Saturday, May 23, 2020
Saving Wildlife Essay - 973 Words
Saving Wildlife: Is it truly worth it? Is saving wildlife truly worth it? According to Robert Carter, â€Å"we cannot afford to fail in our mission to save a living planet†(Carter, 1). Wildlife is truly vital to the survival of the human species. If as a society we don’t try to help, then we can expect the extinction of all animals and later the extinction of humans. The Earth we live on and all the wildlife that live with us are a giant part of our lifestyle. They offer food as well as the being a major part of the life cycle. The author, Robert Carter, states there are 5 reasons why everyone should try to save wildlife. The five reasons include saving a planet of life, improving human lives, species recovery, inspiration, and helping the†¦show more content†¦The food chain needs to be in a constant standing in order for humans to thrive as well. Wildlife can drastically alter human lives. According to Robert Carter, â€Å"by protecting species, we also protect the essential goods and services that make our lives possible and contribute enormously to human health and well-being - breathable air, clean water, food, fibers, building materials, medicines, energy, fertile soils, climate regulation, transport, and recreational and spiritual values†(1). To explain, animals do have a major impact on the community. Most medicines comes from the environment, such as plants. Without most of these medicines, humans will also slowly die off. Animals can be an incredibly important asset to a village. When they are removed from a certain area then it can alter the dynamic of a village.â€Å" I was very glad that the coolie had been killed;it put me legally in the right and it gave me a sufficient pretext for shooting the elephant†(Orwell 153). The story takes place in the 1900’s, so the population does not have electricity. In the story, the elephant carried heavy items for the humans. The animal served as machinery in such a poor village. When the person shot the elephant, the population did not know that the elephant was the main source in their transportation of heavy items. How would the species recover if all of it is going extinct? How does the species recover? According to Robert Carter, â€Å"China is the onlyShow MoreRelatedZoos Are Saving Endangered Animals From Extinction1332 Words  | 6 Pages Ovtchinnikova 1 Anastasia Ovtchinnikova Mr.Spalierno (maybe Mrs.Turco) English (room number) (Date of finished essay) Zoos Are Saving Endangered Animals From Extinction Many thought zoos were just for attraction, but they are meant for more than just that. Several zoos that we go to nowadays with our families are not only there for the sightseeing of theRead MoreShould Kids Be More Involved With Technology?1540 Words  | 7 Pagescomplex answer. Kids, today, are proven to be more involved with technology. Anything from computers and televisions too video games and phones. The kids, do not know enough about wildlife and what it has to offer. People have demonstrated that viewing humans and nature as one can help motivate people to not only preserve wildlife but also to perceive and define it (Cabin par. 34). When being outdoors there are a few things you should know to prevent injury and stay safe. You should dress appropriatelyRead MoreArticle Review On Deforestation And Deforestation999 Words  | 4 Pageshabitat loss due to deforestation. The author talks about the different purpose of deforestation such as agriculture, forestry, or water projects that endangers the species that live in the area. The article is based on information taken from World Wildlife Fund, IUCN, and Red List. The information that the author provides is important and useful to the topic of deforestation. Overall, the article is well written and well researched. Mainstream media (The Washington Post) Kirkpatrick, Nick. InRead MoreComparison of Project Operation Village Health and Project Tanzania647 Words  | 3 Pagesbeneficial to everyone since some people live in a very remote place. Telemedicine provides a lot of benefits such as life-saving treatment in remote places, self-sustain healthcare, fast communication with the doctors, and don’t have to travel vast distance to get help. Project operation village health and project Tanzania can show a lot the benefit that telemedicine provide. This essay will compare the two projects and their benefits. Cambodia is still a developing country with a lot of rural areas thatRead MoreAnalyzing Ikea s Growth Of The Firm, Dunning Oli Framework Approach Of Foreign Direct Investment ( Fdi )1325 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction: With theoretical expatiation of Edith Penrose’s growth of the firm, Dunning OLI Framework approach of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), this essay will also declare several issues may exist in an international business as well as factors should be considered in global supply chain control. Moving on to analyse IKEA s implementation of global supply chain control and emphasize its outsourcing plan, comparing to other corporations what competitive advantage IKEA gain in managing supplyRead MoreGlobal Warming Is Representative By Human Activities943 Words  | 4 Pagesresult, we are suffering more serious damage from the climate change including flooding,hurricane,Tsunami and so on. 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Western Harbour is a district in Malmà ¶ has different function districts and local facilities;Read MoreCommercialization of Genetically Modified Foods Essay1297 Words  | 6 Pagesor should not be commercialised in the United Kingdom is a subject which is being highly publicised at the moment. I will therefore go through all the key areas of this debate considering both the for and against arguments. In this essay, I will mainly consider the area that has been most widely tested which is how genetically modified crops affect the environment. 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Monday, May 18, 2020
