Sunday, January 26, 2020
Legalizing Marijuana in society
Legalizing Marijuana in society Legalizing Marijuana While most people recognize only the negative and harm that goes with marijuana use in society, there are several positive effects that are being ignored. In an essay written by Carl Sagan (1969), an advocator for legalizing marijuana, he states, â€Å" The illegality of cannabis (marijuana) is outrageous, an impediment to full utilization of a drug which helps produce the serenity and insight, sensitivity and fellowship so desperately needed in this increasingly mad and dangerous world.†Too many persons, marijuana users and even those who dont use the drug share similar sentiments. States like California have begun the quest for legalizing marijuana after many debates. Marijuana or cannabis as it is commonly called is a green or gray mixture of dried, shredded flowers and leaves of the hemp plant Cannabis sativa. It is smoked by rolling it in tobacco paper or putting it into a pipe. This drug is consumed by a great number of people around the world. There are over two hundred slang terms for marijuana including pot, herb, weed, boom, Mary Jane, ganger and chronic. The drug has always been considered an illicit drug ever since Harry Anslinger made false remarks at a hearing in 1937. However, many people cultivate it on a small or large scale for sale to the public and people in turn purchase it for use as a form of recreation and even medical reasons. Although from all accounts, many persons consider marijuana to be the least harmful drug among others, including alcohol and cigarettes, it is forbidden by law in many countries and parts of the United States of America. Some commonly committed drug crimes include possession of the drug, possession wit h the intent to sell, cultivation of the drug; drug trafficking, manufacture and distribution. Supporters of the criminalization of marijuana in the United States consider the use of the drug a felony and the laws governing marijuana are as rigid as those regulating cocaine or heroin. Users of the drug and even non-users request that laws be modified to alleviate the penalties related to its conviction when one is charged, or to have the drug legalized. It is proven that among all the crimes related to drug use, there are fewer crimes related to that of marijuana use. The Office of National Drug Committee in its report on the number of persons in jail for drug related crimes states that marijuana accounts for just 13 percent of all drug state offenders. From a broader prospective of the entire prison population, it was noted that marijuana was involved in the conviction of 2.7 percent of all state inmates. About 1.6 percent of the state prison population was held for offenses involving just marijuana while just 0.7 percent was incarcerated with marijuana possession as the only charge and 0.3 percent was first time offenders. It is claimed by the supporters of the legality of marijuana, that the drug stimulates crime in society. Yet, they ignore the simple fact that it is because of the strict but deteriorating law enforcements imposed on the use of the drug that encourages these simple crimes. An expert supports this in the following words, If marijuana users are no longer jailed for possession of the drug, lots of room will be opened up in our already overcrowded prison systems for more hardened offenders such as: murderers, rapists, child molesters and other violent criminals. The judicial system will no longer be burdened by having to trial cases involving marijuana. As a result, the police will be able to allocate more resources to solving more violent crimes. Since marijuana could therefore be purchased at any drug store after being legalized, violent crimes such as: robbery, drug warfare, contamination of drugs by other substances such as LSD, PCP and cocaine could quickly become a thing of the past (Saldevar, J., 2006). It is stunning to note the number of persons admitted in hospital emergency rooms due to the use of alcohol and cigarette (tobacco) use legal drugs. The following are statistics on alcohol vs. marijuana use. Records show that 100 thousand deaths annually are directly linked to acute alcohol poisoning while in 4,000 years of recorded history no one has died from marijuana overdose. It is also stated that alcohol causes physical and psychological dependences as well as temporary and permanent damages to all major organs of the body. Marijuana therefore, is a much less violent provoking substance than alcohol. It can be confirmed by hospital authorities that there are few or no marijuana related illness in their emergency rooms, while billions of dollars are spent on other illnesses, and this is worldwide. Therefore, it should not be maintained that this drug be considered a public threat. Marijuana legality will instigate cultivation and sale on small or large scale farms. The high demand for this drug will be met with governments gaining from taxes and licenses from the farmers. There will be no more drug-trafficking or smuggling of marijuana but instead shipping companies to profit from such activities. This multi-billion dollar industry will by no means fail the economy, once it is regulated. Currently, the governments are at a loss simply because it is already a growing industry that they are not gaining from. The revenues that will be derived from taxes can bring much needed relief from debts of the economy. Other segments of the country including education, health, and security among others, will have better programs as a result of sufficient or perhaps overflowing funds disbursed throughout the country. Employment will no longer be an issue once this new drug industry has been controlled. With such major investments waiting and the creation of employment certain, drug dealers or cultivators can now be equated to sales men or businessmen. Standard of living in the country or the world by extension