw a record deal being made for Stubbins, and Balmer hit a treble, treble. The Reds were recognized as post-war champions in 1947. The Reds lost the Cup in the finals in 1950. In 1952, a new record was set by Anfield. Nevertheless, the Reds were led to misery when they suffered a great defeat in 1954. In the 1960's, the Liverpool Football Club (2009) reports several key events that were of great significance. The Reds endured a promotion from Division Two, the Reds dressed in all red for the first time, the Shield was shared between the Reds and United, they lost their first European final, they smashed their transfer record, they brought home the title for the sixth time, they finally won the Cup for the first time, they reclaimed the Title after winning against Chelsea, and they took home the Shield. In the 1970's, they won their eighth title, Paisley takes over the club, they won the UEFA Cup for the second time, they won their tenth title, and they won the Super Cup. All of this is reported by the Liverpool Football League (2009). Also reported by the League in that decade is Shankly resigning, winning the Shield, winning their ninth title, winning the Shield again, and winning the European Cup. In the 1980's, according to the Liverpool Football League (2009), they won the twelfth title. They also retained the League Cup and re-earned the Charity Shield. Next, they won their fourteenth title and Fagan led the team. In the 1990's, according to the Liverpool Football League (2009), they won their fifth Cup. Sadly, fans loaded into Kop for the last time. They won their eighteenth title, Rush set a new scoring record, and they won the League Cup. They also won the Youth Cup, according to the League. Since then, the Liverpool Football League (2009) reports many landmark events. They won the Cup and the Charity Shield, they won against Istanbul, they won the Youth Cup, they won the Community Shield, they retained the Youth Cup, the transfer record was smashed again, and
Sunday, July 28, 2019
There are signs that the current economic situation is improving Essay
There are signs that the current economic situation is improving - Essay Example HRM is also entrusted with the tasks of ensuring that a suitable working environment is developed in organisations. Moreover, it also ensures that a harmonious and a better relationship is developed amid employees and management of organisations. The role of HRM can be viewed to get affected due to influences with respect to internal along with external environment. In this regard, the internal factors include organisational culture and climate. Organisational culture is based on various factors including values, beliefs along with ethnicity of employees. Organisational climate depends on leadership styles, communication and human resource (HR) policies. On the other hand, external factors comprise economic conditions, demographics and labour market conditions. Economic conditions entail availability of financial resources or materials and demand along with supply of products and/or services. Labour market implies the availability of labour forces to be recruited. Demographics state the features of the workforces to be recruited which include education level, marital status and age. In this context, the economic conditions are determined as the major element affecting the aspect of HRM in maintaining the performance of business organisations. This can be owing to the reason that the economic conditions pose several threats to certain significant factors that include employment rate and productivity (Pearson Canada Inc., 2013). It can be apparently observed that the global economy has been under economic recession from the period 2009, affecting business operations on a global context. However, the commencement of the year 2011 has been identified to reveal signs of improvement in the global economic conditions with increased demand and sales of products and/or services. Additionally, the rate of employment has declined by a certain extent. Moreover, there are certain other factors depicting the reviving conditions of the global economic conditions that include profit margin, increased factory productions and better job opportunities (Pearson Canada Inc., 2013). In this respect, the essay intends to discuss about the impact of improving economic conditions imposed on the policies along with other strategic aspects of HRM within organisations. Review of Literature Improving Economic Situations According to Monica (2012), the economic conditions have been observed to improve by a certain extent in a slow and a steady manner after the recession period. It can be viewed in this similar concern that the spending of consumers in the worldwide market segments have increased by a substantial amount due to greater flow of money in the economy. Additionally, operations of business organisations have increased on a global context with better trading activities and sales of products and/or services. Monica (2012) noted that flow of investments has augmented with the rise of the trends of globalisation. Moreover, the rate of inflation is also seemed to reduce in most of the countries, improving the purchasing power of customers at large (Monica, 2012). In this similar context, Jochnick (2013) stated that balanced economic policies have assisted countries in improving their respective economic conditi
Saturday, July 27, 2019
The Worship Of Goddesses And The Place Of Women In Hinduism Essay
The Worship Of Goddesses And The Place Of Women In Hinduism - Essay Example It is worth to note that unlike other religious faiths like Islam, Christianity among others, Hinduism attach a lot of significances to the female . Their inherent belief in the goddess puts them at a relatively better position when it comes to gender parity in religious activities participation. It would be strange to note that in most religious groups give women less important roles as they are considered lesser beings. This is contrary to the Hinduism that has a long standing history of a strong belief in the goddess. Critical analysis of the Hinduism faith gives an insight into the significance of religion in the overall cultural organization of any society . It is notable that the better part of the lifestyle and way of doing things among the members of this faith is derived from their deep rooted religious doctrines . Within the tenets of their tradition is involvement of women in the worship process and continued belief in existence of supreme God and goddess. Several scholarly works indicates that in the Hindu mythology there are both gods and goddesses. The divine, Ardhanarishvara, is drawn as half man and half woman. The right side is Shiva and the left side is Pavarati. The purpose of the drawing is to show that the divine consist of both a male and a female side and that these two are equally important. This can be seen as a starting point for equality between men and women which at least recognize the place of women in this society as compared to other faiths3. In ancient India, women oc cupied a very important position, in fact a superior position to, men. It is a culture whose only words for strength and power are feminine -"Shakti'' means "power'' and "strength.'' All male power comes from the feminine. Literary evidence suggests that kings and towns were destroyed because a single woman was wronged by the state. For example, Valmiki's Ramayana teaches us that Ravana and his entire clan was wiped out because he abducted Sita4. Veda Vyasa's Mahabharatha teaches us that all the Kauravas were killed because they humiliated Draupadi in public. Elango Adigal's Sillapathigaram teaches us Madurai, the capital of the Pandyas was burnt because Pandyan Nedunchezhiyan mistakenly killed her husband on theft charges. It can therefore be seen that the female occupy a recognizable position in the family and the community at large. In Vedic times women and men were equal as far as education and religion was concerned. Women participated in the public sacrifices alongside men. On e text mentions a female rishi Visvara. Some Vedic hymns, are attributed to women such as Apala, the daughter of Atri, Ghosa, the daughter of Kaksivant or Indrani, the wife of Indra. Apparently in early Vedic times women also received the sacred thread and could study the Vedas 5. The Haritasmrti mentions a class of women called brahmavadinis who remained unmarried and spent their lives in study and ritual. Panini's distinction between arcarya (a lady teacher) and acaryani (a teacher's wife), and upadhyaya (a woman preceptor) and upadhyayani ( a preceptor's wife) indicates that women at that time could not only be students but also teachers of sacred lore. He mentions the names of several noteworthy women scholars of the past such as Kathi, Kalapi, and Bahvici. The Upanishads refer to several women philosophers, who disputed with their male colleagues such as Vacaknavi, who challenged Yajnavalkya 6. The Rig Veda also refers to women engaged in warfare. One queen Bispala is mentioned , and even as late a witness as Megasthenes (fifth century B.C. E.) mentions