Illegal Bunkery - 3313 Words
The Political Economy Of Illegal Bunkering In Nigeria By Kà ²mbà ² Mason Braide (PhD) Port Harcourt, Nigeria Demonise Diabolise: The Niger Delta has been a source of illicit international business deals (like the trans-Atlantic slave trade), as far back as the 15th century. Today a new form of syndicated criminal proclivity is threatening the very foundations of Nigeria’s petroleum industry, and by extension, the Nigerian economy, as well as putting tremendous pressure on Chief (General) Olusegun Obasanjo. That problem is the illegal bunkering of crude oil and/or its derivatives. The term bunkering, (whether legal or illegal) has been thoroughly abused, demonised, and misused in Nigerian parlance, so much so that the mere†¦show more content†¦However, the criminalisation of bunkering operations, the unstable, inadequate, and unreliable domestic refining capacity, and a miasma of simplistically conceived national energy policies, among several other reasons, account for this unique anomaly in Nigeria. Actually, ships prefer not to come to Nigeria and bunker because of the high port charges, related miscellaneous illegalities, called levies, and official extortions like mandatory but illegal military task force approvals. The Origins Of A Dysfunction: Before 1973, petroleum products pricing was not uniform in Nigeria. The retail prices of petroleum products were dependent on the point of sale, relative to the only primary distribution depot then, at the Shell-BP Refinery, Alesa Eleme, near Okrika, near Port Harcourt, Rivers State. In October 1973, the military dictatorship of General Yakubu Gowon decreed uniform pricing of refined petroleum products for the Nigerian market. Subsequently, the Petroleum Equalisation Fund (PEF) Decree No. 9 of 1975 was promulgated. To date, it provides for the uniform pricing of all petroleum products throughout Nigeria, irrespective of distance from point of production. The Board of the Petroleum
Monday, May 11, 2020
A Lost City Found Among The Coral Reefs Of The Pacific
A lost city found among the coral reefs of the Pacific, Nan Mandol is now ruins adjacent to the eastern shore of the island of Pohnpei that once was the capital of the Saudeleur Dynasty until 1628 (Ayres et al. 1992). Recently, a research group from the Southern Methodist University led by Mark D. McCoy found the earliest direct evidence of monument building at Nan Madol (McCoy et al. 2016). This is a significant discovery that pushes back the initial age of dynasty in the Pacific over 100 years, and provides anthropologist a new way to study the evolution of society. Before this discovery, scientists had set the date for the first dynasty in the Pacific to around 1300 CE. McCoy et al. (2016) stated, â€Å"The earliest evidence of hierarchical†¦show more content†¦The age they established was 1180 CE, over 100 years earlier than was previously assumed. The reason for its enhanced effectiveness is based around measuring the basalt samples carbon 14 content, and comparing it with the carbon 14 activity in modern and background samples. â€Å"We report the earliest secure dates on the construction of monumental architecture in the remote islands of the Pacific located at the site of Nan Madol on Pohnpei Island in Eastern Micronesia. High-precision uranium series dating of coral from the tomb of the Saudeleur Dynasty indicate political control over the entire island was established by AD 1180–1200 (770–750 yr)†(McCoy et al. 2016). This evidence is a strong indicator that Nan Mandol has had significant influence on other communities within Eastern Micronesia due to its early establishment. According to Clark et al. (2007), evidence drawn from monumental architecture is one of the greatest indicators for prehistoric socio-political organization. Nan Mandol is therefore opening a door to study the establishment of kingdoms in the Pacific. The island of Pohnpei is important for two reasons: First its archaeology, second its geology. Fir st, the date of settlement for Pohnpei has been estimated at AD 1 (1950 cal yr BP) (Athens et al.1990). According to Hanlon et al. (1988),Show MoreRelatedEnvironmental Issue in the Philippines2021 Words  | 9 Pagestyphoon belt, in the active volcanic region known as the Pacific Ring of Fire, and in the geologically unstable region between the Pacific and Eurasian tectonic plates. The Philippines also suffers major human-caused environmental degradation aggravated by a high annual population growth rate, including loss of agricultural lands,deforestation,soil erosion, air and water pollution, improper disposal of solid and toxic wastes, loss of coral reefs, mismanagement and abuse of coastal resources, and overfishingRead MoreEssay on Global Warming3370 Words  | 14 Pagescan aggravate allergies and respiratory illnesses. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Four P s Of Marketing Essay - 2120 Words