will surely be thriving. Opponents of the legalization of marijuana should not deprive any county from such economic gain. While critics claim that marijuana should not be decriminalized, advocates maintain strongly that if the drug is regulated and taxed like other goods such as alcohol and tobacco, it will now become a product with major economic and medical benefits. Companies involved in the manufacture and packaging of the drug will adhere to all government and federal standards. This will include appropriate labels such as ingredients listings and disclaimers placed on packages so as to advice and warn users of its contents. These should be clearly and strategically placed on each package with supervised dosages recommended by federal and medical advisors. In that way there may be no case of misuse and the drug will be kept out of the reach of minors. When such health standards are put in place, the onus will be on the companies involved to adhere to regulations of the state. Legal drugs like alcohol and cigarettes can be out of reach for minors because they are sold in stores who need licenses. These stores have an incentive to sell only to adults in order to keep their license. There should be similar incentives for marijuana dealers. To protect our children we must give these marijuana dealers an invitation not to sell to them illegally. This cannot be done in a system of marijuana prohibition because we cannot take a license away if we did not give it out. To alleviate the many social and economic issues that stem from marijuana use, it is crucial that the drug be regulated and controlled. A freelance writer shares the same sentiments in an article by saying â€Å"If we take marijuana off the streets and regulate it, we will diminish organized crime problems†(Marshall, 2005). Advocators will agree that the negative effects caused by marijuana use are only increasing because of the laws against it. Such a controversial issue can be dealt with so easily with much to gain from. It is high time that young men on the streets became professional business men in the thriving industry that they are all passionate of, yet suppressed by law enforcements. It is the economys current state that has given people incentives to seek financial relief and recreation in marijuana use. It is now the economys turn to attain much more. The rewards from legalizing marijuana are unlimited. The end of all poverty and government debt lies in the hands o f those who keep this harmless drug prohibited. References Fox S., Armento P., Tvert M. (2009) Marijuana is safe: So why are we driving people to drink? White River Junction, VT: Chelsea Green. Katel P. (2009, June 12). Legalizing Marijuana. CQ Researcher, 19, 525-548. Retrieved February 01, 2010, from CQ Researcher Online getpdf.php?file=cqr20090612C.pdf Klein J. (2009, April 02). Why legalizing marijuana makes sense. Time. Retrieved February 05, 2010, from,8599,1889021,00.html Kubby S. (2003). Why marijuana should be legal. New York: Thunders Mouth Press. Marshall P. (2005, February 11). Marijuana Laws. CQ Researcher, 15, 125-148. Retrieved February 01, 2010, from CQ Researcher Online getpdf.php?file=cqr20050211C.pdf Moffat M. (n.d.). Should governments legalize and tax marijuana? Economics. Retrieved February 05, 2010, from Sagan, C. (1969). Mr. X. In Marihuana reconsidered. (pp. 109-116). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Saldevar, J. (2006, August 16). Marijuana: The simple logical benefits of legalization. Associated Content. Retrieved February 15, 2010, from /article/50880/marijuana_the_simple_logical_benefits.html?cat=9
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Role of Social Worker in Non-Profit Long Term Care
Several studies have highlighted the efficiency of profit-oriented organizations compared to non-profit organizations. In the nursing homes or long term care facility too, this is no exception, where the profit driven homes are seen to be technically and economically efficient than the non- profit facilities. The operation of the non-profit homes is directed to ensuring that revenues and costs are relatively equal. The non-profit nursing homes, run by government, religious bodies and even by private philanthropic affiliations are not seriously classified for their performance and quality, and are largely categorized together (Knox, Blankmeyer and Stutzman).Research done into staffing levels of profit and non-profit nursing homes however, show that nursing homes in the non-profit sector have higher staffing levels, compared to profit oriented nursing organizations. Literature on nursing homes in the US show that non-profit care facilities have higher number of direct care staff and lo wer staff turnover rates. It should be noted here that the majority of nursing homes in the US are profit oriented while in Canada, the majority are non-profit care homes (Margaret J et al., 2005).Social workers in health care have addressed the problems and situations associated with illnesses, seeing things in the bigger perspective, while also addressing the immediate concerns. The largest area of focus in social work is perhaps in the health field. Social workers have performed their expected or required roles, and have also raised awareness among other health care professionals to look beyond disease or ailment of the patient; into the psychological and social aspects of the ailment and its treatment (Dhooper, 1997).The responsibilities associated with social work in long-term nursing homes include tasks with patients and their families, both within and outside the hospital. Most social workers in hospitals are responsible for functions like high risk screening, social and p sychological assessments, coordinated patient care, discharge planning and follow up.In long term care facilities, the social worker is required to be aware of the traditional and non traditional social work involvement and their roles, and appropriately