Friday, July 26, 2019
Civilizations of the Ancient Near East Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Civilizations of the Ancient Near East - Essay Example The life and loves of Cleopatra VII, the Queen of Egypt from 5 to 30BC (Shaw,2003,p.403) had been celebrated in numerous films starred by top actresses like Elizabeth Taylor, Vivien Leigh, Theda Bara, Claudette Colbert, Janet Suzman; in plays such as those written by Shakespeare, George Bernard Shaw and John Dryden; TV series; some 20 novels; a ballet choreographed by Martha Graham; hundreds of paintings the most memorable being that of Michelangelo's and sculptures (Streissguth,199,p.101-5). Indeed she is one of the most popular women figures in world history. Most importantly she acutely epitomizes the exalted position reserved for women in ancient Egypt. Together with such powerful Egyptian queens as Hatshepsut, Nefertiti, Nefertari and Tiye, Cleopatra VII's life was a testament of the power and equality granted by ancient Egyptian society to its women during those times when practically most societies relegated women to mere childbearing and other inferior roles in society. In these modern times, women also carry in their grasp the same power, equality to men and exalted position as women like Golda Meir, Indira Gandhi, Margaret Thatcher, Harlem Brundtland, Gloria Arroyo and Hillary Clinton among others. But the power they hold are not absolute unlike the queens of Egypt. Queen Hatshepsut ruled ancient Egypt with absolute powerAncient Civilizations 3 for 21 years and earned for herself the title (as ascribed to her by famed Egyptologist James Henry Breasted) "the first great woman in history of whom we are informed" (Joseph & Lewis,1986,p.87). She was also a warrior queen who vanquished the Nubians and then later established trade with them. She was considered "one of the most successful Egyptian rulers of either sex" (Weiss & Rinear,2001,p.24). Another Egyptian warrior queen who scratched and clawed her way to absolute power using her guile, charms and brains was Cleopatra VII who had to eliminate her brothers/husbands Ptolemy XII and XIII and sister Arsinoe to grab unopposed power. Historian Antonia Fraser described her as ascending to the throne of Egypt "through sheer genius for power" and was a master of "power politics" (Fraser,1989,p.1X) having enshrined herself to absolute power by beguiling Julius Caesar and Mark Antony with the use of her wit, beauty and charms. It is important to emphasize that while the great queens of Egypt were lording it over with unhampered power, women from most civilizations
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Managing Projects Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Managing Projects - Essay Example Subsequent valid workday using the Predecessor's and successor's calendar The Earliest Time by which the Project should be Completed is the Ending Node TE (P) = 39 days As the Project will Start on 01 Dec. 2007 and there are 2 days weekly holidays, the Early Competition Date would be 25 January 2008. [Calculation shown in Appendix-1] Float Take another look at Network diagram has several pieces of information filled in for each node. The task forename and length are self-explanatory6. The most important task of developing the project schedule is to relate each of the responsibilities and combine duration, resource requirements, and reliance. We have to make several overtake all the way through the network diagram to calculate the values necessary to create a project scheduling. Early Finish EF = Early Start + Duration - 1 Early Start ES = EF + 1 (subsequent valid workday using the Predecessor's calendar) Late Start LS = LF - Duration + 1 (subsequent valid workday using the successor's calendar) Late Finish LF = LS - 1 Float = Late Start - Early Start Float = Late Finish - Early Finish7 In project management float is the amount of time that a terminal element in a project network can be delayed by, without causing a delay to: Subsequent terminal elements (free float) Project completion date (total float). For an example, consider the process of replacing a broken pane of glass in the window of someone's home. There are various component activities involved in the project as a whole; obtaining the glass and putty, installing the new glass, choosing the paint, obtaining a tin of paint, painting the new putty once it has set, wiping the new glass free of finger smears etc. The owner cannot buy the new paint until you...Manipulating and analysing data help the managers to manage the projects and funds. Take another look at Network diagram has several pieces of information filled in for each node. The task forename and length are self-explanatory6. The most important task of developing the project schedule is to relate each of the responsibilities and combine duration, resource requirements, and reliance. We have to make several overtake all the way through the network diagram to calculate the values necessary to create a project scheduling. For an example, consider the process of replacing a broken pane of glass in the window of someone's home. There are various component activities involved in the project as a whole; obtaining the glass and putty, installing the new glass, choosing the paint, obtaining a tin of paint, painting the new putty once it has set, wiping the new glass free of finger smears etc. The owner cannot buy the new paint until you have chosen it, he/she cannot paint the new putty until the window is installed and the new putty has set. Delaying the acquisition of the glass is likely to delay the entire project - this activity will be on the critical path and have no float, of any sort, attached to it and hence it is a 'critical activity'8. Julien, D.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Self Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Self Analysis - Essay Example In this regard, upon close review and evaluation of the skills honed and improved from the course modules, I am hereby detailing the personal progress made in writing through the student learning outcomes and written communication hallmarks, as required. Effective writing needs more than rules to compose a fairly effective essay. Rules are merely practical guides that give the writer direction and focus on the concepts and theories which he already has a competent grasp of. Writing, to be effective, has to consider other factors such as the audience or the reader, the writing process itself, and even the elements of communication. This course enabled me to be exposed to effective writing structures composed to suite various purposes and readers. Thereby, I put a score of 9. 2) Engage in a writing process that includes exploring ideas, considering multiple points of view, developing and supporting a thesis, revising with the help of peer and instructor feedback, editing, and proofreading. One of the rules in effective writing is to always check your work for accuracy and completeness. This is always true. The method of seeking the assistance of peers and the instructor for feedback is effective in evaluating and reviewing my work. Due to the fast pace of work that needs to be completed on time, there are also tendencies to fail checking the accuracy and completeness once work is accomplished. Contemporary writing already provides appropriate utilization of technology to facilitate checking; the grammar and spelling check provided in Word software programs used for typing and encoding, recognize the need to change and edit words which are not properly punctuated. However, it is still effective to use peer review and instructor’s comments for second and third opinions regarding the ideas explored and compliance to required structure. The feedback mechanism is critical in making corrective actions in cases of weaknesses and mistakes. This tool is
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Is it Necessary to Conduct a Failure Mode and Effects Analysis in Essay