US7455-V5 (collegecouncil.emorycampuslife, 2105) NAME – PUSHPINDER SINGH STUDENT ID- ND14413 EMAIL-PUSHIDHINDSA420@GMAIL.COM Contents TASK -1 3 Task-2 5 Task-3 6 Marketing could be defined as the way of planning and executing pricing, promotion and distribution of goods and services to satisfy end user and completing the goals of organisation. The four P’s of marketing are:- †¢ Product: - it is essential for a business or organisation to in-depth features, qualities and uniqueness of their product as compared to their competitors they are offering to their customer. †¢ Price: - it how you are pricing your product or services in such a way that price of product remains competitive as compared to its competitors but still allows the organisation to make a good profit. †¢ Place: - it could also be referred to as distribution of products and services. It is where the business sells its products and how they are reaching to the end users. †¢ Promotion: - it is the various methods used by the organisation to promote its product or brand name to its customers using methods such as billboard, online or email advertisements. Holistic Marketing:- (surabhiudas91.wordpress, 2015) Definition of marketing research: - it is defined as collecting, recording and examining the data about problems related to the marketing of goods and services of organisation. It could be gathered through various ways such as online customer surveys, word of mouth, surveys etc. TASK -1 1.1 A.Show MoreRelatedMarketing Mix Of The Four P s Essay1815 Words  | 8 PagesThe marketing mix consist of the four P’s. This includes, Product, Price, Promotion, and Pricing. This element is used to combine, represent, as well as endorse and encourage a brand or product to get customers attention to buy. This also creates an option to stand out from competitors before the brand or product is really out there to sell. When you incorporate the four P’s there are a series of questions that associate with the element. What is the perceived value of your product or service? HowRead MoreCritical Discourse Analysis of Language Advertisements1553 Words  | 7 PagesKotler 4P’s of marketing Faculty of Business and Management University of Balamand January, 2011 Copyright  © 2011 All Rights Reserved Acknowledgement Thank you Dr. Fadila for your continuous support and the perseverance, tolerance that you have provided us throughout the semester. Table of Contents Acknowledgement ii Table of Contents iii Chapter 1 1 Introduction 1 Chapter 2 4 Body 4 Chapter 3 7 Model Application 7 Chapter 4 9 Conclusion 9 List of References:Read MoreMarketing on Ford Fiesta1529 Words  | 7 PagesFOM Study Programme Master of Business Administration (MBA) Module: Marketing Assignment: 1/2 Author: Christian Gondek 1st Academic Semester 2010/2011 Essen, 21.01.2011 Executive Summary - Part I The Ford Motor Company (FMC) is one of the biggest and most successful automotive manufacturers in the world based on a long tradition of automotive development. Since 1931, the plant in Cologne has produced more than forty million vehicles. The focus of this assignment is to analyse the latestRead MoreMarketing Mix1070 Words  | 5 PagesThe marketing mix is primarily made up of four variables, and they are product, place, price, and promotion. These variables are often referred to as the four P s. 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This involves doing market research on customers, analyzing their needs, and then making strategic decisions about product design, pricing, promotion and distribution orRead MoreAmway India Marketing Mix836 Words  | 4 PagesQUE.- Suggest a Marketing Mix for Amway with specific reference to Product P of the 4 Ps. You will have to justify your ansAmwayr with market based facts in which Amway is operating in India. ANS. – Amway Working in India as†¦ Amway promotes individual entrepreneurship through its innovative direct selling approach of world class consumer products. Amway India is the country’s leading direct selling FMCG-company which manufactures and sells world-class consumer productsRead MoreThe Marketing Mix753 Words  | 3 PagesThe marketing mix is an essential component of every marketing strategy. The marketing mix is comprised of four distinct parts that include product, placement, pricing, and promotion. Regardless of what is going to be marketed, it is fundamental that a marketer know their product inside and out before any of the other three parts of the marketing mix can be utilized. The four Ps, as the four parts of the marketing mix are often referred as, can be used to demonstrate how Amazons Kindle Fire hasRead MoreThe 2201 Principles Of Marketing Essay902 Words  | 4 PagesUNIT 5 TITLE:THE FIVE â€Å"I†S OF ONE-TO-ONE MARKETING AUTHOR: STUDENT: BUS 2201-PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING Introduction This paper discusses the key elements of the Five â€Å"I†s of One- to- One Marketing which is essential in today’s rapidly changing and highly competitive world. Changing lifestyles, preferences and more demand for value by consumers in this highly competitive world advanced by technological innovations, demands marketers to craft marketing