examine the most suitable application. The social workers review the evidence base systematically and accordingly develop protocols and recommendations for practice. They encourage academic and practice partnerships and try to identify similar areas of concern, with their medical colleagues.The social workers perform several roles, even beyond that expected of a social service worker. However there is no formal profile of the tasks associated with social worker in nursing home care. The law and regulatory governing are restricted to finding out the presence and absence of the social worker. There is no certification or recognition process to evaluate the contributions of the social worker particularly in the non-profit nursing homes .An important aspect of social work in health setting is assessment, including psychosocial assessment. Client problems need to be assessed to begin treatment intervention, irrespective of the ailment or the people. Assessment helps in gathering, analyzing and evaluating relevant information based on which appropriate treatment strategies are implemented. Sometimes the social worker may be required to service at homes of clients. Interviewing clients at home, particularly the elderly ones, offers an informal atmosphere and reinforces to the client that he or she is supported and is not left alone (Mellor and Solomon, 1996).Use of client’s first name, hugging, accepting a cup of tea are all part of a professional conduct of a social worker. The social worker is also sought to address psychosocial needs in nursing homes, to treat mental health problems. The social work provider’s perspective in diagnosing and treating anxiety, dementia and depression is considered nec essary. Through appropriate in-home interventions, social work providers even ascertain ineffective diagnosis and delivery of inappropriate care.  They address several issues with social relevance like relationship loss, adjustment to environment, terminal care etc.In the non-emergency nursing home admissions, social work personnel carry out the psychosocial assessment of the client during the initial contact. Based on this assessment, the level of required social work involvement, preparation of social work activity and discharge plans are finalized. This assessment also marks the beginning of the patient-social worker relationship. The social worker may at times be required to alert other physicians on existing psychosocial problems, which they should consider before medical interventions.Here the social worker must ensure that patient details or medical history are not breached or misused by anyone having access to it. Preadmission screenings by social workers can reduce unwan ted readmissions while also reducing the stay in nursing homes. Discharge planning may be involved with many ethical issues or even legal issues for the social worker. The social worker has a crucial role in sorting conflict between patient expectations and nursing home obligations. When patients with very little hope of recovery or irreversible conditions are discharged, they and their families consider the nursing home to have abandoned them and experience a loss of hope. Here the social worker, attempts to change this perception by planning for the future through problem solving.The role of social worker in non-profit long term care is highly diverse from being a psychotherapist, social work consultant and a consultant on psychosocial issues. They assist client immensely in their transition to and from long-term care. They associate elders and families to community facilities and services through appropriate brokering, cause and needs advocacy.They help in planning long-term c are with the client and their family and resolve issues in finance, legal and social requirements. In care planning, the social service provider needs to develop plans taking into consideration the arrangements and psychosocial support for older persons. The plans, particularly long term care plans must be accommodative of any physical or cognitive changes, as and when it arises.Social workers need to be wise to accept and respect the fact that clients, particularly older clients in long-term care have the right to choose or decide on matters pertaining to their treatment (Vourlekis, et. al, 2005). Social workers also need to be conscious of the ethical issues arising in their work with older clients.Long term care is not just restricted to the caring of elderly people. Long term care can be associated with any age, like even with children having long term health implications.The services provided by social workers are very diverse and is associated with both, a health perspective a nd a social perspective. The quality of delivery for the health factor is judged based on technical aspects of care like treatment outcomes and evaluation of care process. The quality of social services provided is judged based on the opinion and perception of the users. In contrast to acute care which is associated to restoration of normal health, long term care is more associated in suppressing or preventing further decline in health condition or progress of disability (Gooloo, Wunderlich, Kohler, 2001). Sometime people would adapt to heir disabilities and adverse health conditions and may even begin to depend less on social or medical assistance for a considerably long period of time.The role of social worker in the non-profit long term care is immense and cannot be overlooked. They are involved in all aspects of patient care from assessment to discharge, apart from ensuring their social well being. Given the trend in modern medicine, where newer and sophisticated treatments incr ease life span, the population of elderly people has been increasing significantly, and more elderly people are likely to seek nursing care for various reasons. Also with newer diseases, associated with developing life styles, food habits, and environment; people are likely