Is it Necessary to Conduct a Failure Mode and Effects Analysis in Health Care - Essay Example FMEA was first used by the United States Army in the 1940s and later on adopted by large industrial concerns which still maintain formal FMEA standards. With the advances in information technology and software it has assumed great significance and is a very accurate approach to streamline the functioning of an organization or process. The FMEA involves a dynamic methodology in which changes and updates are made to the concerned product or process visualizing any new failure modes brought about by events or changes in the organization, product or process. The process itself involves defined steps in a sequential manner in which initially the product or process and its function are described. This is followed by the preparation of a block diagram which shows the different components of the process or product in a logical relationship. After this an FMEA form worksheet is prepared and vital aspects put under specific headings. Logical listing is done followed by identifying failure modes. Effects of the failure modes are described and a numerical ranking obtained for the severity of a particular effect. Causes for failure modes are then identified and documented. Appropriate interventions are then planned by assigning risk priority keeping into consideration the probability of detection. Finally recommended actions are suggested and actions take analyzed. The risks involved in healthcare organizations are of such diversity and so unpredictable that it becomes impossible to enumerate them beforehand. Still FMEA is finding increasing use in the healthcare industry. In order to improve patient safety appropriate changes are required in health care systems. In the health care version of FMEA the assessments of severity, likelihood, and detectibility are accomplished by employing a decision flowchart instead of a ranked points scale. The flowchart determines if action is required or if existing
Ethics in an Academic Environment Essay Example for Free
Ethics in an Academic Environment Essay Teachers hold the power and responsibility for building the foundations of intellectually and morally great minds. Since people spend a large chunk of their class and their entire formative years in school, their position and contact with young children and adolescents allows they shape and mold what these young people’s potentials and capabilities. Teachers have the opportunity to influence and inspire the future generations. As such, it is imperative that teachers become rightful role models of ethics for their students. Karl Menninger believed that â€Å"What the teacher is, is more important than what he teaches†(cited in Hunter, 2006). Menninger’s statement stress that teachers should always be a good ethical example for their students to look up to and learn from. A teacher must show tact, tolerance and morally-charge decision-making; he or she has to refrain from preferring one student over the other and from demonstrating disrespect or irritation for any of his or her students (Hunter, 2006). In a nutshell, for a teacher to be an ethical one, he or she has to always depict professionalism. Teacher professionalism manifests as both an internal, personal practice and an explicit expression. Professionalism starts from the inside. A teacher needs to make a fundamental commitment to teaching and to all the people that his or her teaching will touch (Phelps, 2003). This commitment is actualized by a teacher’s shown competency in his or her field and his or her capacity for following the teachers’ manual or code of ethics. It is essential that teachers recognize that their accountability should lie first, foremost and only with the students they teach. Therefore, a teacher shows his or her professionalism in how he or she prepares and plans how he or she could impart knowledge to the students in best way possible. Apart from making sure students understand what he or she is teaching to them now will have a high, enduring quality and will have more than just academic significance to students’ lives. To motivate and help them give their best effort every single day and to every single student, Phelps (2003) believes that teachers ought to accept and embrace all the challenges and hardships the journey of educating and aiding the youth’s learning may possess. In doing so, teaching is elevated to more than just a job for teachers but a calling. Professionalism requires teachers to invest themselves physically, mentally and emotionally in the process of the student’s education. This act allows teachers to make personal connections with students. Personal connections, relationships and bonds with one’s students are generally positive and helpful qualities. However, heavy emotional investments can also pave the way for the loss of professionalism, for which personal sentiments were invested in the first place. Emotional investments and personal connections can destroy professionalism and lead to a bending of the credibility of teacher-student ethics when they become the main object of teacher-student relationships instead of one of its reinforcements. When a teacher forms personal opinions or connections with one or a few particular students, it leads to a closeness or familiarity that can affect a teacher’s ethical conduct and professionalism. Examples would be developing a romantic relationship with a student or creating a hierarchy of student’s value based on a personal favoritism. Apart from creating partialities in favor of a student, personal opinions could further cloud a teacher’s judgment and create bias against a student or certain students. In both aspects, the founding of personal opinion can seriously hamper a teacher’s potential to be at his or her most professional best. Teachers are therefore reminded to abide by the code of ethics and ensure the protection of the rights of students, each and every single student (University of Iowa [UI], 2008). Teachers are encouraged to build rapport and make students comfortable in their presence enough for the students to liberally and honestly participate and contribute to class discussions. However, teachers are responsible for ensuring that there is still a professional boundary between them and student to prevent their relationship from getting too casual (UI, 2008). Teachers should instill and model fairness for all students of all racial, ethnical and economic background. Overall, ethics between teachers and students depend on the level of professionalism the teacher has. Teachers’ positions or social roles emphasize respect for one’s profession and the people they encounter. Teachers should direct all of their efforts and prioritize above all how they have contributed to students’ learning and development. References Hunter, D. (2006, Oct. 18). Teacher’s ethics. Articles Base. Retrieved March 13, 2009 from http://www. articlesbase. com/article-marketing-articles/teachers-ethics-64131. html Phelps, P. (2003). Teacher Professionalism. In Find Articles. Retrieved March 13, 2009 from http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_qa4009/is_200310/ai_n9335958 University of Iowa. (2008). The importance of teacher ethics. Retrieved March 13, 2009 from http://www. education. uiowa. edu/resources/tep/eportfolio/07e170folder/Ethics. htm
Monday, July 22, 2019
Of Mice And Men Language Essay Example for Free
Of Mice And Men Language Essay The importance of this passage, which introduces the closing section of the novel, is that it refers to what has happened earlier in the story and what is about to happen. It represents symbolically the characters, events and ideas of the story so far and prefigures the final tragedy. The setting is the same as at the beginning of the novel, a clearing on the banks by the deep green pool of the Salinas River. In the first paragraph Steinbeck conveys once more, now briefly, the beauty of the natural scene, the paradise from which mankind has been cast out. Now however the circumstances are very different and returning to the same setting suggests a circular movement of events, getting nowhere, but also as a downward spiral. Lennie is in trouble again and more seriously than ever before he has killed Curleys wife. The dream he and George shared is already dead. There is a disturbance to the scene, a far rush of wind and a scattering of leaves, the only sounds breaking the silence. The rivers surface is briefly disturbed, but as quickly as it had come, the wind died and the clearing was quiet again. By this Steinbeck reminds us of the smallness and insignificance of the events of the novel. They will quickly pass and be forgotten. A water snake glided swiftly up the pool, this represents Lennie, twisting its periscope head from side to side. Lennies vision is limited by his dull wits and he doesnt foresee the fate towards which he is blundering. A heron waiting in the shallows seizes the little snake by the