strategies that will keepRead MoreMarketing Mix Of Marketing Management1005 Words  | 5 PagesMarketing Mix in marketing management is used to attract consumers and for sales promotion, using the four basic elements/components of the mix, namely, Product, Price, Place, and Promotion (four Ps). A combination and fair application of these marketing essentials is called Marketing Mix. The four Ps may sound simple but are the crucial marketing algorithm elements. The four Ps must work together and if any on the Ps fail, the entire marketing mix is in fault state. Assuming that if we have allRead MoreWhat Is Marketing Mix? Essay706 Words  | 3 PagesWHAT IS MARKETING MIX T.H.E marketing mix is a business tool used in marketing and by marketers.. T.H.E marketing mix is often crucial when determining a product or brand s offer, and is often associated with T.H.E four P s: price, product, promotion, and place. In service marketing, however, T.H.E four Ps are expanded to T.H.E seven P s or Seven P s to address T.H.E different nature of services........ FOUR P’S OF MARKETING MIX ARE†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 1. PRODUCT : A product is seen as an
Sustainability and Green House Gases Free Essays
B. You will hold to take a Sustainability/relevant study of a Vietnamese/Multinational company from any one of the undermentioned industries. 1. We will write a custom essay sample on Sustainability and Green House Gases or any similar topic only for you Order Now Electrical and Electronicss 2. Airlines 3. Plastic 4. Agricultural Merchandises REQUIRED: You are required to analyze the chosen study and to compose a study non more than 800 words. Your studies is expected to cover the undermentioned standards 1. Extent of revelation ( Quantitative and Qualitative inside informations ) 2. Format of revelation 3. Carbon coverage criterions adopted by the company 4. Evidence of societal audit in the study, if any Corporate Social Responsibility is a direction issue whereby companies integrate societal and environmental concerns in their concern operations and interactions with their stakeholders. Samsung extremely focuses on uninterrupted betterment and bring forthing enduring returns to stockholders by keeping best pattern in CSR as a seaport for capital and endeavor in the market place, a nurturer of the environment, a developer of communities and a supplier of chances at the workplace. Net Gross saless by Business of Samsung increases 31 % from 2012 around four state such as Americas, Asia, Africa, and China. Samsung Electronics maintains four major types of merchandise including consumer electronic, it and nomadic, semiconducting materials and show panels. Company invested KRW 24.1 trillion for the betterment of production line public presentation in 2013. Furthermore, Samsung invested KRW 536.3 billion to local communities. True and just fiscal coverage, care of sound internal control systems and appropriate hazard direction model, proper precaution of the Group ‘s assets and bar of fraud and other abnormalities are purely committed by the Board. Besides, the company seek their best in convey quality information to investors, regulators, clients, providers, employees and general populace as timely and transparently as possible. There is a web site where employees can give feedback and study fraud or abnormalities from unethical concern of Samsung Electronic s’ employees. The website operates in English, Nipponese, Chinese, and Spanish, and involves 69 locations around the universe with 14 linguistic communications. hypertext transfer protocol: // is the nexus of website whereby employees can incorporate with company. In workplace country, they perceive that long-run success will be determined by human resource therefore they guarantee a healthy and safe working status, invest in professional growing by supplying preparation and development plans and earnestly see just wage and staff benefits. They prevent hurts and occupational wellness jeopardies by supplying preparation and awareness plan for employees. All employees at all ages, gender, race, faith, nationality and instruction have equal opportunity to boom at common environment. Depending on the place, all staffs can take part in developing plan to better abilities. Loyalty grasp, retirement and public presentation awards are organized to enter employees’ attempt and advance other to seek. In general, Samsung continues to keep their first-class revelation in coverage, in conformity to the Global Reporting Initiative ( GRI-G3 ) model for Sustainability Reporting. They show the uninterrupted betterment in societal and environment concern by supplying extra information where possible. Under CSR study, companies provide a positive image to communities by taking duties in chief countries such as environment market place ( green direction model such as C describing criterion ) , communities and workplace. Samsung Electronics’ GHG emanations reached 2.23 dozenss of CO2 ( Less 0.15 dozenss compare with mark 2.38 dozenss CO2 ) in 2013. However, the decreases in GHG emanations is larger with mark measure is 3.90 million dozenss ( 88.59 million dozenss ) . ( Appendix 1 ) Samsung Electronics receives enfranchisement for about exemplary merchandise ( amount 40 theoretical accounts ) including nomadic phones, proctors, Personal computers, and air conditioners, and