to seek more medical intervention for unconventional diseases. Therefore people across all ages and backgrounds seeking medical intervention would have more social implications and social relevance, relying more on the social worker to deliver.REFERENCESKnox K.J., Blankmeyer E.C and Stutzman J.R., (2006) Comparative Performance and Quality among Nonprofit Nursing Facilities in Texas, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. Sage Publications [Electronic Version] downloaded on 10th May 2008 from J et al., (2005) Staffing levels in not-for-profit and for-profit long-term care facilities: Does type of ownership matter? Canadian Medical Association Journal, March 1 , 2005 [Electronic Version] downloaded on 10th May 2008 from Vourlekis B, Zlotnik J.L, Simons K., (2005) Institute for the advancement of Social Work Research, Evaluating Social Work Services in Nursing Homes: Toward Quality Psychosocial Care [Electronic Version] downloaded on 11th May 2008 from Dhooper S.S., (1997) Social Work in Health Care in the 21st Century. Sage Publications, London Mellor J and Solomon R., (1996) Geriatric Social Work Education Haworth Press. Gooloo S, Wunderlich, Kohler P.O., (Eds) (2001) Improving the Quality of Long-term Care, National Academies Press Role of Social Worker in Non-Profit Long Term Care Several studies have highlighted the efficiency of profit-oriented organizations compared to non-profit organizations. In the nursing homes or long term care facility too, this is no exception, where the profit driven homes are seen to be technically and economically efficient than the non- profit facilities. The operation of the non-profit homes is directed to ensuring that revenues and costs are relatively equal. The non-profit nursing homes, run by government, religious bodies and even by private philanthropic affiliations are not seriously classified for their performance and quality, and are largely categorized together (Knox, Blankmeyer and Stutzman).Research done into staffing levels of profit and non-profit nursing homes however, show that nursing homes in the non-profit sector have higher staffing levels, compared to profit oriented nursing organizations. Literature on nursing homes in the US show that non-profit care facilities have higher number of direct care staff and lo wer staff turnover rates. It should be noted here that the majority of nursing homes in the US are profit oriented while in Canada, the majority are non-profit care homes (Margaret J et al., 2005).Social workers in health care have addressed the problems and situations associated with illnesses, seeing things in the bigger perspective, while also addressing the immediate concerns. The largest area of focus in social work is perhaps in the health field. Social workers have performed their expected or required roles, and have also raised awareness among other health care professionals to look beyond disease or ailment of the patient; into the psychological and social aspects of the ailment and its treatment (Dhooper, 1997). The responsibilities associated with social work in long-term nursing homes include tasks with patients and their families, both within and outside the hospital. Most social workers in hospitals are responsible for functions like high risk screening, social and psychological assessments, coordinated patient care, discharge planning and follow up.In long term care facilities, the social worker is required to be aware of the traditional and non traditional social work involvement and their roles, and appropriately examine the most suitable application. The social workers review the evidence base systematically and accordingly develop protocols and recommendations for practice. They encourage academic and practice partnerships and try to identify similar areas of concern, with their medical colleagues. The social workers perform several roles, even beyond that expected of a social service worker. However there is no formal profile of the tasks associated with social worker in nursing home care. The law and regulatory governing are restricted to finding out the presence and absence of the social worker. There is no certification or recognition process to evaluate the contributions of the social worker particularly in the non-profit nursing hom es.An important aspect of social work in health setting is assessment, including psychosocial assessment. Client problems need to be assessed to begin treatment intervention, irrespective of the ailment or the people. Assessment helps in gathering, analyzing and evaluating relevant information based on which appropriate treatment strategies are implemented. Sometimes the social worker may be required to service at homes of clients. Interviewing clients at home, particularly the elderly ones, offers an informal atmosphere and reinforces to the client that he or she is supported and is not left alone (Mellor and Solomon, 1996).Use of client’s first name, hugging, accepting a cup of tea are all part of a professional conduct of a social worker. The social worker is also sought to address psychosocial needs in nursing homes, to treat mental health problems. The social work provider’s perspective in diagnosing and treating anxiety, dementia and depression is considered n ecessary. Through appropriate in-home interventions, social work providers even ascertain ineffective diagnosis and delivery of inappropriate care.  