head and swallows it while its tail waved frantically. Lennies size and strength are insignificant, uselessly matched against much larger forces, such as the society he lives in. This reflects another theme of the novel: the powerful dominate and prey upon the weak. This is the situation of the migrant labourers, who own nothing but their ability to work, in relation to the Boss who has wealth and land and who exploits his labourers. It is reflected too in the pecking order on the ranch: the weak ones Lennie, Crooks and Candy are at the mercy of the strong. Crooks dominates Lennie and Curleys wife dominates Crooks. Carlson, with Slims consent, dispatches Candys dog. Curly is ever present attempting to dominate everyone, except Slim, by physical violence and through his relation to his father. When Lennie appears out of the brush the heron flies off and a second little snake, representing George, finds refuge from the heron in the reeds. This signifies that George is clever enough to stay out of trouble, including that brought on by Lennie. Lennie has come to the river bank because George told him to meet him there if he got into trouble. This was in the opening section of the novel, where Steinbeck compared Lennie to a bear: he walked heavily, dragging his feet a little, the way a bear drags his paws. This suggests clumsiness, but now it is the bears stealth that he refers to: Lennie comes as silently as a creeping bear moves. He is directed now by his instinct, not just following George. The repeated bear simile reminds the reader again of the circular movement of the story; but Lennies soundless entry also makes us think of him as a spirit, anticipating his death. The passage reflects a number of ideas in the novel: the beauty of nature and the ugliness of human nature; the insignificance of human affairs; the futility of human effort and the fragility of dreams. The predatory nature of human existence, a major theme in the novel is represented symbolically in the action of the heron, reminding the reader of various episodes earlier in the story. The characters of George and Lennie are illustrated in the different fates of the two little snakes. Lennies death is prefigured in that of the first water snake, also in his spirit-like appearance on the scene. In this way Steinbeck sets the scene at the river bank in context. The reader sees the hopelessness of Lennie and Georges situation, their powerlessness in the circumstances they find themselves in and foresees the tragic end.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Inter Professional Education Reflective Account Nursing Essay
Inter Professional Education Reflective Account Nursing Essay Throughout my time on the Year 1 Inter Professional Education (IPE) programme, I have compiled this portfolio consisting of a reflective account on my performance in throughout the programme. Included in this file are a number of secondary resources utilised in constructing the account as well as in aid of assembling the team presentation. My IPE group consisted of 4 medical, 2 pharmacy and 3 nursing students. As a multidisciplinary team, we collectively produced a presentation regarding clinical communication and ethical considerations in patient centred healthcare. Our theme was based around the growing issue of underage pregnancies throughout the capital. The wider issues of this topic ranging from the ethical, psychological, and moral implications as well as the great variety of healthcare professionals involved in managing such incidences. We chose this topic as it was something the whole group had differing views on and wanted to explore further. A copy of the article, Policy disaster as teen pregnancy rate rises to its highest in 10 years, is included for the benefit of the reader. This article from the Times Online was the key inspiration behind our choice of topic as it outlines the huge extent of the problems posed by teenage pregnancies. According to the article Britain has the highest incidence of teenage pregnancies in Western Europe. Despite the highly sensationalist tone and the incomprehensive survey of the contributing factors of teenage pregnancy, the article does offer a fascinating introspection into the ethical issues regarding pregnancy among girls below 16, the age of consent. The slideshow utilized during the team presentation, Yvonne at the clinic, is included for the benefit of the reader. As one can see it contains the key concepts the team touched upon during the presentation which was interspersed with a model role-play featuring a consultation at a sexual health clinic. Moreover, the script for the role-play has also been enclosed to help the reader appreciate the teams corroboration in conveying current issues integrated in a model scenario. Please find enclosed further evidence highlighting our effective teamwork comprising of emails, peer review forms and a diary of progress which had been logged between the IPE sessions. The essential features of a team and how it develops have been explained by Tuckmans summary of team development (1965). The model was used as a reference point for the groups progress, evaluate the teams development and to contemplate the next stage of action. The reflective account further vindicates how Tuckmans summary is clearly not exhaustive in describing the great spectrum of team behaviours. Instead, the IPE programme has enlightened the view that group dynamics are variable and so mechanical. Therefore the unpredictability arising amongst different teams, especially multi and possibly more vast amongst inter-disciplinary teams reinforces the belief that there are many contributors which affect group work. To conclude, I hope the reader finds the following account and secondary sources beneficial. In the time that has been allocated, I have tried my utmost to submit an honest account of my contribution to the IPE programme. Sincerely, Reflective Account In this reflective account, I will evaluate and analyse my performance as a team member throughout the IPE programme using the Kolb (1984) cycle1. David Kolb argues that experience is the source of learning and development. The cycle constitutes the following four stages; Concrete Experience, Reflective Observation, Abstract Conceptualisation and Active experimentation. Kolbs cycle suggests it is necessary to reflect on an experience, evaluate it and formulate concepts, which can then be applied to new situations such as working in a multidisciplinary team (MDT) 2. CAIPE uses the phrase interprofessional education (IPE) as a generic term which occurs when two or more professions learn with, from and about each other to improve collaboration and the quality of care CAIPE (2007)3. Our team consisted of nine people (four medical, three nursing and 2 pharmacy students). The application of an inquiry based learning (IBL) technique, would allow us to enhance our problem solving and communication skills. Over a period of five weeks, the team managed to present an ethical case study conveying the importance of communicative efficacy and ethical considerations within MDTs in providing patient centred care. In this paper I incorporate theoretical principles to the teams performance4-7 in a bid to divulge a deeper understanding of how and why I improve specific areas of my performance as a team member. Concrete Experience In the first IPE session, our objective was to decide the focus of our inquiry. Right from the onset, to my disbelief, the group was extremely focused and driven to the task at hand. Initially I was hesitant mainly due to the exposure of so many strangers with varying personalities but equally eager to think aloud4. This threatening situation meant that any early communication was difficult and for a considerable amount of time I found myself very quiet8. The reason for this was that my views towards this task were initially sceptical because of previous prejudices held against other disciplines. However, as the meeting progressed, I learnt that such presumptions had no basis and had arisen due to a lack of contact between the disciplines. A consensus was reached within the group to carry out our task along the lines of teenage pregnancy among girls below 16 and the wider implications it acquires. The session also included a simulated patient interview, which proved very informative and clearly highlighted the fundamental concepts of a consultation; rapport, empathy, body language, active listening and question styles. By the second session the group had conducted some research on loosely related material regarding the growing problem of teen pregnancies in the UK. In this student led session, we made a decision to commence