parts like LED and semiconducting material memories from participates in KEITI’s C labeling. On the other manus, Samsung received the Low Carbon Product Certification for two air purifier theoretical accounts ( cut down C emanations by up to 32 per centum to heighten energy efficiency ) in February 2014. Samsung Electronics received a Carbon Footprint label for two merchandises ( Galaxy S2 and Galaxy Note 2 ) in 2012 with planetary certification. Up to now, there are seven merchandises has been received a enfranchisement from the Carbon Trust. In the side of merchandises and services quality, they comply with all legal demands and topographic point best quality in their merchandises and services by following ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001. Besides, company besides received the ISO 50001 enfranchisement for energy direction systems at all operation site. To realize the societal part, Samsung set an attempt of quality instruction, occupation chances, and health care were identified as the highest precedences. At the beginning from 2013, company has operated societal part into five cardinal plans ( Samsung operates 383 Smart Schools and wasted KRW 32.8 billion, and wasted KRW 6.5 billion to run 23 Tech Institutes, vocational support plans for young person, puting 11.7 billion for Tomorrow plan and 6.7 billion for the Care Drive plan, 4.4 billion for The Nanum Village plan ) . Corporate societal duty plays a cardinal function in the hereafter development of the company and society. Making CSR, Samsung can convey positive image of the company to society and make stable hard currency flow and work force. On the other manus, it can be a portion of the sensed value in merchandises and services ensuing in higher client satisfaction. degree Celsiuss.Write a brief study on GHG emanations and its relevancy to concern in non more than 250 words. GHG emanations have been hold of import function in making concern. The planetary heating and the lateness in cut downing GHG emanation in the company ( Entire emanations that must be reduced to militate against clime alteration ) kept serious effects to the stable development. Furthermore, GHG can emission straight from the mill and indirectly influence to the procedure of bring forthing authorization. There are seven green house gas ( GHG ) emanations such as Carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) , Methane ( CH4 ) , Azotic oxide ( N2O ) , hydro fluorocarbons ( HFCs ) , per fluorocarbons ( PFCs ) , and hexafluoride ( SF6) and nitrogen tri fluoride ( NF3) . ( Appendix 2 ) All emanations are entered the ambiance or were born from the firing fossil fuels, or by the decay of organic waste in municipal solid waste landfills or during making in agricultural and industrial activities. There are some ways to cut down and command the GHG emanations are represented as followers: Provide C describing criterion ( the gaining control and storage engineerings ) , ( Appendix 3 ) Raise the efficient of authorization, Protect and heighten the reservoir emanations, Promote the agricultural and industrial activities to develop sustainability, Use the merchandise can be recycled, and Reduce through methane by recycling every bit good as in bring forthing, bringing, and administering empower. If the GHG emanations have non been controlled by the company, it may be lead to destruct the environment. Hence, company should establish on the criterion for GHG emanations to command and pull off the emanation as possible. Mentions hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // Appendix 1 GHG KPIs and Accomplishments KPI Description 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Korea GHG emanations decreases relative to sales* ( ton CO2 /KRW 100 million ) Goal – 6.85 5.65 4.62 2.87 2.38 Performance 7.44 5.83 5.11 4.46 2.54 2.23 Reduction ( % , compared to 2008 ) – 22 31 40 47 53 Global accumulated decreases during product-use stage. Goal – – 1,169 2,695 5,108 8,469 Performance – – 1,529 3,292 5,834 8,959 Appendix 2 The first interview expert can be an academic/researcher on Global warming/environmental scientific discipline. We carried out the first interview with Nguyen Thuy Trang who is pupil at IS-VNU. From the interviewer, we collected some information about the Global heating /environmental scientific discipline. She told that there are seven emanations for green gas: Carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) , Methane ( CH4 ) , Azotic oxide ( N2O ) , hydro fluorocarbons ( HFCs ) , per fluorocarbons ( PFCs ) , and hexafluoride ( SF6) and nitrogen tri fluoride ( NF3) . Furthermore, she assumed that company in heavy industry ( Infrastructure, empower ) , agricultural and forestry through more emanations enter the ambiance. On the other manus, she told us some stages to command and pull off GHG emanations. She commented that if the GHG emanations are non controlled cause by destructing environment. Appendix 3 The 2nd interview conducted with a professional from an audit/accounting house or caputs of Sustainability accounting subdivisions. We carried out the 2nd interview with a individual who is Le Minh Tu, work at State Audit of Vietnam. We had one meeting to interview her some inquiry about the function of GHG study in making concern. She told us the importance of C coverage to any concern and the international Carbon Reporting Standards and some duties in Vietnam to understand extent of C coverage. She convinced that a successful company that carry out the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard by strong and recognized method. Company uses the certification of Carbon Trust Standard to pass on with client. Based on C pes printing to cut down cost and put mark.Furthermore, the C study helped company recognizes the chance to cut down cost and hazard in making concern. hypertext transfer protocol: // How to cite Sustainability and Green House Gases, Essay examples