They address several issues with social relevance like relationship loss, adjustment to environment, terminal care etc.In the non-emergency nursing home admissions, social work personnel carry out the psychosocial assessment of the client during the initial contact. Based on this assessment, the level of required social work involvement, preparation of social work activity and discharge plans are finalized. This assessment also marks the beginning of the patient-social worker relationship.The social worker may at times be required to alert other physicians on existing psychosocial problems, which they should consider before medical interventions. Here the social worker must ensure that patient details or medical history are not breached or misused by anyone having access to it. Preadmission screenings by social workers can reduce unw anted readmissions while also reducing the stay in nursing homes. Discharge planning may be involved with many ethical issues or even legal issues for the social worker. The social worker has a crucial role in sorting conflict between patient expectations and nursing home obligations. When patients with very little hope of recovery or irreversible conditions are discharged, they and their families consider the nursing home to have abandoned them and experience a loss of hope. Here the social worker, attempts to change this perception by planning for the future through problem solving.The role of social worker in non-profit long term care is highly diverse from being a psychotherapist, social work consultant and a consultant on psychosocial issues. They assist client immensely in their transition to and from long-term care. They associate elders and families to community facilities and services through appropriate brokering, cause and needs advocacy. They help in planning long-ter m care with the client and their family and resolve issues in finance, legal and social requirements.In care planning, the social service provider needs to develop plans taking into consideration the arrangements and psychosocial support for older persons. The plans, particularly long term care plans must be accommodative of any physical or cognitive changes, as and when it arises. Social workers need to be wise to accept and respect the fact that clients, particularly older clients in long-term care have the right to choose or decide on matters pertaining to their treatment (Vourlekis, et. al, 2005). Social workers also need to be conscious of the ethical issues arising in their work with older clients.Long term care is not just restricted to the caring of elderly people. Long term care can be associated with any age, like even with children having long term health implications.The services provided by social workers are very diverse and is associated with both, a health perspectiv e and a social perspective. The quality of delivery for the health factor is judged based on technical aspects of care like treatment outcomes and evaluation of care process. The quality of social services provided is judged based on the opinion and perception of the users. In contrast to acute care which is associated to restoration of normal health, long term care is more associated in suppressing or preventing further decline in health condition or progress of disability (Gooloo, Wunderlich, Kohler, 2001). Sometime people would adapt to heir disabilities and adverse health conditions and may even begin to depend less on social or medical assistance for a considerably long period of time.The role of social worker in the non-profit long term care is immense and cannot be overlooked. They are involved in all aspects of patient care from assessment to discharge, apart from ensuring their social well being. Given the trend in modern medicine, where newer and sophisticated treatments i ncrease life span, the population of elderly people has been increasing significantly, and more elderly people are likely to seek nursing care for various reasons. Also with newer diseases, associated with developing life styles, food habits, and environment; people are likely to seek more medical intervention for unconventional diseases. Therefore people across all ages and backgrounds seeking medical intervention would have more social implications and social relevance, relying more on the social worker to deliver.REFERENCESKnox K.J., Blankmeyer E.C and Stutzman J.R., (2006) Comparative Performance and Quality among Nonprofit Nursing Facilities in Texas, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. Sage Publications [Electronic Version] downloaded on 10th May 2008 from J et al., (2005) Staffing levels in not-for-profit and for-profit long-term care facilities: Does type of ownership matter? Canadian Medical Association Journal, Marc h 1, 2005 [Electronic Version] downloaded on 10th May 2008 from Vourlekis B, Zlotnik J.L, Simons K., (2005) Institute for the advancement of Social Work Research, Evaluating Social Work Services in Nursing Homes: Toward Quality Psychosocial Care [Electronic Version] downloaded on 11th May 2008 from Dhooper S.S., (1997) Social Work in Health Care in the 21st Century. Sage Publications, London Mellor J and Solomon R., (1996) Geriatric Social Work Education Haworth Press. Gooloo S, Wunderlich, Kohler P.O., (Eds) (2001) Improving the Quality of Long-term Care, National Academies Press
Thursday, January 9, 2020
What Is a Concluding Sentence Secrets
What Is a Concluding Sentence Secrets Things You Should Know About What Is a Concluding Sentence The full paragraph works together and does not have any extraneous elements. The ability to create well-organized paragraphs is important to the academic success of deaf students. The duration of a conclusion is usually proportional to the amount of the entire text. Likewise, you will also should use transitions between sections in a bigger piece of writing. So, it's well worth putting in the very last dregs of your intellectual energy to think of a convincing conclusion. There's a continuous war in Sudan. In truth, it's very likely that all these individuals are avoiding in conclusion'' so often it may even become trendy again. The topic is purchasing a home and the controlling idea is crucial to be fully prepared Although the principal topic is all about buying a house, the statements that follow may expound why it's crucial to be fully prepared. Gossip, Lies and What Is a C oncluding Sentence Obviously, you wish to have your paper well-written, and that has the conclusion