the planning of the actual task. This was a very time consuming step to achieve as fellow members failed to comprehend the purpose of the goals we had set, since our task had a large scope and appeared vague. I felt it was my duty to urge the group to clear any misconceptions at this early stage and to channel our broad research into three specific concepts which are imperative to portray to our aud ience. I put particular emphasis on the current NHS guidelines, ethical issues and relevant multidisciplinary team approaches concerning the scenario5. Our concrete material which would provide the foundational premise for the duration of the course was provided by an article claiming Policy disaster as teen pregnancy rate rises to its highest in 10 years9. This article presents great scope for discussion including the ethical issues and the role of MDTs in managing such a growing problem. According to Bruce Tuckman (1965) there are a number of key issues relating to effective team discussion and behaviour10. Stage 1 is the forming phase and it depicts a teams natural instinct for guidance. Therefore, the premise for advancement for a particular group resides in the election of a leader. When discussing and deciding the topic for our presentation it became clear that certain individuals were more confident than others and my substantial contributions during the second session5, led me to assume leadership. Although my position involved delegating specific tasks to individuals, the group as a whole was very diplomatic and hence there was no need for an autocratic leader. As a result of this, the storming phase, which Tuckman described as the episode where decisions are most challenging, was a much rapid and unproblematic phase. This was because we all had a genuine interest in the topic and felt we each could contribute to the issue. The allocation of roles was carried out based on prior research. For instance, the individual whom had researched the healthcare team had the task of producing their own slide for the PowerPoint presentation. In addition the norming process of Tuckmans model was also coming into the fore as our keen actors6 were making great progress in their role-play of a consultation at a sexual health clinic. My contribution to the presentation consisted of a brief explanation of the importance of consent and whether a minor can consent to their own treatment (i.e. Gillick case, Fraser guidelines) 11, 12. Overall, continual discussion and communication between members mainly via emails enabled the presentation to evolve into the polished product which portrayed the efficient performing (final) phase of Tuckmans model. The team worked in an efficient manner after a sluggish start. The initial reservations were quickly diminished which helped us to progress towards our goals. During the days leading to the final presentation, I and a colleague realised some discrepancies in the script and the issue of a dress code for the team presentation was brought up6. Such concerns were clarified by email communication13, but unfortunately such enthusiasm was only shared amongst a few peers. Nevertheless, it was very satisfying to see that everyone had contributed something to the final presentation which was a sentiment to my effective delegation of roles14. I felt that a certain member had not contributed much throughout the course and was continually seeking a minimalist approach which could have been detrimental to the teams performance. I voiced my opinions in her peer review form so she could improve in the future as the potential adverse consequences of a breakdown of communication within the MDT can be damaging to the patients care. The roles conducted by the team members varied from communication, ethical issues and the role-play. Margerison and McCann (1995)15 constructed a teamwork model stating a successful team encompasses individuals with a variety of skills, hence fulfilling diverse roles. All the team members were, to differing extents, creators innovators as we each contributed something constructive. I believe certain members whom had thought of the idea of a role-play were more creative and others whom had continually produced their contributions on time were deemed concluders. Another individual whom had taken the responsibility of merging the slideshow together expressed her practical skills as an assessor, whilst another member helped to support me in my leadership role. Her efforts were invaluable in making by duties more proficient and constantly reminding me to book the library rooms for scheduled meetings. She was classified, according to the teamwork model, as an upholder. Finally, the indiv iduals involved in the role-play were concluders due to their quality standards and reporters because they were capable of incorporating prior knowledge to help answer questions following the presentation. I feel that I was a thruster because as a democratic leader it was my duty to organise and motivate other members, whilst continually involving them in the decision making process. Reflective Observation After the presentations, we took part in a peer review exercise, where our observations of each others performance throughout the course had to be reflected. The irony of teamwork is that a team is made up of individuals. These individuals will have different experiences, knowledge, expectations and priorities. Thus it is important that our team developed a keen interest in the performance as a whole, as this will influence individual contributions. Amongst the majority of peer review forms, I noticed many positive comments ranging from being knowledgeable on the subject of consent8, good at arranging ideas and has good delegation skills ensures everybody has an equal role to play14. This was extremely pleasing to learn because it illustrates that my fellow team members fully appreciated the effort that I put into the project. Also, my contribution to the presentation as a team player was also acknowledged stating I had contributed the knowledge and understanding of capacity and cons ent which helped to explain the patients rights in our role-play helped the nurses learn about the Gillick test, which until then we had no understanding of16. I believe this statement portrays my effective communication amongst the team throughout the programme enabling the group to maximise our potential to work in an MDT approach. Amongst the very few negative comments, a team member justifiably observed that I was a bit quiet at the start of the IPE session8. In retrospect, I believe I should have been more expressive and honest with my group and have confidence in making alternative suggestions ultimately benefiting the group. Furthermore, another team member felt I could have taken more control/been more decisive so that people were clear of what to do17. It was interesting to note that he/she had also written that I was good at sorting out the details i.e. what exactly each person was going to go away and research17. Nonetheless, I felt that I delegated the tasks suitably because I had ensured that each member understood and had ownership of their tasks for the next session. Although the issue had never been brought up nor had I been emailed of any confusion in the allocation of roles, I believe that I should have utilized the luxury of emailing each member clearly what they had to do. Abstract conceptualisation From this experience, I have gained a lot of knowledge both on the issues regarding underage pregnancies as well as the skills required to work effectively in a team. My fellow members had enlightened me of the growing problem of teen pregnancies in certain boroughs around the capital and we all felt the government was failing this young generation. According to the article mentioned earlier, The expansion of confidential contraceptive services for young people under 169 was the main causal factor. I learnt through an inquiry based learning approach the importance of effective clinical communication and ethical considerations in managing the issue. Furthermore, a fellow member also enlightened the group on the vital role of the sexual health centres in providing education and advice for the younger generation. I have also discovered the challenges associated with controlling large teams of varying disciplines. Apart from the logistical constraints, each member of the team had their own schedule and hence the proposition of extra sessions was difficult to attain. However, many challenges and complications were dealt with very effectively via email13, thus eliminating the scheduling and logistical constraints in place. Coordinating nine members of a team demanded good organisational and most importantly time management skills. This is enormously beneficial for me because as I progress through my medical career, there is an increasing demand for efficient teamwork. Active experimentation On reflection it is clear that our team worked very well together and expressed ourselves to construct an effective presentation of the chosen scenario. The Egalitarian atmosphere during the meetings was admirable, where every decision involved a vote of confidence. Nevertheless I feel as group leader I should have struck a balance between collective decision making and being more abrupt, as well as ensuring that all the tasks are being conducted well. Also in the future, fewer people could have presented the final task. A solution could have been to make a video for the role play, thereby freeing up more space for other members of the team on the stage. Overall, the IPE programme has been an incredible learning curve which has provided an insightful experience as well as an understanding of the significance of effective communication between professionals. Lastly, this experience has emphasized my weaknesses, but I have appreciated that others may have different ways of working; different skills and knowledge, which in practice contribute to the patients healthcare.