Cognitive Behavioral Strategies in Crisis Intervention
Question: Discuss about the Cognitive Behavioral Strategies in Crisis Intervention. Answer: Introduction Collings and Wood (2009) define a recognition scheme as the management approach which is used in an organizational set up to highlight and hence reward the efforts of outstanding workers. The details of a recognition scheme differ depending on the culture and structure of an organization. One of the most common approaches used to enhance worker motivation is through the establishment of stable salary schemes and occasional rewards for good performers. However, salary packaging may not be effective on a not-for-profit organization due to the financial constraints associated with such set ups. This paper focuses on salary packaging as an approach in retaining talent and motivation within the human resource fraternity. The case study Retaining talent with salary packaging provides the main facts which shall then be utilized to analyze the impacts of this recognition approach as applied in McDonalds company. Based on key human resource management theories, the paper shall analyze the com panys recognition scheme and management culture before establishing its applicability in a different set up for instance in a non-profit making organization. The recognition scheme and McDonalds culture McDonalds is one of the fastest growing hamburger and fast foods industries in the world. The international organization has its chains distributed in various countries across the globe. The immense success of the organization can be attributed to the strong culture and effective management approaches installed by the top leadership. As one of its management strategies, the company largely factors in the essence of employee motivation. This has gone a long way in enhancing the level of motivation within the human resource fraternity (Anita, 2010). From the case study, we can deduce that managers can effectively nurture the talents of their employees through various recognition schemes. The main objective in such leadership approaches is to increase the level of confidence in the work in addition to encouraging quality delivery. The use of material rewards is one of the most effective recognition schemes (Dobbin 2012). In this case, the organization chooses the best performers in a given department and rewards them based on the quality of the performance and consistency in service delivery. This HRM management approach is designed to take place over a given period of time hence can either be monthly, annual or bi-annual. The recognition scheme used by an organization entirely depends on its culture, mission, goals as well as the economic level which directly influences resource availability (Bernhard Ingolis, 1998). The discussion above reveals a similarity in management approaches as used by McDonalds. The organizations design of management largely supports worker motivation through a number of activities (Daft Armstrong, 2009). Despite the fact that the units exist within a chain, the management structure at McDonalds is such that each chain works as a separate profit making entity. This approach encourages team work and healthy competition as the workers in each restaurant give their best in order to ensure quality delivery in all aspects. As a way of rewarding the best performers, the company rewards, with a bonus, all the employees in the top 10% of best performing restaurants within its chain. This reward is based on an analysis of customer feedbacks and the amount of sales made within a period of one month (Dattilio Freeman, 2007). The additional bonuses enhance the employees salary packages which in turn creates motivation and the desire to remain consistent with quality delivery and g ood performance. Consequently, we can argue that the recognition scheme outlined in the course outline runs in conformation with the culture of the organization (Glisson, 1980). McDonalds believes in workforce motivation as a key strategy in maintain top performance. As such, the company continuously uses various motivation and recognition schemes which operate across all the subsidiaries. In order to ensure that these recognition schemes are more appealing to the workforce, the management revises them in addition to introducing new schemes (Hinings, 2013). As a recognition scheme, the company has the employee of the month, manager of the quarter and employee of the year awards. The winners in each of these categories are selected on the basis of the performances of their restaurants in terms of sales, customer satisfaction and quality delivery. This therefore reveals McDonalds organizational culture as one which adequately advocates for the workers needs and interests. Apart from the periodical motivation, the