paragraph. You may be prepared to move on to some other assignment. Your conclusion should produce a link between the contents of your paper and a bigger issue. When it's a lengthier paper, a great place to begin is by looking at what each paragraph was about. You've probably already written an introduction paragraph that you are especially fond of. The duration of your concluding paragraph will be different with the amount of your paper. Anyway, it doesn't restate the thesis statement. Concluding statements should give the sensation of summarization of your whole body paragraphs. What to Expect From What Is a Concluding Sentence? In general, topic sentences are crucial in writing in order to emphasize points for much better communication. In most instances, readers look into the very first few sentences of a paragraph to learn what it is about. That is to say, you wrap up the principal points in 1 sentence. Want to Know More About What Is a Concluding Sentence? In the end, the previous sentence of the very first paragraph of this kind of essay would state the thesis the author is attempting to prove. The sort of concluding paragraph will be contingent on the assignment. When you're writing a great conclusion paragraph, you sho uld consider the major point that you would like to become across and be sure it's included. A great conclusion paragraph is basically the one which solidifies the principal point of your writing. Great topic sentences have to be direct and specific to convey a very clear thought. It's possible for you to use a concluding sentence to state how you want to observe things change later on. Avoid statements like although some can disagree or there might be better arguments. The conclusion is the conclusion of the paragraph. When composing your essay's conclusion, don't feel as though you must begin with the phrases in conclusion or maybe to summarize. The thesis statement is most frequently placed at the close of the paragraph. As soon as it's always important to receive your essay off on the perfect start with a strong and engaging introduction, a lot of people may acquire lazy toward the conclusion of their writing. After you've reminded your reader of your principal ideas, you leave them with something to consider. Firstly, embedded conclusions are appropriate for narratives. The manner in which you present your topic in the introduction provides the reader the very first impression. A Secret Weapon for What Is a Concluding Sentence Actually, on the true AP exam, you might not get to the conclusion in any respect. You've written a stunning introduction and body, and now you've got to complete the draft off by writing the conclusion! In reality, assorted kinds of papers need different conclusion paragraph examples. Failure to reveal problems and negative results Negative facets of the research procedure should not be ignored. In the best examples of conclusions, it is going to act as a proof that some new understanding is made by the text. You may want to amplify the principal point of an essay or place it in a different perspective for setting a bigger context. Thus, broader implications can be helpful for the readers since they arouse their interest and produce the outlook wider.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Study Skills-Learning Styles - 1254 Words
Contents: 1. Introduction....................................................................................Page 3 2. Factors affecting the Learning Styles........................................... Page 4 3. My Learning Style......................................................................... Page 5, 6 4. Conclusion.................................................................................... Page 7 5. References......................................................................................Page 8 Introduction: Human beings use five senses to develop and adjust to the best way of learning. By touching, seeing and hearing individuals can receive, process and keep information in different and†¦show more content†¦It alters with the accumulating life experience and the level of education. ( My Learning Style Most students adopt learning style that work best for them or some synthesize learning techniques of each style while sustaining an exceptional preference in one. My preferable learning style is auditory and my least favoured style is practical. As an auditory learner, I learn by hearing and listening. On the contrary, the visual learners mainly learn by seeing and favour studying through visually engaging materials. On the other hand, kinaesthetic learners study by creating something. They require physical participation to learn. I do enjoy spoken lectures and active classroom discussions with a lot questions and summarising. Also I study facts and figures easily and read study materials aloud, while carefully listening to myself or a tape recorder, which helps a lot to memorise effectively. I’m an independent learner. I like to be left alone to learn and contemplate after lectures. With these learning skills, first of all I will benefit when revising for an oral exam. Secondly, similar to visual and practical learners, I will successfully manage presentations, research projects, traditional tests. ( However I won’t be that good as visual learners on writing an essay, working with charts, maps and diagrams, written exams, worksheets, making a mind map or spidergram. For example writing an essay for me is moreShow MoreRelatedMy Development Within The Study Skills1541 Words  | 7 Pagesabout Study Skills Introduction In this assignment I am going to reflect on my development within the study skills module. Throughout the module I have learnt about many different forms of study skills and aids to be able study effectively. I feel that I do still have a lot to learn about them and how they will help with my future studies. 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