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
african american leaders Essay -- essays research papers
Jesse Jackson, Mumia Abu-Jamal, Booker T. Washington, and W.E.B DuBois are all African American leaders. All of these men were leaders in their own time and their own sense, living in different eras with different views, but they all shared common ground. All four were African Americans trying to overcome obstacles and become influential leaders in their society. Jesse Jackson was an African American civil rights activist and political leader. He was born in Greenville, South Carolina in 1941. Jackson overcame numerous childhood insecurities. He was shunned and taunted my classmates and neighbors. However, instead of letting this adversity defeat him, Jackson developed his exceptional drive and understanding for the oppressed. He worked hard in school, finishing 10th in his class while actively involved in sports. His academic and athletic background earned Jackson a football scholarship at the University of Illinois in Chicago. It was here Jackson realized discrimination was inescapable. After 3 years he left the University and attended North Carolina Agricultural and Technical College in Greensboro, an institution for African-American students. He proved himself to be scholar athlete. Soon after college Jesse Jackson began his civil rights quest. He founded two groups, the PUSH operation and the rainbow coalition, in order to promote racial and economic justice in the United States. Then, in 1984 and 1988 Jackson campaigned as a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination. Even today, Jackson is renowned spokesman and continues to work for racial and economic justice. Mumia Abu-Jamal was a radio journalist in Philadelphia, known as "the voice of the voiceless". He was born in Philadelphia on April 24, 1954. Mumia Abu Jamal was the Minister of Information for the Philadelphia Black Panthers at a very early age. By the age of 15 he had attracted much attention through his protests and thus, the FBI began keeping a file on him. He worked as a print and radio journalist who had aired on National Public Radio and National Black Network. He had also served as president of the Philadelphia Society of Black Journalists. Jamal's style of journalism allowed the voices of ordinary people to be broadcast. He was an African American that was put on trial for a murder charge. However, Jamal's case has been much publicized for reasons t... ...can Americans, and believed strongly in integration. W.E.B DuBois eventually moved to Ghana and gave up his American citizenship. Martin Luther King wrote on W.E.B DuBois by saying, "History cannot ignore W.E.B. DuBois because history has to reflect truth and Dr. DuBois was a tireless explorer and a gifted discoverer of social truths. His singular greatness lay in his quest for truth about his own people. There were very few scholars who concerned themselves with honest study of the black man and he sought to fill this immense void. The degree to which he succeeded disclosed the great dimensions of the man." Although DuBois was labeled a â€Å"radical†his ideas and literary works live on today. All these men, although from different times and situations, changed the world in influential ways. Not only did they overcome a great deal of adversity, but they made countless lives better from their ideas, courage and strength. If not for the influential dreams and actions of men such as this, the lives of so many may have been altered but these men had the courage and conviction to stand up for what they believed in, and the world will forever be a better place for it.
America Needs More Immigrants Essays -- Immigrants Immigration Persua
America Needs More Immigrants America is sometimes referred to as a "nation of immigrants" because of our largely open-door policy toward accepting foreigners pursuing their vision of the American Dream. Recently, there has been a clamor by some politicians and citizens toward creating a predominantly closed-door policy on immigration, arguing that immigrants "threaten" American life by creating unemployment by taking jobs from American workers, using much-needed social services, and encroaching on the "American way of life." While these arguments may seem valid to many, they are almost overwhelmingly false, and more than likely confused with the subject of illegal immigration. In fact, immigrants actually enhance American life by creating, not taking jobs, bolster social service funds through tax payments, and bring valuable technical knowledge and skills to our country. If we are to continue to excel as a nation, the traditionalists who fear an encroachment of foreign-born Americans must learn to ac cept that we achieved our greatness as a result of being "a nation of immigrants." Â A common argument among those opposing further immigration is that foreigners take U.S. jobs and cause unemployment among the displaced American workers. In the July 13, 1992 edition of Business Week , a poll states that sixty-two percent of non-blacks and sixty-three percent of blacks agree that "new immigrants take jobs away from American workers." This is a widely held, if erroneous belief, among Americans. However, Julian L. Simon, author of The Economic Consequences of Immigration , states: immigration does not exacerbate unemployment...Immigrants not only take jobs, but also create them. Their purchases increas... ...cent more have post-graduate educations" than Americans, according to Simon. The traditionalists opposing immigration must recognize our lives are enhanced by their knowledge and education, and that in order to "preserve our nation", they must realize we are a "nation of immigrants" and let others prove their worth. Â The issue of immigration must be dealt with rationally, not emotionally. Facts, figures, and statistics must be studied by both sides in order to reach a decision most beneficial to our nation. Our lives are enhanced by the new jobs created by immigrants, the social service funds bolstered by their tax payments, and the valuable technical skills and knowledge brought with them. These benefits far outweigh any negative effects and prove the value of immigrants as they pursue the American Dream in our "nation of immigrants." Â
Friday, July 19, 2019
Essay --
I was born and I live in Armenia, a country that has a rich history(over five thousand years), culture and traditions. Throughout its history Armenia has seen a lot. And now, after seventy years of being a part of the Soviet Union, it has already been twenty years that Armenia is an independent country. As it is a "young" country and is considered to be a developing one, it needs a lot of help to overcome the bad social-economical situation. Who else if not the youth of Armenia must be concerned about this and have their even small contribution to the prosperous future of Armenia? But for making a change you yourself must be developed and skilled enough to take the responsibility. This is one of the reasons why I want to study in the United States of America, as it is one of the most developed countries in the world, it has a lot of skills in education (in the field that I have chosen) and is a great example of civilized country. Currently I am a sophomore at Vanadzor State Pedagogical Institute named after Hovh. Toumanyan with the profession of specialist in English , teache...