company constantly revises its salary scheme in order to ensure that the remunerations are not only in line with the legal requirements but also moti vate the workforce (Hoque, 2003). The attractive salary packages have played a crucial role in retaining the human resource. Lewin (2010) reveals that most workers at McDonalds have been there for long periods of time since employment due to the relatively supportive work environment and reward programs. As stipulated in the organizational culture, the leadership at McDonalds ensures that the right behaviors by the employees are adequately recognized. In addition, the company ensures that the frequency for recognizing and rewarding efforts is right for the workforce. The strategies therefore indicate that the management team at McDonalds does not only understand the needs of the employees but their value to the organization as well (Lingham Rezania, 2006). The salary packages and reward programs play a crucial part in retaining the current workforce. Additionally, the constructive environment created by the organization for its workers equally attracts future employs and leaders. The recognition scheme, rewards and motivational strategies used at McDonalds do not only encompass the workforce but also covers the managers in different departments (Ostroff, 1993). For instance, there is the manager of the month award in which the managers in the 10% of the best performing restaurants are awarded with additional bonuses to their salaries. As an organizational routine, the winning managers are also sponsored by their employer for a night or two out in addition to other privileges (Posey, 2012). This scheme therefore keeps the managers focused on achieving the key organizational goals which in turn improves the motivational levels down the hierarchical order. With these incentives, the leadership posts at McDonalds are attractive levels wher e each member within the workforce yearns to be at one point in their service. In a nut shell, the consistency and effectiveness of the recognition schemes in the organization does not only retain the existing workers but also attracts future leaders to these positions. Theories that Support McDonalds Scheme The recognition scheme employed by McDonalds is largely aimed at achieving high levels of motivation within the workforce. As a result, various motivational theories entail arguments which adequately support this HRM approach. To begin with, the needs motivational theory advocates for motivation as a method of increasing the effort of the human resource towards achieving organizational goals (Thomas Pederson, 2004). This effort is conditioned such that when it is exerted, it satisfies a particular need by an individual. The theory also describes need as the innate desire which stimulates behavior. For instance, at McDonalds the constant effort by the workers in each of these restaurants is basically stimulated by the need for recognition. As part of the recognition scheme, the organization rewards all employees in the top 10% of the best restaurants within McDonalds chain of business. The reward which comes on a monthly basis involves the employees being rewarded with additional bon uses to their salary package. This strategy has successfully aroused the workers need to be recognized hence increasing their efforts toward achieving quality delivery. The reward scheme depends on the amount of sales and customer feedbacks based on the services received. This strategy motivates the workers to not only enhance their skills at work but also exhibit attractive qualities while dealing with the clients Trevisani, D. (2016). This in turn retains the organizations market base as well as the clientele. The strategies by the company to enhance motivation are clearly in line with the stipulations of the needs motivational theory which adequately supports McDonalds HRM management strategies. John Stacey Adams in his equity theory explains that the monthly salaries and effective work conditions may not be the sole determinants of motivation within an organization. The theory therefore proposes pay arise and promotion as an effective approach which could be utilized by managers to enhance worker motivation. The theory further stipulates that employees are likely to feel motivated when they are treated fairly and advantageously. On the other hand, they tend to feel disaffection and lowly motivated when their efforts are not adequately recognized (Campbell, 2002). This theory effectively illuminates McDonalds organizational structure which is keen on enhancing worker motivation through occasional pay rises and promotion. As part of the recognition scheme, the company identifies top performers in each of the restaurants and in addition to receiving the employee of the year accolade, they get additional pays and promotions. Apart from pay increment and promotion, the organizat ion has also established a number of reward schemes which keeps the workers motivated to offer their best. According to the equity theory, workers tend to establish a balance between their input to the organization and the outcomes of their efforts. This implies that when the efforts meet an appropriate reward, the workers are likely to stick to this line of effort or offer more in a bid to increase the reward and hence the equity value (Watson, 2013). In addition, the