Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Study Skills-Learning Styles - 1254 Words
Contents: 1. Introduction....................................................................................Page 3 2. Factors affecting the Learning Styles........................................... Page 4 3. My Learning Style......................................................................... Page 5, 6 4. Conclusion.................................................................................... Page 7 5. References......................................................................................Page 8 Introduction: Human beings use five senses to develop and adjust to the best way of learning. By touching, seeing and hearing individuals can receive, process and keep information in different and†¦show more content†¦It alters with the accumulating life experience and the level of education. ( My Learning Style Most students adopt learning style that work best for them or some synthesize learning techniques of each style while sustaining an exceptional preference in one. My preferable learning style is auditory and my least favoured style is practical. As an auditory learner, I learn by hearing and listening. On the contrary, the visual learners mainly learn by seeing and favour studying through visually engaging materials. On the other hand, kinaesthetic learners study by creating something. They require physical participation to learn. I do enjoy spoken lectures and active classroom discussions with a lot questions and summarising. Also I study facts and figures easily and read study materials aloud, while carefully listening to myself or a tape recorder, which helps a lot to memorise effectively. I’m an independent learner. I like to be left alone to learn and contemplate after lectures. With these learning skills, first of all I will benefit when revising for an oral exam. Secondly, similar to visual and practical learners, I will successfully manage presentations, research projects, traditional tests. ( However I won’t be that good as visual learners on writing an essay, working with charts, maps and diagrams, written exams, worksheets, making a mind map or spidergram. For example writing an essay for me is moreShow MoreRelatedMy Development Within The Study Skills1541 Words  | 7 Pagesabout Study Skills Introduction In this assignment I am going to reflect on my development within the study skills module. Throughout the module I have learnt about many different forms of study skills and aids to be able study effectively. I feel that I do still have a lot to learn about them and how they will help with my future studies. 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