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Htc Company Analysis
Running head: HTC CORPORATION 1 HTC CORPORATION INSHA SHAH UNIVERSITY OF AKRON Running head: HTC CORPORATION 2 HTC AT A GLANCE HTC Corporation (originally High Tech Computer Corporation) is a smart phone manufacturer founded in 1997 and based in Taiwan, as an outsourcing company. HTC Corporation prides itself on offering open source mobile phones which are easy for both developers and users, and has quickly established its reputation as a leading company behind many of the markets most popular operated branded-devices. According to the HTC profile on the Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia HTC retains approximately 13,000 employees.They follow the typical tall organizational structure with many layers between workers and the CEO. It is highly centralized: top decisions are made by the CEO of the company. HTC Corporation has launched several major HTC- Branded products on the international market with the intention of becoming the leading innovative supplier of mobile information and commun ication devices. In fact, HTC Corporation was the first on the international market to offer the Android mobile device platform through its HTC Dream hardware, marketed as the T-Mobile G1 model.In support of this, HTC Corporation has expanded its technological and marketplace strength through partnership with major player Microsoft and leading mobile phone operators of Orange, O2, T-Mobile, Vodafone, Cingular, Verizon, Sprint and NTT DoCoMo (â€Å"HTC. Com†). Most recently in Australia, HTC Corporation launched its three latest handsets- HTC Snap, HTC Touch Diamond2 and HTC Touch Pro2 to add to its 11 devices currently in the Australian market. The new technology founded in these highly popular products is designed to be finger-touch friendly, with improved mobile integration technology, and dual microphone and speakers.The HTC Corporation’s newest feature is the â€Å"inner circle†which allows the users to bring emails from a preselected group to a top of thei r inbox, making business on the go even easier (â€Å"mobile. com†). HTC Corporation Product Innovation includes: ? ? ? ? ? ? Open Handset Alliance Smartphone S Series ( Smartphone) T Series (Touch Phone) P series (PDA Phone) X Series ( Mobile Computer) A Series ( Android Phone) According to the source of mobile. com, HTC now specializes in providing its own and other operator branded products in addition to its original equipment manufacturer partners.HTC has a subsidiary company, Dopod, a Taiwan-based manufacturer of Windows Mobile Smartphones. As a company, HTC Corporation has gone from strength to strength, with HTC receiving recognition as the second-best performing technology company in Asia in 2007 by BusinessWeek, and the number three spot in its Global Listing in 2006. Running head: HTC CORPORATION 3 The size of the corporation can be classified in two ways: (I) by revenue and (II) by market capitalization. According to the report from Taiwan Economic News, HTCâ€⠄¢s Market Capitalization has recently climbed to $438 billion.Also the corporation shipment and revenue continues to grow to $9. 449 billion. COMPANY PERSPECTIVE Their mission is to become the leading supplier of the mobile information and communication devices by providing value added designs, world-class manufacturing and logistics and service capabilities. HTC continues to establish a high volume manufacturing facility and its focus on high wireless capability. They intend to develop a software team capable of creating a world class consumer and business application that will enhance the value of their hardware.HTC is dedicated to the belief that each mobile device needs to fit its owner. Their goal is to make a product of observing, honoring how individuals choose to interact with a technology. Their mission is to strengthen the relationship through innovative design strategies and sophisticated branding initiatives (â€Å"HTC. com†) HTC’s vision is to address the communications and administration needs of a professional organization of all sizes with intuitive platforms and sophisticated branding initiatives. Their focus is to make people’s ives easier through mobility and convenience. They want users to be able to talk to friends and relatives, read books and access the internet on one device. With their smartphone they have started to see this vision come true (â€Å"HTC. Com†). HTC’s values: ? ? ? Excellence in everything they do Commitment to clients, brands, projects and industry. Honor in dealing with clients, suppliers, employees (â€Å"fastcompany. com†) CULTURE AT HTC HTC prides itself on its cutting-edge technology and innovative spirit. From studying its own website, HTC’s culture is competitive and diverse.Under the â€Å"Careers†tab, nine different employees’ pictures are featured with a video advertising HTC’s appeal as an employer. Five of the nine employees pictured ar e women; three are women of color, and all nine employees appear to be under the age of 40. HTC’s culture is hip, diverse, and fastpaced. The video stressed that technology is constantly improving and the â€Å"best idea†rather than the â€Å"biggest title†moves forward. This shows that the culture at HTC values creativity and competition (â€Å"HTC. Com†).HTC makes annual donations to the Social Welfare and Charity Foundation or Educational Foundation. This foundation funds leadership and character training for elementary, junior high and senior high students, cosponsors local community development and urban cultural revitalization efforts, targets the special needs of disadvantaged groups, and provides disadvantaged children opportunities to further their academic careers. Running head: HTC CORPORATION 4 The HTC Foundation established the nation's first institute dedicated to character-building and English training in the Hualien's Meilun District.The institute provides character-building and English enhancement curricula free of charge to fourth grade elementary school students from around Hualien County. In addition, the Foundation offers scholarships for children with special financial needs and financial aid to low-income families and sponsors after-school tutoring programs. Each year, Foundation disbursements benefit over 2,000 youth from disadvantaged families both in Taiwan and overseas (â€Å"HTC. Com†). HTC STRATEGY HTC Corporation uses a differentiation strategy to attract customers looking for more choices.HTC expects differentiation product in terms of innovation and execution. They focus on innovation and execution to enhance product proposition and offer consumers a variety of products. When they think of increasing the quality and the variety of the product, they first consider what the customer will value. They are offering a wide range of product lines to outperform their competitors like Apple and Nokia. HTC has produced an amazing number of phones, all of which have an impressive array of applications and features.They do have the cutting edge when it comes to hardware, but if a consumer can't afford these more expensive versions HTC’s older models (like the Hero) are still well built and functional. In addition, HTC offers a variety of body forms and builds, including some devices with physical keyboards (â€Å"htc. com†). FINANCIAL POSITION To shadow on the financial stability of the HTC CORP I used liquidity ratio and leverage ratio. The liquidity ratios measure the company’s ability to cover its expenses. The two main liquidity ratios I used to analyze the company’s financial health are current ratio and quick ratio (â€Å"investing. businessweek. om†). 1) The Current Ratio is a reflection of financial health. It is the number of times company’s current assets exceeds the current liabilities, which is the indication of the solvency of that business. The formula to compute the current ratio is Using the earlier Balance Sheet data of the HTC CORP, we can compute the company’s current ratio as: = = 1. 3 times This tells us that the current liabilities are covered by current assets by 1. 3 times. The HTC CORP is able to cover their short term expenses which are meant to be covered with in a period of one year. 2) The Quick Ratio is also called the acid test ratio.This is because it looks at the company’s most liquid assets and compares them to current liabilities. The quick ratio tests whether a business can meet its obligation even if adverse conditions occur. The formula to compute the quick ratio is: Assets considered being quick assets include cash, bonds, stock, and accounts receivable. Using the Balance Sheet data of the HTC CORP, we can compute the quick ratio of the company as: Running head: HTC CORPORATION = = = 1. 1 times 5 This indicates that the ratio is considered satisfactory, as long as t he collection of the receivables is not expected to slow.So the HTC CORP seems to have adequate resources to cover its debts. In order to identify the long term coverage of the company, we are focusing on one of the main leverage ratios. Leverage ratio measures the stability of a company and its ability to repay its debts. These ratios are of particular interest to banks. They should be of interest to shareholders as well since it gives the strong indication of the financial health and the viability of the business. 3) The Debt-to Equity Ratio is a measure of how dependent a company is on a debt financing as compares to owners equity it shows us how much of a business is owned and how much is owed.The Debt-to-Equity ratio is computed as follows: Using the Balance Sheet data of the HTC CORP we can compute the debt-to equity ratio: Times Since the Debt-to-equity ratio is greater than 1, i. e. , (1. 