job characteristics model outlines the idea that the responsibility given to an individual at a work place ought to serve as a key motivational factor before other elements are injected into recognition scheme. The nature of a job can be designed to motivate a worker through job rotation and change of working conditions. According to Hackman and Oldham, the job characteristics theory proposes that employees are likely to be highly motivated when they experience the meaningfulness of work, have knowledge of the outcome and understand the nature of their responsibilities (Wiley, 2010). As a result, it is a core management responsibility to ensure that the work environment is always made as meaningful as possible to the workers. This could be achieved by enhancing the working conditions and rewarding efforts which collectively contribute to an overall rise in the motivational levels within the organization. At McDonalds, the organizational culture upholds the workers ne ed to properly internalize the key goals and objectives of the company. As soon as an individual becomes part of the workforce, they are taken through rigorous orientation processes and training through different avenues like seminars and exhibitions. This process plays a crucial role in enabling the employees to have a good grip of the organizational mission and vision hence work alongside the requirements. In addition, this approach at McDonalds, the recognition scheme involves periodical rewards to top performing employees. This in turn enables them to have a good understanding of the responsibilities and meaningfulness of work (Wiley, 2010). As highlighted in the job characteristics model, employees tend to be highly motivated when they understand the meaningfulness of their jobs. As such, they tend to work towards achieving greater heights in their areas of responsibilities. Additionally, McDonalds approach to ensure that the organizational objectives are made clear to the empl oyees enables the latter to work with a view on the outcome of their efforts (Braisby Gellatly, 2012). The company encourages the workers to remain consistent in quality delivery by rewarding good performance. As a result, the human resource operates with a sense of direction and an innate desire to achieve constructive outcomes which would in turn attract reward. We can therefore deduce that the job characteristics model entails facts which support McDonalds recognition scheme. McDonalds HRM approach in a non-profit making organization? The management approach used by McDonalds gives a lot of weight on financial rewards as opposed to other material bonuses. As highlighted in the discussion of the companys recognition scheme, the employees in the top performing restaurants get reward every month with additional bonuses to their salary packages. This is the same case with the treatment of the managers who get financial rewards based on their performance on a quarterly basis. As a reward for their efforts, they get company sponsored tours and outings. The design of this recognition scheme therefore reveals the companys use of resources in a number of occasions. It is however a fact worth noting that such an approach would not be sustainable if the company lacked a steady economic flow. This therefore implies that the amount which is spent on reward emanates from the profit the company makes on sales. Consequently, this management approach would not be applicable in a non-profit making organization. Furthermore, the fin ancial reward is always calculated against the backdrop of the companys expense as compared to the profit made. This implies that salary increments, promotions and additional bonuses in form of rewards are all functions which are directly proportional to the amount of money made by the company as profit. These facts can further be emphasized by the statements of McDonalds compensation manager Neal Blackshire (Andersen, 2001). According to Blackshire, the reward given to the managers on a quarterly basis is based on three measures which include; profitability, the mystery shopper scores as well as the rate of growth of sales. From this statement, we can derive the correlation between rewards and profitability according to the management approach employed by McDonalds. Without profitability, the company may lack the funds to sponsor the recognition schemes. We can therefore conclude that this management approach and recognition scheme would not be easily applicable in a non-profit mak ing organization for instance Spastic Centre which majorly depends on sponsorship as a sure source of funds. Conclusion The human resource fraternity plays a crucial role in determining organizational success. As a result, the management approaches used within an organization ought to enhance maximum motivation among the workers. The discussion above adequately highlights the role of recognition schemes in enhancing worker motivation and hence a corresponding customer satisfaction. Despite the existence of various methods of rewarding workers, the use of salary packaging and additional bonuses proves to be one of the most effective approaches. The global success registered by McDonalds could be attributed to the efficient management approaches which enhance worker participation and the eventual constructive outcomes. 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