Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Four P s Of Marketing Essay - 2120 Words
US7455-V5 (collegecouncil.emorycampuslife, 2105) NAME – PUSHPINDER SINGH STUDENT ID- ND14413 EMAIL-PUSHIDHINDSA420@GMAIL.COM Contents TASK -1 3 Task-2 5 Task-3 6 Marketing could be defined as the way of planning and executing pricing, promotion and distribution of goods and services to satisfy end user and completing the goals of organisation. The four P’s of marketing are:- †¢ Product: - it is essential for a business or organisation to in-depth features, qualities and uniqueness of their product as compared to their competitors they are offering to their customer. †¢ Price: - it how you are pricing your product or services in such a way that price of product remains competitive as compared to its competitors but still allows the organisation to make a good profit. †¢ Place: - it could also be referred to as distribution of products and services. It is where the business sells its products and how they are reaching to the end users. †¢ Promotion: - it is the various methods used by the organisation to promote its product or brand name to its customers using methods such as billboard, online or email advertisements. Holistic Marketing:- (surabhiudas91.wordpress, 2015) Definition of marketing research: - it is defined as collecting, recording and examining the data about problems related to the marketing of goods and services of organisation. It could be gathered through various ways such as online customer surveys, word of mouth, surveys etc. TASK -1 1.1 A.Show MoreRelatedMarketing Mix Of The Four P s Essay1815 Words  | 8 PagesThe marketing mix consist of the four P’s. This includes, Product, Price, Promotion, and Pricing. This element is used to combine, represent, as well as endorse and encourage a brand or product to get customers attention to buy. 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