8 times), the capital provided by the lenders exceeded the capital provided by the owne rs. But because of the greater ratio it has high risk defaults too. It varies with the type of business and the risk attitude of management. Year over year HTC has been able to grow over their bottom line from $29 billion to $59 billion primarily through revenue growth ($142. 9 billion to $277. 7 billion).For a while the costs associated with cost of goods sold, and income tax all increased as a percentage of sales, the growth in top lines revenues contributed enough to still see net income. HTC Corporation uses little or no debt in its capital structure and may have less financial risk than the industry aggregate. Accounts Receivable is typical for the industry, with 58. 31 days worth of sales outstanding. Lastly, HTC Corporation is among the least efficient in its industry at managing inventories, with 30. 39 days of its Cost of Goods Sold tied up in Inventories (â€Å"investing. businessweek. com†). Therefore the overall financial tability of the corporation is stable and healthy. They have adequate resources to cover their debts and unforeseen uncertainties. MY CAREER at HTC Yes, HTC could be good place to obtain my first career oriented-position. HTC is the part of the global market that breeds flexibility, new technologies and innovation. It will create a platform for the new opportunities to explore and do creative things. I fit the HTC profile of being young, educated and a global citizen: while growing up in Kashmir and going to college in America, I’ve relied on technology and most recently, my own smartphone, to navigate my day.I would bring creativity and a fresh perspective to HTC’s worktable. Running head: HTC CORPORATION REFERENCES Bloomberg Businessweek. (2012, April 10). Retrieved from http://investing. businessweek. com/research/stocks/financials/financials. asp? ticker=2498:TT 6 HTC Corporation. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://www. htc. com/us/about/careers/industrial-designer-corporate-strategy-office/422 HTC Corporatio n. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://www. htc. com/us/about/social-responsibility HTC. (n. d. ). In Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia. Retrieved from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/HTC
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Poverty and American Humane Association Essay
You see it in movies, books, and sluice existent life story story. The motor rhythm of beggary is an endless leave pass that entraps those who attain beat its victims. Poverty has become one of the largest troubles within America today. It repeats the questions of fear, a the akin(p), whether or non you volition ache f ar on the t sufficient? Will I be able to comprise the owe for the house? How can I pay for my childs doctor visits if their gloomy? Families who f altogether into poorness regular recurrence atomic number 18 usually never able to recover, scarce there be a carry few who find a direction to strive and leave its menacing hands, through with(predicate) study.There are kids comely like you and me, who are living in conditions inconceivable and have to deal with it almost their total life. M either pile fall to exiguity be excite of the loss of a line of reasoning, expenses, wages, incomes, and other much(prenominal) money problems, just now through the conquest in education they can sustain this from happening. Poverty has become a ordinary flaw in both our sphere and legion(predicate) others. Education is one of the come-at-able reasons why pack fall into scantiness, because some who do non have an education or a high check sheepskin usually will cause themselves and their families to fall into poverty.According to roastedpinebark at hubpages. com, lot in the U. S who have a high prepare diploma will have a to a greater extent(prenominal) seeming chance of receiving at least $40,000 annually wage paying job firearm those who are disregardouts would receive a $20,000-$16,000 one-year salary job. This may sound like a drawing card of money for all of you but really, its not. If you think about it on a $20,000 y advance(prenominal) salary you would totally receive about $1,666 a month probably peelly cosmos able to pay for mortgage for their house, not including water, electric, and gas bil ls too (roatedpinebarkhubpages paragraph 2).That is a split up of money. What it comes lot to is that a levelheaded education is a divided pathway to getting an bonny paying job or ending up in poverty. If a family is already in the cycle of poverty then those kids are even much presumable to continue that cycle to their next generation. Three historic period past in 2010, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released that For all Americans without a high train diploma the unemployment localise is significantly higher than the national average at 14. % (Employment Policies Institute). The idea of never getting out of the cycle of poverty travel me, because there can be kids just like you and me who try and try to do well in school but end up failing. According to Celia baker on Deseret News posted on October 22, 2012 that earning a high school diploma can assist break the cycle of multi-generational poverty(Baker paragraph 6). The reason for this is because of the deprivati on of money, family issues, and their social life.It may not make sense as to why a childs social life effects their education, but its because they do not receive the skills to develop their brains to hit the books or adapt. Another problem that is anchor through poverty is the backing of a loving and stable family. Generally I assume all of us have a warm loving family that we have the greatest times with. Some kids arent so lucky. When they come theme from school they are whatsoevertimes abused, exposed to drugs, and some may have no family.I distinguish that without my family I wouldnt be able to be the person I am today. Our families give us the demand love and perplexity we need to use of goods and services as people. According to American human Association, kids in poverty are lots neglected and abused because their prove or parents are aggravated with being otiose to pay bills or even suss out a job. It seems horrid but its the truth. If you think about your yo unger siblings or cousins, if you have every, they want a lot of attention proficient?I know my little sister does, and if a parent just ignores their child and neglects them it breaks their heart, so they lay aside trying and trying to live up to the approval of their parents only to get jilted again. According to Dr. s Ashlee Loughan and Robert Pern, brain maturement advances in the first 6 years of life and are further aid with high nutrition, appropriate stimulation, attention, and emotional support (http//www. apa. org/pi/families/resources/newsletter/2012/07/neurocognitive-impacts. spx). So as you can see domestic life is very important in the early stages of life. Other research has found that the kids found in poverty are not given that nutrition, emotional support, or attention therefore they are more belike to have depression or any other psychological or affable illness. The cycle of poverty causes many problems for people it is a chain reaction that is undoable t o get out of. It affects many aspects of a persons life and I study it is one of the worst things that could happen. some students in high school, like ourselves, are faced with the decision of staying in school or having to drop out to be able to put food on the table for their families. This is where the rates of student dropouts increases and many wonder why. Some say its because the kids are lazy and dont care about school, but only a few percentage of them are like that. The other percentage of students who drop out of school that live in poverty, make the decision to get a job just to be able to make sure their family gets food on the table, or even keep the view they currently live in.Nowadays, you teenagers, even me, we school it for granted that we have a home to live in, food to eat every day, a bed to sleep in, and all of those things are just something we expect to be there and for some it is not the case. Studies shown by Chris Isidore proved that those kids who leav e school to opt on jobs are more likely to become the 20% of adults who earn the bare minimum under a dear time job which is $10. 65 at a minimum wage of $7. 45 (Isidore paragraph 2 & 3).The topic of poverty is sometimes an overlooked topic among students, I believe that it is one that should be more paid attention to and I believe that there should be a lot more relief efforts to get people out of it. I hope today, that this reference has changed you mind on the topic of poverty and moved you to want to try and help. If so check out to subscribe more about how you can help snap off poverty and get involved in creating a better world (www. peopleagainstpoverty. com). cognise to many officials even the President, poverty, is a computer virus in America that cannot be ridded of until it is right medicine.To help prevent the beginning of epidemics like these from spreading, I suggest you become a good parent when you are an adult, help guide you children, acknowledge their mistak es, help them learn from it, and to create or join any clubs that de-motivate the dropping out of school. Traits such as these will allow your children to strive to do well in school forming a better future for them-selves. To learn more about how to prevent teens and children from going into poverty go to this link and scroll down to the subheading What Can We Do?
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